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 1948 American marketing association

Any paid form of non-personal presentation&
promotion of ideas, goods, services, by identified
 Wheeler
Advertising is any paid of non-personal presentation
& promoting of ideas goods and services for the
propose of inducting People to buy
Advertising Vs Marketing

 Marketing
is a process that involves design, creation, research and data mining
about how to best align the idea of a product or service with the target
audience. Marketing helps to define the product even more than the
actual product does.
 Advertising
is the literal process of making a product and service known to an
audience. It is the description used to present the product, idea or
service to the world. This generally entails advertising campaigns in the
media. An advertising campaign uses creative positioning in the media.
Advertising must be timely and used in a specifically strategic way.
Advertising Vs Marketing
 Marketing refers to preparing a  Marketing is a more controlled
product for the marketplace. and wider-reaching process,
Advertising is making your while advertising is specific to
product and service known to brand communication. In a
an audience or marketplace. way, marketing is both research
Advertising is a specific step of and practice, while advertising
marketing. Advertising uses the is straight practice. Marketing
data and research collected by involves consumer behavior
marketing strategies to best and marketing research, while
communicate the brand. advertising involves creative
endeavors like design and
multimedia production.
Advertising Planning Process

 5Ms Process
Mission, Money, Message, Media, Monitoring
 Setting Advertising objectives
 Setting Advertising Budget
 Message Decision
 Media/Selection/Decision
 Evaluating the Comapaign
Setting Advertising Objectives

 Informative(intro the new Product)

 Persuasive
 Reminder
 Reinforcement
 Setting Advertisement Budget
Identified competitor then setting advertising budget
Frequency of time. 2 techniques of budget
Top down Approach-Top level mgt
Bottom up approach-objective, Activities planned cost of
promotion evaluated, total budget cost
Message Decision

 Message Generation-on target audience

 Message evaluation
 Message execution
To create an effective message
 Media Selection
Effective media selection
 Evaluating the Campaign
Check & Balance, Monitoring, Proper Supervision
Audience Analysis

 An individual or group of people who we are

 Deeper understanding of firm current & Potential
 To Improve marketing strategies & customer
experiences, brand perception
 To create successful marketing campaign
Why the companies do Audience Analysis

 Audience preferences need of customer

demographic, age, gender
 Motivation of Audience
with out this there marketing campaign not success,
higher the audience analysis lower the risk
 Types of Analysis
 Brand Analysis
Looking for audience specific brand(i.e.) apple
 Unbranded Analysis
Looking for audience of all types of products (mix
Features steps of Audience Analysis

 Locate your Audience

 Understand the Demographic
 Track affinities
 Find new customer
 Indentify influencer
Locate your audience

 Simplest insight to know about audience in a location place where

people are discussing product/brand
 Understand the Demographic
Age, gender, education, interest, detailed, insight about audience
 Track affinities/ interest
What audience basically care about it
 Find new customer
Understand the existing customer then easily attract new customer
 Indentify Influences
who influences your audience is there any opportunity for paying the
Advertising Life Cycle

 Introduction
Create awareness of product in the mind of the
 Growth
Set advertisement differentiating your product aparat from
your competitors
 Maturity
Remind your customer about your product
 Decline
Cut off their experiences for advertisement
STP 3 steps

 Segmenting
Identify basis for segmenting the market,
develop segment profile, Dividing a market into distinct
groups with needs / characteristic / Behavior variable
 1)Geographic
Divide market into different geographic units
Country wise, Region wise, Population density, Climate
 2)Demographic
Age, gender, interest, education, income level
 3) Psychographic
Social class, life style, personality, Characteristic
4) Occasional

 Different promotion, for different festivals, special

product for special occasion
 5)Benefit sought
Some product has different benefit according to the
customer perception stage rate high, medium, low
rate of selling.
 Requirement for Segmentation
Measureable size purchasing power
Accessible can be reached and served
 1) Differentiation
Your product in terms of customer responses
2) Targeting

 For attraction of potential customer company can

 1) criteria Size
Size should justify segments
 Differences
 Money
 Accessible

 Creating brand image in the mind of the consumer

 How you fit your product in the mind of the consumer
 Types of Positioning
Life Style Positioning
sell image of product Main focus is on life style, aspiration
Cigarette, Tobacco, Alcohol
 The Problem Solver
Focus on one-stop solution for a specific problem
 Product Specification
 Features Sources
 Functional Positioning
focus on quality, price
 Symbolic Positioning
Focus on social status

 Creativity is the soul of advertising and branding. It

is what gives life to messages about products and
services that may otherwise be boring or
insignificant in the hearts and minds of target
customers. Advertisers often turn to advertising
agencies for the design and development of
campaigns and ads, which can lead to tension
regarding the influence of creativity.

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