Rebrand and Relaunch Hydrox Cookies

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Instructor Name : Allison Chad
Target Market profile

Geographic’s Region is Vancouver and GMA of Vancouver is 650.000 and density of
(region, GMA, Vancouver is 405.00.

Demographics I mainly focus on the generation z group and both male and female. As
(age, gender, people of that generation enrolled in the profession of students,
income, occupation, businessman and sport person.
ed., etc.)

Psychographics I mainly target those people through this who are extrovert as well as
(personality traits, introvert. They like to do adventurous activities and outdoor activities
values, hobbies, as well.

Behaviouristics My cookie will be loved by every person as it become the part of their
(usage rate, benefit, every meal.
loyalty, etc.)

This is Arshdeep Chaudhry and he is 18 years old. He loves to eat cookie.

Whenever someone go for shopping or grocery, he always asks them to bring
cookies. He loves to do outdoor activities and he has extrovert personality.
Consumer Product is Hydrox

 Convenience YES
 Shopping YES
 Specialty YES
 Unsought NO
 The UK International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) introduced and created the
most common classification system in use today, at least in English language
websites. One of the conditions of the cookie law is that sufficient
information about the use of cookies must be provided to users to be able to
give or withhold their consent. Although there are no specific requirements as
to how this data should be presented, it is generally agreed that different
types of cookies can be categorized into groups based on their intent.

Re-creating Hydrox through a name
 Sure, through a name change, I can re-create Hydrox. That's why a title for a change would make it
easier for the owners to re-introduce the items among target audiences. The new brand name could
be based on food like "Vigor Cookie." The cookie will look head-to-head at Oreo's products on the
target market • Changing the brand name would make the Hydrox cookie an original item. The
patrons would therefore agree to use "Vigor Cookie" as a new marketplace cookie. • The newest
brand name would also soon reduce Hydrox's negative brand price. • In comparison to previous
product metaphors, vigor cookies as a new brand would also fascinate new customers efficiently.
 Possible Brand Names Creamy Burry Cookie
 Butter cookies
 Creamy cookies
 Double brick cookie
 Cream burry cookie
 Sunshine Biscuits
 Carvel ice-cream
 Oreo cookies

FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS: In a cool and dry location, the

material should be processed.
Material should also be kept out of
direct sunlight.

COMMUNICATION VALUE: The material should be packaged with

the outer cardboxes in various packages
such as big, medium and small.
Reason for Name choice

 It wasn't for subsequently countless eons that the distinctive Hydrox people
had remembered. Oreos chose Hydrox for a number of reasons. Due to the
fact that the Hydrox white cream was not as sweetened and the cookies had a
duskier chocolate flavor and were restored crunchier to submerge in milk.
The content of a Hydrox cookie is a bit different, apart from the cookie taste.
The filling is slightly sweeter, but for me the inclusive consistency in a Hydrox
is stronger than in an Oreo cookie, it's less sweet general. Similarly, a Hydrox's
crunchiness is somewhat better than an Oreo's.
Branded Packaging
 A big change can cause you to lose trust among your customers for a newly
established brand.
 In view of this, a drastic change could either boost the entire company or
bring it down.
 But a positive change would certainly help in the long run for a well-
established company.
 As we all know, packaging is what distinguishes a brand on the shelves and
what is most identifiable about a product for the customer..
Define, Determine and Ultimately drive
Brand Influence’
 Trustworthiness as cookies is fun in nutrients and it is a merchandise of superiority. The cookie
depiction is placed at the top and is also puffy to display texture with the brand name.
 As a kid, Hydrox was the only sandwich cookie in the home of Ellia Kassoff. Not Oreos. The
cookies that predate Oreo could challenge their former rival.
Leading edge
 Interested buyers were able to pay U.S. $275. Patent & Trademark Office for the trademark
application. Under federal law, if it is not used for three years, a brand will return to the public
Corporate citizenship
 We say that they have tried to make it difficult to find our cookies nationally in stores in hopes
of decreasing sales volume and discontinuing us.
 Many of you have been great to take photos over the past few years when you see hydroxcookies
moving or blocking from store shelves and we really appreciate your support.

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