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Read and ponder on the following wise sayings from

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it”
“Study the past, if you would divine the future”
“Fix your mind on truth, hold firm to virtue, rely on
loving kindness, and find your recreation in the arts ”
Read, discuss, and analyze these questions
with a partner.

1. Which one do you find as the most relevant

or meaningful for you? Explain why.
2. Why do you think is the significance o f
studying the art history and culture of a
country in attaining holistic development?
Chinese Hailed as the world’s oldest
Culture 2,000 BC, continuous civilization.

Religious and Spiritual


Confucianism , Taoism ,
and Buddhism

Characterized by innate and sacred connection

with nature
Chinese have 3,000 years of history of
painting from 600 C.E. T’ang Dynasty
to the 21st century.

Form of Expression of the art of


Achieving harmony with oneself

and the universe.

Outlook that enlarges one’s

understanding of life.
Vertical hanging
• Used for figure painting and
large-scale landscapes intended
to be viewed simultaneously by a
large group of people.

Solitary Temple Amid Clearing

Li Cheng
Horizontal Scrolls

• Designed to be viewed ne section at a time by

individuals or small groups.
Must have rhythm and movement.
Calligraphy Kalos “beautiful”
Grapho “to write ”

Beautiful handwriting

Traditionally regarded as the highest of all Chinese

art forms.
Chinese landscape paintings are a reflection of the
principles and ideas of Taoism.

Song Dynasty (960-1279)

“The Great Age of Chinese Landscape”
“Golden Era of Chinese Painting”
Kuo Hsi Jing Hao Fan Kuan

Believed that the value of landscape painting is

based on it’s capacity to make viewers feel as if
they were really in the place pictured.
Clearing Autumn Skies over Mountains and Valleys

Realistic impression, inviting you to journey beneath

the trees of an enchanting mountain landscape .
With it’s cultural roots dating back
to ne of the world’s oldest
civilizations, china has a priceless
treasure trove of artistic feats that
reflect the talents, skills, ingenuity,
and diligence of it’s people.
How can Chinese art and
culture best be described ?

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