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MSc in Advance Nursing Studies

Euthanasia is a the practice of mercifully ending
a person’s life to release the person from an
incurable disease, intolerable suffering, or
undignified death (Cristina Olvera 2005).

Word euthanasia is originated from Greek word

“eu” means good and “thanatos means death
Euthos(easy) + Thanos (dying)
Types of Euthanasia
Physician Assisted Suicide

When the physician tells the patient how to terminate their life.

Active Euthanasia

Where the patient would die sooner as a result of the effect of the treatment.

Passive Euthanasia

Where critical treatment is not provided or is withdrawn to ensure the patients death.

Non Voluntary Euthanasia

Where the decision is taken to terminate by some one else as the patient is not able to communicate
Physician Assisted Suicide
Physician Assisted suicide occurs if the physician tells the patient how to end
his/her life.

The physician can assist in the following ways

1. Prescribing drugs (Lethal or Non Lethal) , which if taken in small or large
quantities would lead to death.
2. Providing apparatus by using which patients can end their life.

 An example of this would be that of “Dr Jack Kevrokian who has assisted in
the deaths of hundreds of patients “ Euthanasia –Mercy Killing Kanquona

Dr Kevrokian would expect his patients to activate the machine to which they
would be attached to which in turn would either deliver a lethal dose of injection
or poisonous gas.
Active Euthanasia
Active Euthanasia occurs when life support is not provided to the patient and
as result this results in the death of the patient

An Example of Active Euthanasia : A patient suffering from Amyotrophic

Lateral Sclerosis (ALS ) and was in the final stage and decided to end his life ,
Dr Jack Kevorkian himself administered drugs which would kill the patient.

This was a departure from the method adopted by Jack Kevorkian as in this case
the patient did not have the ability to active the machine that would take his life.

 For this Dr Kevorkian was charged with second degree murder by a court in the
United States.
Passive Euthanasia
Passive Euthanasia occurs when nothing is done to prolong the patients life or
things which are critical to the survival of the patient is withdrawn.

This can occur in the following ways

• Medication not provided or with drawn which may prolong the life of the

• Food not provided as a result of this patient dies.

• When the heart of the patient has stopped CPR not being provided.

• Life support system switched off as a result of this the patient dies.
In-Voluntary Euthanasia
Involuntary euthanasia occurs when the decision to
end life is taken by some one else as the patient may
not be in a position to make this decision.

An Example of this would be in case of a person who

is in a vegetative state and the decision is taken by
some one else on his/her behalf.
Legal Status of Euthanasia in
Different Countries
It’s a Debate Between Pro-life and
Pro-choice Groups
Pro’s Con’s
Ends Suffering Rejection of importance
Case of individual’s liberty and values of human life.
Provides relief when the Voluntary can lead to
person’s quality of life is low involuntary
Brings happiness to the Life should end naturally
person as it helps him to Pain management should
reduce the burden to his be followed
loved ones Gives physical control over
Frees up medical fund to
other person’s life
help other people
Religious perspective

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