C1L3 Techniques in Selecting and Organizing Information

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•This unit starts by giving you the basic

information about texts because your

awareness of the nature of texts will
guide you in making decisions as to
how you can make your reading and
writing worthwhile and effective.
Text as a Reader-
Writer Subject
Learning Outcome
•Critique a chosen sample of each
pattern of development focusing
on information, selection,
organization, and development.
Reading-Writing Connection
• In the previous lesson, you have learned that
both the reader and the writer are concerned
with text.
• Considering that you will be dealing with the
process of reading and writing in this lesson, it is
just right for you to start with something
common between them – the subject.
Reading-Writing Connection

•A subject is something that is

acted upon.
•Both the reader and the writer act
upon the text they read and write.
•Think about your reading and
writing experience in the
•In what ways are reading and
writing connected?
•Reading and writing are similar
and at the same time different in
many ways.
Stage 1 Pre-reading Strategy: Prewriting Strategy:
activating prior Previewing Generating ideas
Stage 2 Comprehension and Drafting:
During Critical Reading Strategy:
communicating with the Considering the
reader/writer Evaluating the author’s audience and purpose
Stage 3 Assessing Reading Skills: Assessing writing skills:
checking the Writing about a read text Reading the draft
effectiveness of
Reflect Upon
• As you may have noticed, both reading and writing
have a process.
• Stage 1 requires the reader and the writer to
activate their prior knowledge – information
acquired through experience – which is important
for the reader to be able to relate to the ideas in
the reading material and for the writer to the able
to generate useful ideas to write about.
Reflect Upon
• During the actual reading and writing (stage 2),
both reader and writer attempt to communicate
with their audience which is essential for the
reader’s understanding of the text and for the
achievement of the writer’s writing purpose.
• In stage 3, the effectiveness of the tasks
performed is evaluated through comprehension
checking for reading and editing for writing.
Techniques in Selecting
and Organizing
Information in Reading
and Writing
Techniques in Selecting and Organizing
Information in Reading and Writing

•Acquiring skills in reading and writing

means that you should practice using
techniques in selecting and organizing
information from the text that you read and
for the text that you write.
Techniques in Selecting and Organizing
Information in Reading and Writing

• The use of graphic organizers is a useful reading

• In writing, on the other hand, you should be familiar
with the different patterns of development and their
conventions, which have the same components as
the graphic organizers.
Techniques in Selecting and Organizing
Information in Reading and Writing
• You have learned that text is organized in a
particular way.
• This means that every reading material that you will
be encountering must have a particular structure.
• This MUST be a good news for you because trying to
understand the structure itself could be a technique
in comprehending what you learned .
•You will only have to arrange the
ideas in the order they are
presented to you in the text, and
the best part is that you will do this
using charts

•What would be an
easier way to
understand things?


•These pictures – or
charts – are called
•Not used only for writing purposes.
•they are very helpful in making clear the
connections between and among ideas.
•Very useful in discerning the
connection between and among a
writer’s ideas.
corresponding graphic
organizers that readers can
use to check if they have
understood the organization
of ideas of a text that has that
Time Pattern Organizer

•This pattern is used when ideas in a text

need to be arranged chronological order
such as in stories and procedures.
Time Pattern Organizer
Event 1 / Step 1
Description or details of instruction

Event 2 / Step 2
Description or details of instruction

Event 3 / Step 3
Description or details of instruction
Space Pattern Organizer

•This pattern is commonly used in

descriptions to show how an object of
description appears in space (e.g. from
top to bottom, left to right, etc.).
Space Pattern Organizer

Hearing Sight Smell Taste Touch
in Space

e.g., Top

e.g., Bottom
Listing Pattern Organizer

•This pattern is used when the author

provides a series of details that does not
require any order.
Listing Pattern Organizer
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:
Detail 4:
Classification Pattern Organizer

•This pattern is used when the author

divides a group into subgroups or
smaller groups.
Classification Pattern Organizer

Classification Classification Classification

1 2 3

Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics

Examples Examples Examples

Comparison and Contrast
Pattern Organizer

•This pattern is used to show the

similarities and differences of two or
more objects.
•Venn diagram
Comparison and Contrast
Pattern Organizer

Comparable Comparable
Topic 1 Topic 2
Cause-and-Effect Pattern

•This pattern is used when the author

intends to express why something
happened or what resulted from a
particular event that happened.
Cause-and-Effect Pattern
Cause Cause
1 3

Generalization and Example
Pattern Organizer

•This pattern is used when the author

explains a general idea and discusses it
in specific terms using examples.
Generalization and Example
Pattern Organizer
General Idea Statement


Definition Pattern Organizer

•This pattern is used when the author

provides a meaning of a new or difficult
Definition Pattern Organizer

Definition Antonyms

Synonyms Examples
Patterns of Development
•are structures writers use to organize their
•As a writer, you have to be familiar with the
different patterns of development so that
you would know how to connect your ideas
and provide enough details in your writing.
Different Patterns of Development




Comparison and Contrast

Cause and Effect


Patterns of Development
•used to arrange ideas to achieve the writer’s
purpose in writing the text.
•for example, when writers would like to
define a term, that writer would be stating
what the term means to them as the central
idea of the text
Patterns of Development
• In the body of the text, writers would provide examples,
description, and many other facts to support the definition
of the term stated in the thesis.
• Even though the text includes a description, the reader will
still be able to tell that the writer intends to maje the
readers realize that the text is primarily concerned with
defining a term and not merely visualize whatever the word
Patterns of Development
•It determines the central idea of the text.
•If you have many things to say about a topic,
and you cannot decide which idea to focus
on or include in your thesis statement, you
just have to recall your purpose in writing
the text
Patterns of Development
•This way you can decide on which pattern of
development to use.
•Notice the difference between the main idea
of definition and description pattern
Definition Description
Main Idea A personal computer is a My personal computer
general purpose computer looks very futuristic and
that serves as an eye-catching
indispensable tool for college
Patterns of Development
• It also determine how ideas should be arranged in
the body of essay.
• Even though the topic is the same, the two writings
will have different supporting points because
each pattern of organization is designed to fulfill a
specific purpose (to explain what a term means, to
provide a mental picture of the topic.
Patterns of Development

• The definition pattern, for example, requires the

writer to support his or her statement – that a
personal computer in an indispensable tool for
college students – by giving examples, comparing
and contrasting, and giving a description.
Patterns of Development

• On the other hand, the description pattern intends

to provide a mental picture of the writer’s personal
computer (looks very futuristic and eye-catching)
and arranging them in a proper spatial order.
Reflect Upon
• Think about the articles you have read about your
favorite celebrity or a topic you find interesting.
• Do all those articles have the same pattern of
• Are they all written with the same purpose?

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