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On 25 April 1974 the Portuguese Armed Forces Movement overthrew
the Caetano regime and began a process of decolonization in
Portugal’s African and Asian colonies. In East Timor political groups
were organized and given a free rein. In January 1974 the Timorese
Democratic Union (UDT) entered a coalition with the Revolutionary
Front for an Independent Timor (Fretilin). Both parties agreed with the
Portuguese to move towards independence over a three-year period.
The Indonesian military bribed and persuaded several UDT leaders to
organize a coup in August 1975.

But by September Fretilin was in control of virtually all of East Timor. Its
leaders continued to recognize Portuguese sovereignty and called
repeatedly on the Governor to return and oversee the transition to
independence. Lisbon refused and Fretilin’s administration became
the de facto government. On 28 November, with the Indonesian
invasion imminent, Fretilin leaders declared independence, establishing
the Democratic Republic of East Timor.
vOn 7 December 1975 Indonesian armed forces invaded. The invasion
was followed by brutal treatment of the civilian population –
indiscriminate killings and rape in the streets of Dili, with buildings
sacked and burned. By February 1976, with troops spreading out
from the capital to occupy villages to the east and south, East
Timor’s Indonesian-appointed deputy governor, Lopez la Cruz,
admitted that 60,000 East Timorese had been killed. All designs by
Ruy Cinatti. Despite this onslaught the Indonesians controlled only
the coastal and border regions, and areas accessible from the
country’s tiny network of roads. Troop numbers were increased and
draconian controls were imposed on the population, isolating the
territory from the outside world.
Timorese are fiercely proud of
their independence and very
aware of how hard they’ve
ADDhad to fight forADD
TITLE it. They
also quite stoic Add
Add your
in the
face of Add your
words somethingwords honed words
here,according here,according here,according
to your need to decadesto yourof tragedy.
need to to your need to
draw the text draw the text draw the text
In many
box size.
ways, the population
box size. box size.
has been awakened to the
possibilities ahead and that
can explain some of the
frequent internal upheavals.
Timorese Customs
East Timor is a conservative,
largely traditional culture with
strong Christian values.
Elders, church and community
leaders are treated with deference.
As a general rule first names are
only used among close
Otherwise, use “Senhor” (for
men) or “Senhora”(for women).

Add your words here,according to your

need to draw the text box size.Please
read the instructions and more work at
the end of the manual template.

Bits of rock country, hip-flop, rap, and

even reggae can all be heard in East
Timor’s modern music.Guitars are
popular and if there were garages
there would be a lot of garage bands,
especially in Dili. The likurai was
primarily a Tetun dance used to
welcome warriors returning from
battle.Women danced with a small
drum and circled the village
compound where heads taken in
battle were displayed.Today it is
performed by unmarried women as a
courtship dance.The tebedai dance is
a circle dance performed throughout
East Timor and it is accompanied by a

The traditional houses of East Timor vary from the large conical Bunak houses (deuhoto) in the west to the unique
and iconic Fataluku houses in the east. The tall, elongated Fataluku houses have stilts supporting the main living
room and are topped by a high, tapering thatched roof.A few have been built for display purposes, but you’ll find
many still in use on the road to Tutuala and in the region of Lantern and Lospalos.In Oecussi the hills are dotted with
the traditional lopo and ume kebubu houses of the Dawan people, while all the way from Dill to the south coast you’ll
find the circular houses and conical roofs of the Mambat people.In Maliana, capital of the Bobonaro district and
home to the Kemak people you’ll see rectangular stilt houses.
Basket weaving is an
important skill. Along the
coast road between Dill
and Manatuto village,
craft workers hang their
work out by the road to
sell. Manatuto is also
noted for its pottery ADD TITLE
On Atauro Island, directly
north of Dill, a number
of villages have their
own distinct crafts,
including wood carving
and basket work. Arte
Moris, an idiosyncratic
and intriguing art school,
gallery and social center
for a new generation of
Timorese artists.
It’s home to a growing
number of artists in
residence and is on the
must-do list for Dili.

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