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Yadgiri, a young lad from country side, came to Hyderabad in search of greener pastures.

For the last one year, he had been eking out a living by working at two or three place as a part time worker. One among

Was a food court located in a high end mall.

One evening , as Yadgiri was entering the food court, the manager yelled at him, “ Hey BBA boy! Someone spilled sambar

On that corner. Why don’t you go and mop it fast?

Seething in rage, Yadgiri grabbed the mop and headed off to clean the spill. Ever since he told some of his co-workers

About joing in BBA program, the manager Mr.Ram started teasing him- calling him-Hey BBA boy. This has become

Routine with him.Imitating the manager, some of his senior coworkers too started calling jim tauntingly,”Hey BBA boy”
Yadgiri has become sick of being called “hey BBA”He is equally feeling bad of Mr.Raman’s taunting.
Over it, Mr. Raman’s overenthusiasm for assigning all dirty jobs to him has become another big
As he was mopping the floor, for a minute, he felt like taking the mop to the manager and telling
him,” Hey, Boss, here is your mop…. Go and clean up your own spills. I am sick of your teasing and
your dirty work. Yes I am going to the college…. Why, someday I may come back as your boss and
shall have some fun then.” But immediately, it dawned on him: aggression would only cause him
more trouble.
No doubt such thoughts made him feel better for a moment, but soon he realised that quitting the
job would be just the worst thing to happen, that too, right then when he needed every paisa that
he could make for the college.
Of course, he was, at the same time aware of the fact that passiveness too led him nowhere.
Once mopping was over and as he had calmed down, Yadgiri thought he should keep his mouth
shut for sometime to come…… may be for a few more moths atleast.
He could not, however, help but to get caught again. He realized that if he didn’t stand up to his
boss, thee teasing would prhaps continue and there would be more and more mopping and more
anger. That’s all what he could have for the rest of his time in the court.
It then suddenly flashed:should assert his rights.
Dumping the mop behind the store, as he was walking towards the frontside of the court, he just
Recalled the presentation his counsellor had given in the induction program six months back--
All about how one could one stand up for one’s rights without creating conflict. Also he rembeered, that she had
Stressed on thee right time and right place for such assertion.
As he came to the front of the court, the manager was talking with a customer.
Yadgiri,waited till Mr. Raman finished his talk and then asked him’”Sir, Can I talk with you in your office for a minute
Looking up curiously, the manager said,” well, why not, you can ….let’s go.”
Ensuring that he got the manager’s undivided attention, while, of course, offering him privacy too—so that the manager
Need not have to bother to impress others or save his face while handling a worker.s complaint—Yadgiri,pulling up his
Courage,looking up in the manager’s eyes with a relaxed stance from a comfortable distance from the manager so that
He won’t appear hostile and threating ,said, “ Manager,Sir, I really feel embarrassed whenever you call me
‘BBA boy’ , Sir, I would lovee to be called as Yadgiri.
Although Yadgiri was boiling inside, he, remembering his counsellor’s lecture, in a calm and clear tone, slowly
Said,” I don’t mind Sir, doing my fair share of the dirty jobs around here But I feel Sir I am getting a lot more mop time
Than anyone in the court.”
Saying all that he had to say, that too using “I” in his statements, he could put across his honest feelings as a matter
Of fact….sans any emotion… giving no room for argument by the manager. The counsellor’s presentation did do all
The trick.
At the same time, to impress upon the manager the importance that he attaches to his relationship with him.
Yadgiri continued his talk: Sir, we were all having a good time all along till at least I share I shared with co-workers
About my joing BBA… I haven’t changed… I would love to go back to the way we weerre in the past…sir.”
As Yadgiri finished his talk, Mr.Raman, the manager… staring at the floor briefly …looking up at Yadgir,
Said… said”Are you finished now… BB…. I mean Yadgiri?”
Yadgiri nodded.
Well, I am sorry”, said Mr. Raman. He shook his head and said: “I didn’t realize that it was so much bothering
You… and however happy I might have been at your joining the college….I guess that’s not the wway of expressing it
Right,I should n’t have taken to it…”
For a moment both of them stood in silence.
Then Yadgirri, joining his palms, saying ,” Namaste sir” attempted to go back to work. Mr. Raman, Keeping his hand on
Yadgiri’s shoulder said: “ let’s get back to work. And no more mopping….and no more mopping ..for tonight

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