CM 2012-2013 Teacher Training General and Piano Syllabus

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Certificate of Merit

Teacher Training
 July 31: MTAC dues must be paid to
qualify for CM participation
 September 15: Registration Opens
 August 31: Last day to transfer to a different
MTAC Branch for CM participation
 September 15: CM database opens for
 November 15: Registration Closes - No
 November 16: CM fees are due to Branch
 January 2: Repertoire Entry begins. Branch
Chair will announce deadline
 January 15: Deadline for Panel Repertoire
 January 15: Deadline for Panel Applicants to
revert to Non-Panel status
 March 15: Panel Applicants must have
completed theory tests at their home Branch
 February 16-April 7: CM Evaluations
 April 8: Theory tests may be returned to
 April 15: Convention Application Deadline.
No exceptions!
 April 15: Deadline to apply for MUPs, high
school students only who have valid
 May 15: Deadline for MUPs to be
 May 31: Last day to report errors in
student results in CM database
 June 1: Convention recital schedules
posted online
 April16th and August 31st: Teachers
may transfer to another Branch
 June 28-July 2: MTAC Convention,
Santa Clara
 Go to
◦ Log In with your username and
◦ Click Edit Teacher Info
◦ Make necessary changes
◦ Click Submit
 State Board: President, Vice Presidents,
Treasurer, Secretaries, Directors
◦ Oversee all aspects of MTAC, including finances, State
Office, all committees and programs
 State Office: Paid staff members
◦ Manage sales of items, contracts for paid work, collect
dues, collect and distribute program fees, etc.
 CM Council: 21-member committee of volunteers
◦ Coordinate all non-financial aspects of the CM Program,
including evaluations, test writing, Convention recitals,
 Parents ask Teacher
 Teacher asks Branch CM Chair
 Branch Chair asks CM Council
member for program in question
 CM Council members ask CM
 CM questions should not be directed
to the State Office or State Board
 After
April 15, a teacher may
communicate directly with a CM
Council Recital Chair regarding a
student’s Convention Performance.
 Parent to Teacher
◦ Teacher can answer most parent questions
◦ Teacher knows the student’s history and
details of problems
 Teacher to Chair
◦ Chairs know most answers
◦ Chairs need to know the problems teachers
are facing
 State Office and State Board may not be able to
assist you
 Only Individual Members in good standing with
dues paid by July 31st may enroll students in
MTAC programs and these students MUST be
their own students.
 The MTAC teacher must be the primary
teacher of all students they enter. The primary
teacher is one who personally teaches a
student for 75% of lessons.
 Members who enroll students on another
teacher's behalf risk the following:
 Forfeiting the privilege of participating in
Certificate of Merit and other MTAC
 Loss of membership
 Student teachers in your studio
must be members
 Each teacher at a school who enters
students in CM must be a member
 New members must apply for
membership by July 31st to be
eligible for CM participation.
 Current members’ dues must be
paid by July 31st in order to
participate in CM.
 Teachers who pay dues
after July 31st and pay the
reinstatement fee are not
eligible for CM for that year.
 Teachers who transfer to another
branch must complete the transfer
between April 16th and August 31st.
 Complete dues, membership and
transfer information is available at
 Piano: 2012 Edition (New!)
 Voice: 2011 Edition
 Strings: 2012 Edition (New!)
 Winds: 2011 Edition
 Harp: 2011 Edition
 Order from MTAC State Office or online at
 Download corrections and updates
for your syllabus at
 Write corrections into your syllabus
 Students are enrolled at
 Branch Chair has your username and
 Student’s school grade and birth date
are needed
 Students must be age 5 or older
as of November 15th
(registration deadline date) to
participate in CM.
 Path B has been eliminated
 Certificate of Merit Path A is now
simply called Certificate of Merit
 Teachers may still use the CM
Curriculum for their non CM students
 Teachers may set up their own in-
studio evaluations for non CM
students, but may not call it
“Certificate of Merit”
 No certificates will be issued by
 Number of participants in Path B has
been declining
 Parents did not understand the
difference between Path A and Path
B, which resulted in confusion.
 Some Branches used Path B to decrease the
number of Path A students which caused
unfairness across the state by not allowing the
benefits of Path A to all students, such as
Convention Recitals.
 Colleges and universities desire transparency
about the achievements of students who
participate in Certificate of Merit when listed on
college applications, and the parallel existence
of Path A and Path B reduced transparency.
 Outsideorganizations have
attempted to replicate large portions
of the CM program from previous
Path B materials, in conflict with
copyright and trademark laws.
 Log-in to your Teacher Home Page
 Select CM Students
For new students, select “New
Student Registration”
 Answer the questions about prior CM
For returning students, even if they
skipped one or more years of CM,
select “Re-enroll Students”
 žReturning students who do not
appear on a teachers’ Re-enroll list
can be “recalled” by teachers
 žThe procedure is linked to 3
questions that appear when you click
“New Student Registration”
Registering Your Students
 Make sure the instrument is correct
 Enter or update all requested information. Levels do
not change automatically; you must enter the new CM
◦ Student name
◦ CM Level
◦ School Grade
◦ Birthdate (get info from parents)
◦ Parent email address (for Panel only)
◦ Panel or YAG (if applicable)
◦ Senior Award (if applicable)
◦ Theory exemption (if applicable)
 After you register a student and select “submit,”
you will see a confirmation page. Check to see
that all information is correct:
 Student Name
 Student I.D. number
 Instrument
 CM Level
 School Grade
 Panel (if applicable)
 Senior Award (if applicable)
 Theory Exemption (if applicable)
 Select “Confirm” if information is
correct, or “Update Student
Information” if incorrect
 You are responsible for student
registration information, so check
 Remain at Level (RAL) is for
students clearly not ready for
the evaluation, or who receive
an Automatic RAL
 Overall
poor performance:
insecure, inaccurate,
and unmusical
 Students who receive RAL or fail the
written theory test will not be allowed
to proceed to the next level until they
pass the same level.
If a student does not participate
in CM for one or more years after
receiving RAL or failing theory,
he or she still must take the
same level again and pass
before proceeding.
Once the student passes the failed
level, he or she may skip one or
more levels.
 Sight Reading: Refuses to Attempt
(legally blind students exempt)
 Technique: None prepared or cannot
play without notation
 Piano Students: Required Advanced
Level Etude Not Memorized
 Required number of
pieces not correct
 Memory requirement not met
 Any student who brings a
photocopy to evaluations or
brings music reproduced from a
CD or the Internet without an
authorized logo or source will not
be heard by an evaluator and will
receive an automatic remain at
 Evaluators reported many students who were
unprepared for evaluations, playing music
that was too difficult for them, or pieces far
below level
 Some parents want to push their children
through the CM program at an unrealistic
 RAL restrictions give teachers a strong
reason to place students in a level that is
appropriate and in which they can succeed
 Ineligible for Certificate is given to students
who give a proficient evaluation, but who
have non-performance related issues.
 Students who receive Ineligible for
Certificate may advance to the next level.
 IC does not affect Senior Award or Panel
 Students who receive IC are not eligible for
Branch Honors or Convention recitals.
◦ Incorrect repertoire categories, incorrect
syllabus piece or no syllabus piece
◦ Played technique from incorrect syllabus
◦ Piano Advanced Level Etude not from
Etude list as provided in the Piano
◦ Performing any unacceptable repertoire
 CM has specific rules and guidelines just like
any evaluation program or competition. These
guidelines give the program credibility and make
it well-rounded.
 Students should not be penalized with Remain
at Level for a teacher error.
 IC allows for the student to continue to progress
in CM, but also creates a consequence for not
adhering to the program’s guidelines.
 In addition to receiving the required
Evaluation ratings and theory score, in
order to be eligible for Branch Honors or
Convention Recitals, students must:
◦ Provide original music scores for the
Evaluator, including a second original
score if the piece is not memorized (and
a third original score for a live
accompanist, if applicable)
 Play the pieces that are listed on the Evaluation
Report Form
 Provide a translation of the Title and Composer
for music published in a non-Romanized
language (Romanized languages use the
English alphabet; this allows evaluators to
determine that the music is eligible for CM, that
the student has music from each of the required
CM categories, and that the music matches the
Evaluation Report Form.)
 Beginning on January 2, go to and enter your students’
 Your Branch Chair will set the
deadline for completion
 Evaluation Report Forms are
generated from this information
 Students must play the music that is
listed on the form
 Check information carefully
◦ Syllabus piece is from the correct
◦ All category requirements are met
◦ Correct number of pieces
 Apply for Branch Honors and
Convention Recital consideration
 Make sure proper CM requirements
are met:
Correct number of pieces
Correct CM Categories
Composers – check in the back of syllabus
for correct category (may differ
from repertoire books)
Memory requirements
All repertoire is at the student’s CM Level or
 Check your syllabus for
acceptable and unacceptable
 “Permitted Repertoire” is defined as
original compositions written specifically
for the instrument being evaluated, and
any repertoire listed in the applicable
discipline Syllabus.
 Repeats are not recommended
 D.S. and D.C. al fine sections
may be performed
 Check your syllabus for allowable
transcriptions and arrangements
 Rules vary for different
 Keep length of evaluation in mind
 Multiple movements not allowed
for Convention Festival Recitals
or Convention New Materials
 Multiple movements OK for
Theme and Ensemble Recitals
 Evaluators
will hear only one
movement of a Suite.
 Exception: Student may
prepare more than one movement of
a Suite if applying for Convention
Theme or Ensemble Recitals
 For longer works, prepare enough
variations to demonstrate the
student’s abilities and show the
varied characters, such as the theme,
two or three variations, and the finale.
 Evaluators will hear only the
variations the student has prepared.
 Prepare only one movement
 Prepareeither the Prelude or the
Fugue, not both
 Exception:Piano Panel
students may play both
the Prelude and Fugue
 If in doubt whether a piece will qualify
for CM, don’t use it!
 Begin repertoire early

 Select repertoire that is

within reach of the student’s
 Consider the length of evaluation when
selecting repertoire
 Help the student choose repertoire that
he or she will enjoy practicing
 CM Council cannot answer each
specific repertoire question.
 Save questionable music for a studio
recital or other performance. When in
doubt, do not use the piece for CM.
 The piece may or may not be
appropriate for CM evaluations, but it
is not worth the risk of getting an IC.
 Ifan evaluator recommends your
student for a Convention Recital, you
must go online and apply for the
Convention Recital
 April 15 is the deadline for application
– no late applications are accepted
 Convention Application Fee is due at
this time
◦ $20 Convention Application Fee is
payable online by credit card at the time
of Convention Application
◦ Convention Applications may not be sent
to the State Office or given to the Branch
Chair; online applications only
 Important: Check your Student
List to make sure all payments
have gone through. An “F” will be
next to the student’s name if the
application is complete.
 Convention Festival Recitals feature
repertoire from the Syllabus at the student's
registered Level.
 Convention Theme Recitals feature musical
literature of a special theme or topic chosen in
advance by MTAC 2013-2014 Theme: Latin
Music by composer or style
 Convention New Materials Recitals feature
music that has been newly published in the last
10 years (Recent reprints of older compositions
are not eligible.)
 Ensemble Recitals feature repertoire written for
two or more students performing together. Music
for Ensemble need not be memorized. The
ensemble piece will be a part of the student’s
CM repertoire. All students in the ensemble must
be registered in CM.
 Senior Award: Given to graduating high school
seniors who have successfully passed all
segments of their CM Evaluations at CM Level 7
or higher, in any three years during high school,
one of which must be the Senior year.
 Branch Honors: The affiliated
Branches of MTAC may attach local
Branch Honors programs to CM
Evaluations. The criteria for Branch
Honors consideration is set by each
Certificate of Merit
is for the Typical Student
◦ All pieces do not have to be
◦ Students will pass the evaluation
even if they receive average on all
◦ Convention and Branch Honors are
for higher than average students
 Coachstudents on what
to wear to evaluations
◦ No flip flops or insecure sandals that
can inhibit pedaling
◦ Avoid short skirts, tight shoulders,
low cut tops that can inhibit playing
◦ Avoid being too casual – this is a
◦ Dress to impress the evaluator
 Remind students to warm up at
home. Practice rooms are not
available at evaluations.
 Remind parents that they are not
allowed in the evaluation area, and
that their children will be escorted to
evaluation rooms, restrooms, etc.
 Do not allow your student to go to
evaluations with a photocopy!!
Some students and their parents do
not know this is illegal.
It will result in an automatic Remain at
Make sure parents know that no
photocopies are allowed.
Some students don’t feel comfortable
with their memory and make a copy “just
in case.”
 Ifa student does not have all the
pieces memorized, a second original
score must be provided for the
 Failure to do so will result in
disqualification from Branch Honors
and Convention Recitals.
 Make sure young students
(Levels Prep-2) know that their
music score will be with the
evaluator during evaluations, not
on the piano
 Allstudents in any ensemble
must be enrolled in CM (no
parents, teachers, or non CM
 Piano, Winds, Strings and Harp
students in school grades 9 and
above who achieve 90% or higher on
the Advanced Level theory test are
exempt from taking the theory test in
future years
 Voice students must take the theory
test every year
 Parents must stay in the parent area –
they are not allowed to watch evaluations
through the window or enter the testing
area (This is CM Policy; violations could
lead to disqualification.)
 Teachers who are not working at
evaluations may not be in the evaluation
area – no peeking through doors or
 Theme for 2013-2014
 Latin and Spanish Music, by
composer or style
◦ Level 3 – Advanced, solos only
◦ 7 minute time limit
◦ Recitals may feature students from
different instruments
 MUP’s are for high school students only
 MUP’s must be completed by May 15th, and
results entered online by June 1st
 MUP students do not qualify for Convention
 Valid reasons are illness, injury, or other
extenuating circumstances. Not being prepared
is not a valid reason.
 Students may not retake their CM Evaluation if
they receive a RAL, or for any other reason.
 Contact your Branch Chair for MUP information.
There is an additional fee.
 Theory tests must remain with the CM
Branch Chair until all testing is finished
statewide. Please do not ask your chairs
to give tests back early – this is a State
requirement and a legal issue to prevent
cheating and maintain fairness.
 Keep a photocopy of evaluation results
and the front page of each student’s
theory test
 Log in to your teacher home page at and check the evaluation
results for each student
 If you see a discrepancy, send a copy of the
student’s Evaluation Report Form and/or
complete theory test to the Branch Chair
 Database errors must be reported to your
Branch Chair by May 31st.
 For the highest level of Student –
Artist Level
10th grade or higher (piano,
winds, voice, harp)
9th grade or higher (strings)
CM since 9th Grade (Path A prior
to 2013)
Piano: Advanced Level
◦Regional Panel students are
heard by two evaluators
◦Complete information in
Panel Auditions Guidelines
 to find answers to
questions about membership and all
other MTAC programs
 Use Login to
find CM Newsletters, Forms, Policies,
and other CM related information.
 Tofind out how to become a CM
Evaluator, login to and
select the “CM Evaluators” link for
information and an application
 New format
 Layout allows use of dividers
 Ear Training Examples
 Four Repertoire Categories
 Transitional Composers allowed
in two Categories
 Membership Requirements for
CM Participation
 Overview of Student
 CM Policies and Procedures
 Briefdescription of each CM
Evaluation Segment
◦ Repertoire
◦ Theory
◦ Technique
◦ Sight-Reading
◦ Ear Training
◦ Optional Improvisation
 Baroque: appx. 1600-1750
 Classical: appx. 1750-1825
 Romantic/Impressionism: appx. 1825-
 20th/21st Century: Composers born appx.
1880 or after
 Broad Categories; not intended to
represent precise historical periods
 Certain Bach Concertos are
acceptable for evaluations; other
keyboard concertos not acceptable
for evaluations
 Transcriptions acceptable if of the
nature that would be acceptable for
professional public performance
 Pieces from Method “Lesson” or
“Technique” Books
◦ Standard Repertoire in these books OK
◦ Pieces from Method “Solo” or
“Repertoire” books OK
 Simplified arrangements of piano music
 Arrangements of works not for piano
 Orchestral reductions
 Handy chart that lists information
for each CM Level:
◦Evaluation length
◦Number of required pieces
◦Category requirements
◦Memory requirements
 11 CM Levels: Preparatory through
 Students may skip or repeat levels as
 CM is designed for the typical student
 Passing Level 7 in the senior year of high
school is considered a successful
 Information on:
◦ Student Registration
◦ Repertoire Entry
◦ Convention Registration
◦ Change of Teacher
 Information on:
◦ Branch Honors
◦ Convention Recitals
◦ Senior Award
 Read the Panel Auditions Guidelines at
 Three programs:
◦ Panel Honors Recitals
◦ Master Class
◦ Young Artist Guild
 Certain school grades and past CM
participation apply
 Charts for each segment of the
Performance Evaluation and how the
ratings are determined
 Four segments:
◦ Repertoire = 2 segments (50%)
◦ Technique = 1 segment (25%)
◦ Sight Reading = 1 segment (25%)
 2 weak segments (50%) = RAL
 Rated as Excellent, Good, Average or
 Repertoire is worth 50% of the score
 Weak repertoire rating results in RAL
 Students may not use notation, must be
 Inability to execute one element will
reduce the rating, for example:
◦ One scale
◦ One chord progression
◦ Not using pedal on chord progressions
when required
 Inability to play an entire category (for
example, student plays no chord
progressions) results in an Incomplete
rating, equal to weak for overall score
 Inability to execute all elements within the
time limit will reduce the rating
 Ratings: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak,
 Rated Excellent, Good, Average, Weak,
 Preview time:
◦ Levels Prep-7: 30 seconds
◦ Levels 8-Advanced: 45 seconds
 Students may place hands on piano and
shadow play during preview time
 Counting aloud is allowed
 Starting in wrong octave will reduce the rating in
Levels 3 and above
 Automatic Remain at Level list
 Ineligible for Certificate list
 Disqualification from Branch Honors or
Convention Recitals list
 Check CM Policies and Procedures for
possible changes
Technique, Ear Training
& Vocabulary Guides (p.19)
 Chartsinclude complete technique
that can be taught throughout the
 Recommended Curriculum will not
be tested at CM Evalutations
 Required Technique Charts for CM
◦ Technique is almost identical to 2007
 Level 7: Whole Tone Scale = 2 octaves
instead of 1
 Level 8 and 9: Modes and Whole Tone
Scales = 2 octaves instead of 1
 Notated examples of required technique
◦ Not all technique is included
◦ Examples are intended to show the style
of each technique element
◦ Complete technique books can be
purchased from the MTAC Store or State
 Recommended fingerings for all
Major and minor scales, modes and
 OptionalUniversal Scale Fingerings
that keep thumbs together
 Examples of how ear training
examples are presented to the
◦ Includes narration and musical
 Examples are not identical to the ear
training tests
 Definitions of theory terms and
◦All Levels in one place
 Important information on how test answers
should be written by students
◦ Major/minor
◦ Intervals
◦ Scales
◦ Figured bass symbols
◦ Roman numerals (lines are required!)
◦ Counting
 Chart listing the basic musical
elements used to determine the CM
 Use this chart to help determine the
level of non-syllabus pieces
 MTAC Commissioned works that may
be used for evaluations
 Each solo piano piece is listed on the
Repertoire List for its appropriate CM
 Required Technique Charts
 Theory Requirements
 Ear Training Requirements
 Sight Reading Requirements
 Optional Improvisation
 Technique must be memorized
 Student will see this chart at
 Students may not use notation at
 Page 66, Level 3 Terms: Add the term
 Page 67, Level 4 Tonality, Intervals:
Should be Perfect, Major and minor
(not just Perfect and Major)
 Key of A and Eb arpeggios and V7 chords at
this level are not typos; they fit with overall
 Arpeggios:
 Level 5: A E-flat f c, 2 octaves
 Level 6: E A-flat g-sharp f, 3 octaves
 Level 7: F-sharp D-flat d-sharp b-flat, 4
 Level 8: G-flat B-flat e-flat b-flat, 4 octaves
 V7 Chords in the key of:
 Level 5: A E-flat
 Level 6: E A-flat
 Level 7: B
 Minor chord progression should be
◦ i – iv – iio - V7 – VI (not i – vi – iio - V7 – VI)

 Private vendors have Technique
 MTAC Technique Books are available
from the State Office
◦ 4 new pages with changes
◦ New pages may be downloaded for
free at
 Theory stays the same except for the
◦ Level 4 and above: Contemporary
Period now called 20th & 21st Centuries
 Tests will use and accept both terms
until students are used to the change
 Diatonic and Chromatic half-step
terminology removed
 Page 85, Level 8: Terraced dynamics
re-introduced to Baroque
 Page 89, Level 9: Impressionism
 More complete list of
 Requirements based on existing
 New ear training tests have been
 Preparatory Level students will now have an
Ear Training Evaluation
 5 questions:
◦ Major and minor five-finger patterns
◦ Rhythmic pattern
◦ Identify a melody
◦ Legato and Staccato
◦ Loud and Soft
 Designed to be approximately two
levels below registered CM Level
 Required skills for each level are
 Preview time included
 Students may play an improvisation at the
◦ Not rated by evaluator
◦ Must be within time limit of 5-60 seconds
◦ Does not replace any segment of
◦ Must fit within evaluation time
◦ May be from any resource
 New format makes teacher’s job easier
 Repertoire is limited to two CM Levels as
much as possible
 CM Level listing has been removed from
individual Repertoire Lists
 Levels are listed in the Composer Index
 Repertoire is listed by category
(Levels 3 and above)
 Four pieces must be performed.
 Two pieces must be memorized. A
second original score is required for un-
memorized music.
 One piece from this list is required for CM
 Remaining repertoire must be at or above
the student's enrolled level.
 Each piece must be from a different category,
and by a different composer. (Some
composers are listed in two different
categories. These are transitional
composers and may be used for one of the
categories in which they are listed, but not
 Repertoire listed as "not" may not be used for
the Level, either as a syllabus piece or as
another repertoire piece.
 Editions are suggestions only. Any
edition may be used. Publisher
abbreviations are on pp. 159-160.
 Photocopies are not allowed.
Downloaded music must include an
authorized logo or source.
 At every CM Level, one piece
from the Repertoire List for the
enrolled level is required
 Prep – Adv (10): All remaining
repertoire must be at the enrolled
CM Level or above
 No category requirements for Levels
Prep-2; may use same composer
 At CM Levels 3 and above, each
piece must be from a different
repertoire category
 Students who do not follow the
category requirements will receive an
IC rating
 Debussy,Ravel, Griffes and Satie are
in the Romantic/Impressionism
 Scott
Joplin is in the
Romantic/Impressionism Category
 Gershwin is in the 20th/21st Century
 All music from Anthologies is acceptable
for the level unless a “not” is listed under
the book title
 There is no need to compare Anthologies
with the Single Composer List
 Pieces listed as “not” may not be used for
the enrolled CM Level, either as a syllabus
piece or as remaining repertoire
◦ These pieces are below the registered
CM Level, and all repertoire must be at
Level or above
◦ Students who use below-level music may
be given RAL
 For Level 6:
◦ Baroque: J.S. Bach Short Prelude
◦ Classical: Clementi Sonatina Op. 36,
No. 6
◦ Romantic/Impressionism: Tchaikovsky
Album for the Young, Op. 39, #9
◦ 20th/21st Century: Khachaturian
Adventures of Ivan, #10
 Level 6:
◦ Baroque: J.S. Bach - Dance, BWV 808/6 (has
◦ Classical: Scarlatti - Sonata, L. 79 (Scarlatti is
Baroque; 2 Baroque pieces)
◦ Romantic: Schumann - Album for the Young,
Op. 68 #1 (this piece is Levels 2-3; too low for
Level 6)
◦ 20th/21st Century: Williams - Theme from Star
Wars (this is an arrangement)
 Advanced Etude must be memorized, and
from the list on pages 153-158.
 Level 10 Celebration Series Etude and
Snell Etude books have been moved to
the Etude List (p.158).
 Some MacDowell Op. 39 Etudes are on
the Etude List (p.156)
 Some etudes are not eligible for Panel
Auditions (p.154).
 Etudes that appear on the Advanced Level
Repertoire List, but are not on the Etude
List, are not acceptable for the Advanced
Etude requirement.
◦ Page 147: MacDowell Etude, Op.39 #7
and Intermezzo (#9) are not acceptable
for required etude
 2012 Panel students who were
chosen for Panel Finals: appx. 35%
(2011: 25%)
 2012 students that were selected for
Panel Convention Programs 14.5%
 Panel Applicants should choose repertoire and
etudes that are of the highest level
◦ The quality of the music, not the length, is what
 Balanced program
◦ Not all big virtuosic repertoire
◦ Variety of character (for example, lyrical,
humorous, grandiose, transparent)
◦ Demonstrates the student’s range of abilities
 Consider carefully whether a student is
ready for Panel Auditions
◦ Attend a Panel Honors Recital, Panel
Master Class or Young Artist Guild
Concert at the Convention
◦ Make sure that parents understand the
high quality of Panel Auditions; this is not
the next level after Advanced
 Receiving all ratings of Excellent does not
guarantee a student being chosen for
Panel Finals
 Receiving 5+ for Convention Recitals and
Branch Honors Pieces does not guarantee
being chosen for Panel Finals
 While Regional Panel Auditions serve as
the CM Evaluation, it is also a high level
 Artistic performance
 Appropriate style and interpretation
 Semi-professional quality
 Emotionally involved in the music
 Able to perform in a high-pressure
 Performance stands out from the crowd
 Publisher abbreviations used on Repertoire lists
◦ Any edition is acceptable
◦ Dual listings (New/Old):
 The company was recently acquired by
another company
 The company is a subsidiary of or distributed
by another company
 The music was recently moved to a new
publishing company
 Composer Categories for Repertoire
◦ List of composers by CM Category
◦ Includes transitional composers listed in
two different categories
 Suggested Reference Books (p.170)
◦ Includes CM related materials as well as
books for further study
 Single Composers Index (p.178)
◦ List of all CM syllabus collections by composer
with acceptable levels
 Anthologies Index (p.197)
◦ List of all CM anthologies by editor with
acceptable levels
 Collections are listed specifically to match each
◦ 18 Short Preludes, BWV 924, 926, 927, 933, 934, 939 5
◦ 18 Short Preludes (not BWV 924, 926, 927, 933, 934, 939) 6-7

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