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Psychological Testing

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 1

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
What is Psychological Testing?
 The measuring of psychology-related
variables by means of devices or
procedures designed to obtain
samples of behavior.

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 2

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Types Of Tests:
 IQ Tests
 Aptitude Tests
 Interest Tests
 Personality Tests

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 3

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Mental Intelligence Tests:
 The Otis Lenon School Ability Test
 The Wonderlic Personnel Test

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 4

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Aptitude Tests:-
 Social Skills Test
 The General Sales Aptitude Test
 The Diplomacy Test of Empathy

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 5

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Do you have good social skills?
50 Question,20 Min

Often sometime Never

o People tell me that I have an uncanny
ability to guess what they are feeling.
□ □ □
o I explain my ideas clearly.
□ □ □
o I smile when I am talking with others. □ □ □
o If someone gives me a genuine apology, I
am able to accept it. □ □ □
o When I am speaking with someone, I
make eye contact. □ □ □
o People tell me that I misunderstand what
they are trying to say.
□ □ □

o My friends seem less than thrilled □ □ □

when I call or visit.

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 6

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Sales Aptitude Test For a
 1- Achievement Scale  11- Assertiveness Scale
 2- Motivation Scale  12- Personal Diplomacy
 3- Competitive Scale Scale
 4- Goals Orientation  13- Extroversion Scale
Scale  14- Cooperativeness
 5- Work Strengths Scale Scale
 6- Planning Scale  15- Inner Resources
 7- Initiative General
Scale  16- Relaxed Style Scale
 8- Team Player Scale  17- Patience Scale
 9- Managerial Scale  18- Self Confidence
 10- Interpersonal Skills

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 7

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Diplomacy Test of Empathy:
Question 1: You are a middle school teacher. One of your students is getting bullied every day for being a
"nerd." Do you:
(a) Suggest to his parents that they enroll him in a social skills class, so that he can learn to act more
like the other students and avoid the bullies' attention;
(b) Punish the bullies and inform their parents that their behavior is unacceptable and must stop;
(c) Ignore the situation because that's just how kids interact and "nerds" are natural targets;
(d) Feel sorry for the "nerd" and tell him that he can hide in the classroom during recess.

Question 2: You are a hiring manager. One applicant clearly has better technical qualifications than
the others. When you interview him, you notice that he rocks in his chair, does not make eye contact,
and speaks in a monotone. Will you:
(a) Hire him because he is the most qualified candidate;
(b) Hire him, even though you think he's creepy, because you're afraid of being sued if you don't;
(c) Talk with your buddy in Human Resources about how to cover your ass when you reject him;
(d) Just tell him flat-out that you don't hire his kind. So what if he sues you? The jury probably won't
like him any more than you do.

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 8

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Question 3: A new family just moved into your neighborhood. Someone tells you that their son is autistic. Do
(a) Warn your kids not to go near the autistic boy because you've heard people like that can be
(b) Don't say anything, but keep a careful eye on your kids whenever they go near the new family's
house, and try to distract them from doing so;
(c) Insist that your kids play with the autistic boy, whether they want to or not, because it's their
charitable duty to befriend the disabled;
(d) Teach your children some basic facts about autism so that they will have a reasonable
understanding of the new neighbor's behavior.

Question 4: You supervise a group of software engineers. One of them, a quiet and shy woman who
always has been a reliable employee, tells you that she just got an Asperger diagnosis and feels
stressed out. She asks you if she can work from home next week. Your response:
(a) Tell her that's fine, and while she's gone, call a staff meeting and warn all her co-workers that she
is mentally unstable;
(b) Say that she can stay home next week and just relax—there's no need to do any work while at
home. Make sure nobody hears the conversation, so that you can fire her for absenteeism;
(c) Grant her request because you know she can be trusted to get the work done;
(d) Helpfully offer to let her telecommute permanently—that'll save you the trouble of having an
autistic employee in your office, and you've heard those people would rather be alone anyway.

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 9

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Question 1: a=3 points, b=10 points, c=0 points, d=6 points.
Question 2: a=10 points, b=6 points, c=3 points, d=0 points.
Question 3: a=0 points, b=3 points, c=6 points, d=10 points.
Question 4: a=3 points, b=0 points, c=10 points, d=6 points.
Question 5: a=10 points, b=3 points, c=6 points, d=0 points.

If your score is:
64-80: Bravo—you are a very fair-minded and enlightened person. Too bad the rest of
society isn't like you.
53-63: You have above average empathy, but it could stand a little improvement.
33-52: Your level of empathy is in the average range. Unfortunately, you are "normal."
0-32: ………………………..???????

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 10

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Interest Tests:-
 The Strong-Campbell Interest
 The Kuder Occupational Interest

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 11

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan
Personality Tests:-
 The Bernreuter Personality Inventory
 The Edwards Personal Preference
 The Multiple Personal Inventory
 The Gordon Personal Profile

12/08/21 Presented By-Priyadarshini,Usha,D 12

heeraj Singhi, Amit Chauhan

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