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Academic Year 2019 - 2020 (B.E.

YEAR, semester) 3rd 5th


CBR (California Bearing Ratio IS : 2720 – Used in evaluating the strength of the compacted soil.
1 CBR Machine
XVI Used in pavement design for both roads and airfields.
The aggregate get crushed, by movement of roller during construction or due to heavy wheel loads.
They must therefore be strong enough to support these loads.
Compression testing machine , Cylindrical mould 15cm Crushing value test measure the strength.
IS : 2386 - IV
2 Aggregate Crushing Test dia., Tamping rod 16mm dia. 45-60cm long , Balance , IS It gives relative measures of the resistance of on aggregate crushing under gradually applied
Sieves , dial gauge. compressive load.
Aggregate used in road construction must be strong enough to withstand crushing under roller and
Impact testing machine , A cylindrical steel cup with Aggregate in pavement are also subjected to impact/blows of wheels, specially at irregularities in roads
internal dia 102mm , depth 50mm,A cylindrical metal IS : 2386 - IV resulting in their breaking down into smaller pieces.
3 Aggregate Impact Test measure internal dia 75mm, depth 50mm,Tamping rod, It helps in determining the resistance of stones to fracture or break down under shock and impact.
Balance , IS sieves. It measures “Toughness” of the aggregate.
The aggregate to be used for wearing course of pavement must have certain hardness against abrasive
Los angeles abrasion testing machine , Balance , Set of
IS : 2386 - IV The soil particles between the pneumatic tyres of the moving vehicles and the road surface causes
4 Los Angeles Abrasion Test standard sieves , Drying oven , Steel balls having
abrasion of road aggregates. The steel reamed wheels of animals drawn vehicles also cause considerable
dia 4.8cm , weight 390-445gm
abrasion of the road surface.
Road aggregate should be hard enough to resist the abrasion.
Flaky and elongated stones pieces produce unstable and weak mix. They are usually unsuitable for road
Flaky are those having least dimension (thickness)smaller than 0.6times the mean dimension of
Flakiness Index And Elongation A standard thickness gauge , A standard length gauge , IS : 2386 - I aggregate.
5 IS sieves of sizes 63,50,40,31.5,25,20,16,12.5,10,6.3mm. Elongated are those having greater dimension (length) greater than 1.8 times of the mean dimension of
the aggregate.
It is difficult to get edges of flaky particles coated with bitumen in premixes elongated particles have
poor strength and create problem during compaction
Marshall test method is a most common and convenient method of bituminous mix design.
Marshall stability test apparatus. ASTM : D-
6 Marshall Stability Test 1559(8)
In design of bituminous mixes, this test determines the two important properties of strength and
It is desirable to know specific gravity of the bitumen used, for making volume correction when volume
IS: 1202-
7 Specific Gravity Test Pycnometer or specific gravity bottle.
measurements are made at high temperature.
It is also used as one of the factor determining of voids in compacted bituminous paving mixes.
This test is used for classification of bitumen grade and for evaluating consistency of bituminous
8 Penetration Test For Bitumen Penetrometer. IS:1203-1978
The penetration value as such has identification character and bears no quality statement.
The lower the value of penetration, the harder or more viscous is the bitumen.
The softening point of bitumen is the temperature at which the substance attains a particular degree of
IS:1205 &
IS:334 -1982
9 Softening Point Test For Bitumen Ring and ball apparatus. Determination of softening point helps to know the temperature up to which a bituminous binder should
be heated to have sufficient fluidity for application in road use.
This test is another measure of consistency, and is also called “Ring and Ball Test”.
 Ductility is the important characteristic of bitumen. A ductile material is one which elongated when in
IS:1208-1978 tension. Since road bituminous should be elastic to overcome the surface movement.
10 Ductility Test For Bitumen Standard ductilometer.
 Ductility is define as the distance in cm, to which a standard or briquette of the material will be
elongated without breaking.
The “Fire Point” of bitumen indicates the temperature to which the material may be safety heated
Flash And Fire Test For Bitumen Pensky-martens closed tester. IS:1209 without danger of instantaneous flash, in the presence of a open flame.
11 This temperature however is usually well below that at which the material will burn.
This temperature is called “Fire Point”.
This test is done to determine the specific gravity of semi-solid bitumen road tars, creosote and
Specific Gravity Test For Specific gravity bottle, anthracene oil.
12 Bitumen Balance, Bitumen binder has specific gravity in the range of 0.97 to 1.02.
Distilled water. Specific gravity tests are useful in making volume correction based on temperature.

It is measure of the resistance to flow.

Viscosity Test For Bitumen IS:1206-1978
13 Saybolt Viscometer and Bath. Higher the viscosity of liquid bitumen, the more nearly it approaches a semi-solid state in consistency.
Saymbol furol viscosity test is used to determine viscosity of liquid bitumen.

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