Subject-Verb Powerpoint

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Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #1
 Plural nouns usually  Singular verbs
end in –s. usually end in –s.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #2
 Singular subjects need singular verbs.

 Examples:
 He washes the dishes.

 A girl in my neighborhood plays in the band.

Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #3
 Plural subjects need plural verbs.

 Examples:
 They wash the dishes.

 Several girls in my neighborhood play in the

Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #4
 Don’t determine the number of a subject
by a word in a phrase or clause
following the subject.

 Examples:
 The apartments across the street (does, do)
have balconies.
 Eli, one of my friends, (was, were) late.
 The planes pulling up to the gate (was,
were) purchased by a movie company.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #5
 Singular Indefinite Pronouns Take
Singular Verbs…
Subject/Verb Agreement
Singular Indefinite Pronouns
Each Either Neither One

Anybody Somebody Nobody Everybody

Anyone Someone No one Everyone

Anything Something Nothing Everything

Subject/Verb Agreement
Singular Indefinite Pronouns
 How to remember these????

 Each, Either, Neither…The ONES, The

Subject/Verb Agreement
Singular Indefinite Pronouns
 Examples
 Each of the athletes (run, runs) effortlessly.
 Neither of the women (is, are) ready to start.
 Someone (was, were) waving a large flag.
 (Does, do) everyone who signed up enjoy
playing tennis.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #5
 Plural Indefinite Pronouns Take Plural
Subject/Verb Agreement
Plural Indefinite Pronouns

Both Several

Few Many
Subject/Verb Agreement
Plural Indefinite Pronouns
 How to remember these????

 Both sisters found mom.


Subject/Verb Agreement
Plural Indefinite Pronouns
 Examples
 (Were, was) both of the games postponed?
 Few that I know of (has, have) qualified.
 Several of the runners (is, are) exercising.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #5
 Singular OR Plural Indefinite Pronouns
can take either singular or plural verbs
depending on how they are used in each
Subject/Verb Agreement
Singular-Plural Pronouns

All Any More

Most None Some

Subject/Verb Agreement
Singular-Plural Pronouns
 How to remember these????

 All Active Men Need More Sports.


Subject/Verb Agreement
Singular-Plural Pronouns
 Examples
 Some of the test (is, are) hard.
 Some of the questions (is, are) hard.
 Most of his routine (sound, sounds)
 Most of his jokes (sound, sounds) familiar.
 (Was, were) any of the feedback positive?
 (Was, were) any of the reviews positive?
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #6
 Two subjects joined by AND take a
plural subject

 Examples:
 George Lucas and Steven Spielberg (make,
makes) movies.
 Rhythm and imagery (helps, help) poets
express their feelings.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #6
 Exception…Compound subjects that
name only one person, thing, or place
take a singular verb.

 Examples:
 My pen pal and best friend (is, are) my
 Macaroni and cheese (is, are) my favorite
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #7
 Subjects joined by OR or NOR…the
verb should agree with the subject
closest to it.

 Neither the children nor the their mother

(were, was) ready for the trip.
 Neither the mother nor her children (were,
was) ready for the trip.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Compound Subjects Examples
 Either Anne or Tony (load, loads) the
 Neither the coach nor the principal (is,
are) happy with the team’s performance.
 Either the boys or their sisters (take,
takes) the garbage out.
 Neither the dogs nor the cats (comes,
come) when we call them.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #8
 Collective nouns may be either singular
or plural, depending on their meaning in
the sentence

 Examples:
 The class (has, have) completed their
 The class (has, have) elected its officers.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #9
 An expression of an amount may be
singular or plural depending on how it’s
used in a sentence.

 Three fourths of the pizza (is, are) gone.

 Of these songs, three fourths (is, are)
Subject/Verb Agreement
Amount Examples
 Two hours (was, were) a long time to
 Thirty dollars (was, were) too much for
a concert ticket.
 Six dollars (was, were) found in the
couch cushions.
 Two hours—one before school and one
after—(is, are) all I have for practice.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #10
 Some nouns that are plural in form that
singular verbs

 “Memories” (is, are) my favorite poem.

 Rickets (are, is) a serious health
concern in some countries.
 The news of the nominee (was, were) a
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule #11
 Subjects preceded by EVERY or MANY
A take singular verbs.

 Every homeowner and storekeeper

(has, have) joined the cleanup.
 Many a litterbug (was, were) surprised
by the stiff fines.

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