Region 4B

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MIMAROPA is the acronym for: CAPITAL


-officially known as the
Southwestern Tagalog
Region, is an
administrative region in
the Philippines. It was also
formerly designated as
Region IV-B until 2016. It
is one of two regions in
the country having no
land border with another
region (the other being
Eastern Visayas).
- MIMAROPA is envisioned as
the food basket for the country
and a haven for tourism,
industry, and technology. It is
dubbed as the "Treasure Trove
of Southern Luzon." and is
known for its marble products,
handicrafts made from
indigenous materials, and
fruits such as bananas, cashew,
and mangoes.
• MIMAROPA Region, together with CALABARZON, were
officially created with the partitioning of Region IV
(Southern Tagalog) into the two regions on 17 May
2002 with the issuance of Executive Order No. 103 by
then-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo; for the
purpose of promoting efficiency in the government,
accelerating social and economic development and
improving public services in the provinces covered.
Region IV-B was designated as MIMAROPA, which
stands for the island provinces belonging to the
Southern Tagalog region.
• Executive Order 429 was issued, moving the province
of Palawan to the region of Western Visayas,
designating Region IV-B as MIMARO. However,
Palawan residents criticized the move, citing a lack of
consultation, with most residents in Puerto Princesa
and nearly all municipalities preferring to stay with
Region IV-B. Consequently, Administrative Order No.
129 was issued on 19 August 2005 to address this
backlash. This order directed the abeyance of
Executive Order 429 pending the approval of an
implementation plan for the orderly transfer of
Palawan from Mimaropa to Region VI.
• The 2010 Philippine Census of
Population reported the region's
name as "MIMAROPA" and included
Palawan as part of the region.As of
2014, it is not clear whether the
transfer of Palawan to Western
Visayas is still considered pending by
the Philippine government. As of
2014, the National Statistical
Coordinating Board of the
Philippines continued to list Palawan
province as part of the Mimaropa
• Boac
• Buenavista
• Gasan
• Mogpog
• Santa Cruz
• Torrijos
The capital of the province. Although the second most populous after Santa
Cruz, Boac remains the center of industry, culture, economy and education.
Most of government and private offices are in the municipality of Boac. It also
borders all the five municipalities. Mogpog to the North, Santa Cruz to the
Northeast, Torrijos to the East, Buenavista to the South and Gasan to the
Southwest. Boac is named after the Tagalog word, biak, which means divided,
due to the Boac River dividing the town in the geographic north and south.
The Cultural Nerve Center of the province. Dubbed as one of the cleanest and
greenest municipalities in the Philippines, Gasan's land area covers a forest
reserve in the eastern part. It is also the gateway to the island of Mindoro.
Handicrafts and the famous Kalutang boasts from the town of Gasan. It was
named after gasang-gasang, a local term for corals found in the municipality.
The smallest of the six municipalities. It was once part of the
municipality of Gasan known as Sabang. It was named such
because of the "good view" of the Tablas Strait and offshore
Named after three purported origins; 1) from Gen. Torrijos, 2)
from torrillos, referring to the cows which pastured in its vast
plains, and 3) from torre y hijos, referring to the watchtower
men guarding the parish. Torrijos is deemed to be the
summer Capital of the Province and known for locally-grown
Santa Cruz
The largest of all the six municipalities both in land
area and population. It is considered as a secondary
municipality after Boac (since it is the capital).
Together with Boac, it is also a first-class municipality
with established industries and commercial routines.
The Primary Gateway of the Province through the
Balanacan Port. It is the original home of the Moriones
Lenten Rites and Kangga Festiva. Mogpog was
named after the Tagalog word, mag-aapog or kiln
makers abundant in the municipality
• The province of Marinduque was ranked number 1 by the
Philippine National Police and Philippine Security Forces as the
2013 Most Peaceful Province of the country due to its low
crime rate statistics alternately ranking with the province of
Batanes yearly. Furthermore, for almost 200 years, the
province is home to one of the oldest religious festivals of the
country, the Moriones celebrated annually every Holy Week.
• The most accepted theory of the etymology of the province's
name is a Hispanized corruption of either malindig or
malindug, which means "stand tall" or "elegant", in reference
to a potentially active volcano in the southern section of the
island, the Mount Malindig.
• Like any other place in the world,
it is unsafe to flash all your
money or belongings in public, or
leave them sitting around
unattended. Marinduque has a
very small crime rate, in fact one
of the smallest in the Philippines,
But this doesn't mean you should
leave all your stuff hanging
around. It's wise to take care of
your stuff wherever you go in the
world as you travel.
• White Beach is located in Barangay Poctoy within the
municipality of Torrijos. Poctoy's white beach is one of
the finest beach's on the Marinduque Mainland, Their
your surrounded by clean clear, deep water and warm
happy locals. The area is also a hangout for the local
community, where you can spend the night singing
karaoke or talking and meeting the locals. Not only is it
a Social area, it also doubles as a small market area in
the day. You can purchase the latest Catch of Fish from
the Fishermen, you can buy products from the Sari-Sari
store or sit back and drink a beer at the adjacent
•Tres Reyes Islands - The Tres Reyes Islands (Also
Known as the "Three Kings") is a chain of 3 Islands
off the coast of Gasan. The main island is known as
"Gaspar Island", It is famous for it's always empty
beach's, perfectly white sand and amazing diving
and clear azure warm water. The beautiful islands
can be accessed via boat only, you must organise a
boat trip with one of the Resorts along the
coastline or with a local fisherman. Don't be scared
to haggle with either of the two, as long as you're
• Bathala Caves - The Bathala Caves are one of the famed sites of
Marinduque, this Massive cave system is located in the mountains of
Santa Cruz on private Property. You must ask the owners of the
property to access the Caves, they usually charge a small fee. It is wise
to have a guided tour if it's your first time, as you have to climb and
hike some fairly rugged landscapes. There would be an additional fee
for a guided tour. The Caves offer an amazing view, especially during
sunset and sunrise when the Cave (named - The Cathedral) lights up
entirely, showing off its amazing lines. The Python cave is also a must
see, although if you have a fear of snakes you better skip it. It is a large
system of caves with Rock Pythons living in the walls and areas, but do
not fear as they are relatively harmless as long as you don't do
anything to upset them (don't worry, the Guides keep you fairly far
from the action anyway).
• - Red Mountain is the site of the Battle of Pulang Lupa in
the Filipino-American War. After a long hike to the top, you
will be rewarded with a full 360 degree view of the
surrounding Marinduque Area and valleys. The name "Red
Mountain" was attributed to the amount of blood that was
shed in the fierce battle involving Filipino and American
forces during the Filipino-American war. The Filipino forces
won that battle and a memorial was built to commemorate
the historical event. Hiking to the memorial may prove to
be a challenge particularly on hot days. However, visitors
can access half the track up to the Main Memorial with a
vehicle, but the hike is still difficult to those not in the best
of shape.
•The Moriones is a lenten rites held annually
on Holy Week on the island of Marinduque,
Philippines. The "Moriones" are men and
women in costumes and masks replicating
the garb of biblical Roman soldiers as
interpreted by local folks. The Moriones or
Moryonan tradition has inspired the
creation of other festivals in the Philippines
where cultural practices or folk history is
turned into street festivals.
• The unique name of the festival is
derived from the armor worn by
Roman soldiers. In the context of
Philippines’ festivals, however, the
word makes reference to the locals
who play dress up adorning the
costumes that Roman soldiers wore
in past Biblical times.
• The term Moriones was concocted by the media in
the 1960s, but local inhabitants have kept the
original term Moryonan. Many practitioners are
farmers and fishermen that engage in this age-old
tradition as a vow of penance or thanksgiving.
Legend has it that Longinus pierced the side of the
crucified Christ. The blood that spurted forth
touched his blind eye and fully restored his sight.
This miracle converted Longinus to Christianity and
earned the ire of his fellow centurions. The re-
enactment reaches its climax when Longinus is
caught and beheaded.
• Its main islands include Tablas, the largest, which
covers nine municipalities, Sibuyan with its three
towns, as well as the smaller island municipalities of
Corcuera, Banton, Concepcion, San Jose, and
Romblon, the provincial capital. The province lies
south of Marinduque and Quezon, east of Oriental
Mindoro, north of Aklan and Capiz, and west of
Masbate. According to the 2015 census, it has a
total population of 292,781.
• Currently, the province relies on agriculture,
particularly rice and copra farming as well as fishing,
for its livelihood. It also has a lucrative marble
industry due to an abundance of Italian-quality
marble, hence, its moniker as the "Marble Capital of
the Philippines." In recent years, the province has
also become an ecotourism,destination, with
several white sand beaches, diving spots, mountains
and rainforests that tourists visit annually.
Cresta de Gallo
Cresta de Gallo Island is one of the best tourist spots in
Romblon situated off the east coasts of Sibuyan Island.
The island has a very unique and interesting features.
On one end is like a small island and on the other is a
bigger island and they are being connected by a long
strip of sandbar, then on both ends, there is another
sandbar! This 5-hectare paradise island is best known
for its powdery white sand, long stretch of sandbars,
rock formations, picture-perfect views, turquoise and
crystal clear waters. It is an unexploited island at its
raw natural form without any developments. Beach
camping is best here but visitors must bring everything.
Mount Guiting-Guiting
• Mount Guiting-Guiting is one of the popular tourist
spots in Romblon rising 2,058+ meters above sea level
in the middle of Sibuyan Island. The mountain is
covered with thick forests and a home of numerous
endemic flora and fauna. For mountaineers, it is one of
the most difficult and challenging to climb among
several other Philippine mountains. The climb features
a rocky trail passing through steep and jagged ridges
which few are named Knife Ridge, Kiss the Wall and
Peak of Deception were said to be impassable when
slippery. A guide and a 3-day itinerary is advised
Cantingas River
• Cantingas River is one of the main tourist spots in
Romblon which is recognized as one of the cleanest
rivers in the Philippines. The river has a clean and
refreshing waters where-in visitors can enjoy the wide
natural pool. It is a favorite hang-out destination for
tourists and locals to quench the thirst of swimming in
a freshwater pool. For thriller seekers, built on one
side of the river is a concrete diving platforms on
different high levels enough to pump some adrenaline
rush. Cantingas River also supplies high percentage of
electricity of the island though hydro-electric power
plant built near the area.
• Kanidugan Festival (Coconut Festival) is an annual
festival celebrated in every month of April, foundation
day of Odiongan and to honor Saint Vincent Ferrer
(the patron saint of Odiongan, Romblon.)
• The Municipality of Odiongan, celebrates this special
day in the whole week, started by a Biniray (fluvial
parade) in Brgy. Tabin-Dagat on the first day;
pasagudar (dancing and party all night) on the second
day; the civic affairs celebrates Miss Agency on the
third day
• Mindoro
• Mindoro came from the Spanish term “Mina de Oro” or
Mine of Gold. It is an island in the Southwestern part of
Luzon and facing the West Philippine Sea. Chinese
merchants used to engage the barter trades with the
natives before the Spaniards colonized the country.
• During the early years of civilization, gold was the prime
commodity of the place. Nowadays, the government
and environmental groups discouraged the gold mining
and other forms of excavating activity on the island. The
residents of the area are known as Mindoreneos.
• The province occupies the western half of
the island of Mindoro. Its capital is
Mamburao but the largest municipality is
San Jose. As of 2015, Occidental Mindoro
has 487,414 inhabitants.
• The province is bordered on the east by
the province of Oriental Mindoro, and on
the south by the Mindoro Strait. The
South China Sea is to the west of the
province and Palawan is located to the
southwest, across the Mindoro Strait.
Batangas is to the north, separated by the
Verde Island Passage, a protected marine
area and the center of the center of the
world's marine biodiversity.
• Mindoro Island was originally known to the ancients
as Ma-i. It was formally called Mait, and known to
the Chinese traders before the coming of the
Spanish. Its existence was mentioned in the old
Chinese chronicles in 775 A.D. and more elaborately
in 1225. It was a major anchorage in the Southeast
Asia trade route during the pre-Philippines period.
Chinese, Arab and Indian merchants traded with the
natives. In 1570, the Spanish began to explore the
island and named it Mina de Oro ("mine of gold")
after finding some of the precious metal, though no
major gold discoveries were ever made.
The Mount Calavite Wildlife
• At the northwestern tip of Mindoro lies the Calavite
Wildlife Sanctuary, a well-protected area serving as
home to endemic animal species including the
Tamaraws of Mindoro. Hornbill, and the Bleeding
Heart Bird. In the Mount Calavite Wildlife Sanctuary,
the Tamaraws are foraging through the forests and
grasslands of the mountain. They live harmoniously
with the deer and the wild boars. A visitor of the
place can have a 360-degree view of the West
Philippines, Verde Island Passage, Lubang Island, and
the mountain ranges of northern Mindoro
Apo Reef Natural Park
• Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro
• One of the must-visit sights in the province is the Apo
Reef, the country’s largest coral reef system and world’s
second largest, next to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Its
bountiful marine life has 500 diverse fish species—
sharks, barracudas, name it. Even if you are a non-
diver, you'll still be able see the underwater wonders by
snorkeling. You can also try other water activities like
kayaking, dolphin-watching, or lagoon-rafting. But the
best way to experience Apo Reef is to camp on the
beach overnight.
Grace Island Resort
• Grace Island Resort might be the best island resort in
Occidental Mindoro. It has clean sand beach and clear
waters but what attracts the most are its floating
cottages. This is a very private paradise perfect for family
or couples. In your floating cottage’s balcony, you can
just jump into the water and enjoy swimming then back
to your cottage. They also have mini banana boat,
zipline, and jetski. One can also visit their bird and
marine sanctuary. Explore more of the island and you
will surely want to stay longer. Their staffs are known to
be very accommodating so one can easily approach
•Arawatan is a Mangyan term for unity and
•Arawatan festival mainly took place at the
Mamburao Capitol Plaza compound
•The event showcases the rich cultural heritage of
the indigenous people, specifically that of the
Mangyan people, through activities such as street
dancing, exhibits and cultural shows.
Oriental Mindoro is touted as the
country's emerging eco-tourism
destination. In 2005, the Philippines was
found to be the center of marine fish
biodiversity and the home of the most
diverse marine ecosystem in the world, by
American biologists Kent Carpenter and
Victor Springer. Most of the endemic
pecies in the Philippines are found in the
Verde Island Passage between Mindoro
island and the main island of Luzon. The
passage houses 2,983 individual species
of algae, corals, crustaceans, mollusks,
fishes, marine reptiles, and marine
mammals, based on a study conducted by
Carpenter and Springer in 2005.
•UNESCO declared Puerto Galera a biosphere
reserve under its Man and the Biosphere
Programme in the 1970s. The Verde Island
Passage is at the apex of the so-called Coral
Triangle – the Philippines, Indonesia, and
Malaysia – which has the distinction of being
the "center of the center of the world's marine
biodiversity" and the "center of the center of
marine shorefish biodiversity”
Islands of Bulalacao
•Located at Bulalacao, Oriental MINDORO.
•Situated at the southernmost part of Oriental
Mindoro, the town of Bulalacao takes pride in its
unexplored islets such as Target, Aslom, Suguicay,
Liawagao, Tambaron, Maasin, Pocanil, Sibalat and
Buyayao. Each will dazzle you with its own
unique charm. You can soak up the sun on the
tranquil white sand shores for free, but most of
them do not allow overnight stays.
It is popular because the place is the cultural hotspot.
Bulalacao is the home of a greater number of Hanunuo
tribe which is one of the seven ethnic groups of the
Mangyans in Mindoro. The Hanunuos preserved their
old ways of life including their form of writing.
• The town of Bulalacao is rapidly gaining popularity for
swimming and picnic gatherings because of its many
islands that are surrounded by gorgeous beaches. The
main island attractions include Tambaron Island,
Suguicay Island, and Aslom Island.
• Located at Gloria, Oriental MINDORO.
• Unlike the usual waterfalls where there is a view of the
sky, you only see intertwining trees when you look up
from Walang Langit Falls. In the early 1990s, a thick forest
used to cover this place, blocking the light from passing
through—hence, “walang langit” (no sky). Getting to the
falls requires a trek that lasts between 45 minutes and an
hour on shallow streams, high boulders, and a narrow
passageway. Once you reach the falls, you will feel like
you are inside a cave surrounded by tall cliffs and trees
with only a small opening in its ceiling, allowing the
sunlight to pass through.
• Tracing its roots from the mythical founding of Pinamalayan, the Bahaghari Festival is
a reflection of the first Pinamalayeños' joy and thanksgiving for the divine guidance
of a rainbow that guided them through a raging sea towards a land of promise and
bounty. This "Celebration of Colors" represents the vivid flavors of Pinamalayan that
are as varied and mesmerizing as rainbow hues.
• According to an old story, the early settlers of Pinamalayan came from Marinduque.
While on their way to Mindoro using their boats, they encountered turbulent
weather and lost their direction. They prayed to God Almighty for deliverance and
guidance so the weather cleared and a rainbow appeared on the horizon. The crew
shouted ipinamalay meaning “it was made known”. They followed the direction of
the rainbow and landed at what is now Barangay Lumangbayan and established the
first settlement which they named Pinamalayan.
• The rainbow became the historical landmark of the town. The yearly Bahaghari
Festival is a colorful commemoration of the importance of the rainbow in the history
of the town of Pinamalayan. The celebration includes a street dancing competition,
cultural presentations, religious and cultural activities, products and trade fair. Like
the rainbow which rises to give color in the sky after the torrent of rain, the
Bahaghari Festival is a reflection of the continuing effort of the people of
Pinalamayan that there is truly paradise at the end of the rainbow.
Nickname: Philippines’
Last Frontier and
Philippines’ Best Island
Capital: Puerto Princesa
• The province is composed of the long and narrow Palawan Island, plus a
number of other smaller islands surrounding it, totalling roughly 1,780 islands
and islets. The Calamianes Group of Islands to the northeast consists of
Busuanga, Coron, Culion, and Linapacan islands. Balabac Island is located off
the southern tip, separated from Borneo by the Balabac Strait. In addition,
Palawan covers the Cuyo Islands in the Sulu Sea. The disputed Spratly Islands,
located a few hundred kilometres to the west, are considered part of Palawan
by the Philippines, and is locally called the "Kalayaan Group of Islands".
• Palawan waters are among the best in the world, not only for diving but also
for fishing. A diver's paradise, it has miles of sub-surface coral and rainbow reef
walls which surround the coasts and coves teeming with rich marine life. The El
Nido Marine Reserve in Miniloc, El Nido, occupying an area of 96,000 hectares,
is a popular nature spot in the province. It boasts of diverse ecosystems, such
as rainforests, mangroves, white sand beaches, coral reefs, and limestone reefs
as well as a variety of fishes, like manta ray and the sea cow or "dugong"
known as the world's rarest marine mammal.
Calauit Game Preserve and Wildlife
A game reserve and wildlife sanctuary of exotic African animals
and endangered endemic animals of Palawan. The reserve was
established on August 31, 1976 by virtue of the Presidential
Decree No. 1578,.This was initiated in response to the appeal of
the International Union for the Conservation of Nature to help
save African wildlife when former President Ferdinand Marcos
attended the 3rd World Conference in Kenya. By virtue of the
Republic Act 7611 (SEP), administrative jurisdiction of DENR was
given to the local government of Palawan,effective December 31,
1993. Management of the area is the responsibility of the Office
of the Palawan Council of Sustainable Development (PCSD). It is
located in Calauit Island in Busuanga.
Coron Reefs, Coron Bay, Busuanga
• Seven lakes surrounded by craggy limestone cliffs attract
hundreds of nature lovers to Coron Reefs in Northern Palawan,
near the town of Coron. Busuanga Island, whose main town is
Coron, is the jump-off point for numerous dive operators. The
principal dive sites are 12 World War II Japanese shipwrecks
sunk on September 24, 1944 by US Navy action. They range in
depth from the surface to 40 meters. This large variety offers
exciting wreck exploration for enthusiasts, from novice divers
and snorkelers and recreational divers to experienced TEC
• The aquatic views from the sunken Japanese warships off
Coron Island are listed in Forbes Traveler Magazine's top 10
best scuba sites in the world.
Tubbataha Reef Marine Park
•The Tubbataha Reef Marine Park covers 332 km2,
including the North and South Reefs. It is a unique
example of an atoll reef with a very high density
of marine species; the North Islet serving as a
nesting site for birds and marine turtles. The site
is an excellent example of a pristine coral reef
with a spectacular 100 m perpendicular wall,
extensive lagoons and two coral islands.
• The Kulambo Festival is a celebration that is conducted
every 15th up to the 18th day of March.
• This event is hosted by the town of El Nido – one of the
most famous and unique islands in the province of
• The top attraction during this event is the eye-catching
costumes of the participants of the street parade who
utilized the use of kulambo, which is also known as
mosquito nets, in their attire.
• The town fiesta is marked by dancing, singing, and large
gatherings and presentation of various types of
delicacies in the area.

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