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 Female Reproductive System

 Male Reporductive System
 Erogenous Zones
 Phases of Sexual Response
 Attraction, Love, Attachment
 Sexual Orientation
 Sexually Transmitted Infections
 Early Pregnancy
 Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health
Act of 2010 A.K.A RH Law
Discussion Questions:

1. What is the best way to prevent

teenage pregnancy, controlled or
2. 2. What is your opinion about RH
Sexual Characteristics

Primary Sex Characteristics

– are physical characteristics present
at birth.
Secondary Sex Characteristics
– develop during the onset of puberty
The Female Reproductive System
The Male Reproductive System
1. Clitoris - is extremely sensitive.
2. Vagina - The interior of the vagina, however, does contain
nerve endings, and women report that deep stimulation leads
to more intense orgasms.
3. Cervix - located at the lower end of the uterus, has its own
feel-good nerve pathways. In fact, some research suggests
that the vagina, clitoris, and cervix all respond separately and
distinctly to sexual stimuli. Nerves in the cervix respond
most to pressure stimulation.
4. Mouth and Lips - A recent survey found kissing to be more
important in relationship-building than in sexual arousal.
5. Neck - According to a large international survey of women, both
the nape and back of the neck are among the top 10 erogenous zones.
6. Breasts and Nipples - While both men and women may like to
look at breasts they're not just for show—they play a role in sexual
arousal as well. Turns out nipple stimulation sets fireworks off in the
same region of the brain that processes sensations from the clitoris
and vagina.
7. Ears - Ears are super sensitive to touch, probably due to a large
number of nerve endings, Although there's no science yet to say
why ears are erogenous, it seems to be a fairly common consensus
that they are.
The Erogenous Zones on the
Male Body
1. Penis - penile stimulation significantly contributes to
sexual satisfaction. And while this can be a sensitive
subject, circumcision doesn't appear to decrease sensation
or sexual satisfaction.
2. Mouth and Lips - Highly sensitive, male lips respond to
light touch, temperature, or pressure. Kissing also triggers
a release of hormones involved in intimacy—especially
oxytocin, the so-called "love hormone."
3. Scrotum - Ranked No. in ability to produce sexual
arousal, the scrotum is one of men's most notable
erogenous zones. Lots of nerves mean that this area
is super-sensitive to touch.
The Erogenous Zones on the
Male Body
4. Neck - While touching the neck doesn't appear to be quite
as much of a turn-on for men as for women, it's still ranked
pretty highly on the erogenous zones list. The neck has great
sensitivity to low-frequency vibration, making it a prime spot
for light erotic touch.
5. Nipples - men rank nipples as a definite hot spot.
6. Perineum - he perineum (the area between the anus and
scrotum) is hooked up to perineal nerves, which help convey
sensations of sexual pleasure from the genitals to the brain.
7. Ears - Highly sensitive to touch because of a high number
of sensory receptors,on the skin, the ears are ranked just
behind the scrotum for body parts that help men orgasm when
touched or otherwise stimulated
Heart Rate, Blood Pressure,
Pulse Rate Increases
Love, Attraction &
1. Dopamine - It's responsible for
many functions, including memory, sleep, mood,
pleasurable reward, behavior and cognition.

2. Norepinephrine - Hat is important for

attentiveness, emotions, sleeping, dreaming, and

3. Serotonin - It is believed to help regulate

mood and social behavior, appetite and digestion,
sleep, memory, and sexual desire and function.
4. Oxytocin - It influences social interaction and sexual
reproduction, playing a role in behaviors from maternal attachment
to an infant and milk release to empathy, generosity, and orgasm.

5. Vasopressin - it results in feelings of attachment and

bonding. is another important hormone when it comes to
Sexual Orientation

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