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• These are also known as blood electrolytes.
• They are basically Na, K, Cl, and HCO3 - and present in our
body are minerals like Mg, Ca and trace elements like Cu, Zn,
Cr etc.
• Electrolytes are present in the human body and the balance
of the electrolytes in our bodies is essential for normal
function of our cells and our organs.
• These electrolytes help in the conduction of the cells.
• Normal range:136-145 mEq/L or mmol/L.
• Na is the most abundant cation in the extracellular fluid.
• The principle role of Na is the regulation of serum osmolality
as well as fluid and acid-base balance.
• The kidneys are the primary organs responsible for controlling
body Na and water.
• Increase in Na conc. (hypernatremia) may indicate impaired
Na excretion or dehydration. A decrease reflect overhydration,
abnormal Na loss, or decreased Na intake.
• Kidney, heart, or pulmonary disease may have difficulty with
Na and water balance, Na conc is often used as an indicator of
fluid status.
• Control of Na by the body is accomplished mainly through the
hormones anti diuretic hormone (ADH)and aldosterone.
• Hyponatremia is cozed by depletion of Na (Na-wasting renal
disease, replacement with nonsaline solution, GI losses, renal
losses, loss of Na through the skin) or dilution of serum Na
(cirrhosis, CHF, renal failure, excess water intake).
• Hypernatremia usually results from a loss of free water
(diabetes insipidus, fluid loss through skin, renal, GI), or
hypotonic fluid or through excessive Na intake(admn of
hypertonic IV solns, drugs high in Na content).
• Normal range:3.5-5.0 mEq/L or mmol/L.
• Potassium is the most abundant intracellular cation.
• Major role is regulation of muscle and nerve excitability. Other
roles include control of intracellular volume, protein synthesis,
enzymatic reaction, and carb metabolism.
• In disorders of K, the CVS is of principle concern as, they are
needed for contraction and conduction.
• The serum K conc is buffered by the body and may be normal
despite total body K loss.K depletion cozes shift of intracellular
K to extracellular fluid to maintain K concs.
• K is regulated by kidneys, aldosterone, arterial pH, insulin,K
intake, Na delivery to the distal tubule.
• Prolonged deprivation of K result in hypokalemia which may
be due to vomiting, diarrhea, laxative abuse, excess use of
• Hyperkalemia results from decreased renal elimination,
excessive intake, from cellular breakdown and due to
metabolic acidosis.
• Normal range:96-106 mEq/L or mmol/L.
• Most abundant extracellular anion; its intracellular conc is
• It is influenced by the extracellular fluid balance and acid-base
• Its absorption is coupled with bicarbonate secretion.
• Hypochloremia is cozed due to metabolic alkalosis or acidosis
cozed by organic or other acids, CRF, fasting, prolonged
diarrhea or vomiting, and diuretic therapy.
• Hyperchloremia can be due to Na water retention, ARF,
dehydration, excess Cl admn.
• Normal range:22-28 mEq/L or mmol/L.
• The CO2 content is the sum of bicarbonate conc and the conc
of CO2 dissolved in the serum.
• The HCO3 /CO2 system is the buffering system to maintain the
pH within the physiological limits.
• They maintain the acid base balance.
• Hypobicarbonatemia is cozed by metabolic acidosis,
hyperventilation, severe diarrhea..
• Hyperbicarbonatemia is cozed by alkalosis, hypoventilation,
pulmonary disease, persistent vomiting.

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