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Rohlgem Daryl D.
 To determine what is an adverb, its
uses, forms and how it is applied in a
 To identify adverbs in a sentence and
the words being modified.
 To learn the different types of adverb
and its significance in a sentence.
Pre-test Assessment
Identify the adverbs used in the sentence.

1) Hector always arrives late.

2) Mica and her friends go everywhere
3) They walk quickly to catch the train.
4) Daniza had worked hard for this
5) New York is located north of Philadelphia.
6) The treasure lies underneath the box.
7) Hazzle dances gracefully.
8) The newspaper is bought daily.
9) Jewel forgot her assignment yesterday.
Pre-test Assessment
Identify the adverbs used in the sentence.

1) Hector always arrives late.

2) Mica and her friends go everywhere
3) They walk quickly to catch the train.
4) Daniza had worked hard for this
5) New York is located north of Philadelphia.
6) The treasure lies underneath the box.
7) Hazzle dances gracefully.
8) The newspaper is bought daily.
9) Jewel forgot her assignment yesterday.
It is a word that modifies a
A verb, adjective, clause, another
adverb, or any other type of
D word or phrase.
V A good way to understand
adverbs is to think about them
E as the words that provide
R Specifically, adverbs provide a
description of how, where,
B when, in what manner and to
s what extent something is done
or happens.
A o The teacher had to speak loudly in
D order to be heard.
Loudly modifies the verb
V speak.
o The actors were really bad during
the movie.
E Really modifies the adjective bad.
R o Bea approached the wounded dog

B very slowly.
Very modifies the adverb slowly.
A Adverbs can also modify a phrase,
D clause or sentence. For example:
o My parents will arrive tomorrow.
V Tomorrow modifies the phrase will
Adverbs can also be a group of words.
R For example:

B o We climbed
on the tallest
On the tallest mountain modifies
s the verb climbed.
Identify the adverb used in the sentence
Exercise #1and determine the word being modified.
1. Amanda practiced soccer frequently.
2. She always wanted to be a nurse.
3. Our parents will arrive tomorrow.
4. The show will begin soon.
5. Kara and Mia are reading their books in the
6. My next-door neighbours often visit their
7. Irene plays volleyball on the sidewalk.
8. An incredibly pretty girl sat down beside me.
9. Sittie is happily chattering over there in the
10.We expect rain all week.
Identify the adverb used in the sentence
Exercise #1and determine the word being modified.
1. Amanda practiced soccer frequently.
2. She always wanted to be a nurse.
3. Our parents will arrive tomorrow.
4. The show will begin soon.
5. Kara and Mia are reading their books in the
6. My next-door neighbours often visit their
7. Irene plays volleyball on the sidewalk.
8. An incredibly pretty girl sat down beside me.
9. Sittie is happily chattering over there in the
10.We expect rain all week.
Types of Adverbs
 Adverb of Time
It answers the question “When?”
Adverbs of time include: after, always, before,
during, early, later, never, now, often, rarely,
recently, sometimes, soon, then, today,
tomorrow, usually, yesterday, etc.
Jerry will attend the football game after he
finishes his homework.
(After answers the question: When will Jerry
attend the football game?)
Types of Adverbs
 Adverb of Frequency
It answers the question “How often?”
It is used to express how often something
occurs. Adverbs of frequency include: usually,
always, normally, hourly, monthly, seldom,
rarely, often, etc.
The situation seems to change monthly.
(Monthly answers the question: How often
does the situation change?)
Types of Adverbs
 Adverb of Manner
It answers the question “How?”
Adverbs of manner include: badly, beautifully,
better, bravely, cheerfully, fast, hard, quickly,
slowly, inadequately, healthy, well, etc.
Kate slowly walked over the rocky beach.
(Slowly answers the question: How did Kate
Types of Adverbs
 Adverb of Place
It answers the question “Where?”
Adverbs of place include: above, away, below,
down, here, inside, near, outside, there, up, etc.

Jarelyn placed the boxes above the file cabinet.
(Above answers the question: Where did
Jarelyn place the boxes?)
Types of Adverbs
 Adverb of Degree
It answers the question “How much?”
It describes the strength and intensity at
which something happens. Adverbs of degree
include: almost, completely, enough, entirely,
extremely, hardly, just, little, much, nearly,
quite, rather, very, too, etc.
Moana worked very hard for this test.
(Very answers the question: How hard did
Moana work?)
Types of Adverbs
 Adverb of Purpose
It answers the question “Why?”
It is sometimes called the adverbs of reason.
Adverbs of degree include: so, since, thus,
because, so that, in order to, etc.
Pamela was late, because the teacher arrived

(Because answers the question: Why was

Pamela late?)
Identify the adverb used in the sentence
Exercise #2and determine the type of adverb used.
1. The dinner party went badly.
2. They travelled down the
3. I visit my best friend weekly.
4. I have to go now.
5. I was sick, thus didn’t go to work
6. Regine, move forward to the front of
the queue, please.
7. She arrives early at school.
Identify the adverb used in the sentence
Exercise #2and determine the type of adverb used.
1. The dinner party went badly. – Manner
2. They travelled down the mountainside. –
3. I visit my best friend weekly. – Frequency
4. I have to go now. – Time
5. I was sick, thus didn’t go to work today. –
6. Regine, move forward to the front of the
queue, please. – Place
7. She arrives early at school. – Time
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