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In passive solar design the system is integrated into the building elements and materials - the
windows, walls, floors, and roof are used as the heat collecting, storing, releasing, and
distributing system. These very same elements also act as major element in passive cooling
design but in a very different manner. It should be understood that passive solar design does
not necessarily mean the elimination of standard mechanical systems.

Two elements must be present in all passive solar heating designs: a south facing exposure of
transparent material (glass, plastic) to allow solar energy to enter; and a material to absorb and
store the heat (or cool) for later use. With these two basic elements in mind a number of
approaches to design a passive solar architecture is possible.


Site Consideration: The performance of any solar energy building, especially one of a passive
design, is strongly impacted by the site and the siting of the building in relation to its
surroundings. In choosing a particular design approach, site and climate conditions must be
evaluated carefully so that the best approach or combination of approaches is incorporated. No
one particular passive design approach is most advantageous in all climates or on all sites and
situations, it differs always as per the site and climate.
Building Shape and Orientation: Different building shapes and orientations can be designed to
perform efficiently by combining effective glazing, solar exposure, and shading into the building
form. Generally, buildings oriented along an east-west axis are more efficient for both winter
heating and summer cooling. This orientation allows for maximum solar glazing (windows) to
the south for solar capture for heating. This orientation is also advantageous for summer cooling
conditions since it minimizes east-west exposure to morning and afternoon summer sunlight.
Indoor Space Planning: With proper location, orientation and shape of the building another very
important issue to be considered is the interior space planning. Habitable spaces that are most
occupied and have the greatest heating and lighting requirement should be arrayed along the
south face of the building. Rooms that are least used (closets, storage areas, garages) should be
placed along the north wall where they can act as a buffer between high use living space and the
cold north side.

Interior space should be arranged so that rooms with high heating and lighting requirements are
arrayed along the south wall.

Openings: The major expanse of openings in a passive solar energy structure will be south facing
solar windows. Whole design planning should include the following considerations - the impact
of heat gain in the summer; views; natural lighting; and privacy requirements in determining the
placement and size of windows in the building. 5

Passive heating techniques are used by architects in building design to achieve thermal
comfort condition in cold climate. This technique allows maximum winter solar gain and
prevents summer overheating. Heat Energy is trapped by the building elements first then it is
re-radiated and distributed to where it is needed. Direct re-radiation is the most effective
means. Heat is also conducted through building materials and distributed by air movement.
It is necessary to design floor plans to ensure that the most important rooms face south for
the best solar access. Designing passive solar heating is about keeping out summer sun and
letting in winter sun in the building. This will maximize winter heat gain, minimize winter
heat loss and concentrate heating where it is most needed.

Climate classification is extremely useful to design buildings for passive solar heating. This is
appropriate for all cold climatic zones where winter heating is required.

Basically the functioning of passive solar heating works on green house effect. Solar radiation
is trapped by the greenhouse action through windows exposed to full sun. Trapped heat is
absorbed and stored by materials with high thermal mass (usually masonry) inside the
building. It is released at night when it is needed to offset heat losses to lower outdoor

Passive design relies on greenhouse principles to trap solar radiation. Heat is gained when
short wave radiation passes through glass, where it is absorbed by building elements and
furnishings and re-radiated as longwave radiation. Longwave radiation cannot pass back
through glass and thus trapped inside.

This diagram shows the percentage of solar heat gain through standard glazing and shading
above openings excludes high angle summer sun but admits lower angle winter sun.

It is necessary to locate thermal mass where it is exposed to direct solar radiation or radiant
heat sources. Thermal mass will also absorb reflected radiant heat.
Passive solar heating systems can be broadly classified into direct gain systems and indirect
gain systems.


Direct gain is the most common passive solar system. In this system, sunlight enters room
through windows to warm the interior space. South facing glass admits solar energy into the
building , where it strikes thermal storage materials, such as floors or walls made of adobe ,
bricks , concrete, stone or water .The interior thermal mass increases the temperatures
during the day by absorbing heat. At night the thermal mass radiate heat into the living
space, thus warming the spaces. Direct gain can be achieved by various form of openings
such as clerestories and sky light windows designed for the required heating.


In an indirect gain system, thermal mass is located between the sun and the living space. The
thermal mass absorbs the sunlight that strikes it and transfer to the living space. The indirect
gain system uses 30%-45% of the sun’s energy striking the glass adjoining the thermal mass.
The few commonly used indirect gain systems are :

Trombe Wall : A Trombe wall is a thermally massive wall with vents provided at the top and
bottom. It may be made of concrete , masonry , adobe and is usually located on the
southern side (in the northern hemisphere) of a building in order to maximize solar gains.
Water Wall : Water wall are based on the same principal as that for Trombe walls, except that
they employ water as the thermal storage material.
Roof-Based Heating System : In this technique , incident solar radiation is trapped by the
roof and is used for heating interior spaces.


A sunspace or solarium is the combination of direct and indirect gain systems. In the
northern hemisphere ,the basic requirements of the building heated by the surface are (1) a
glazed south- facing collector space attached yet separated from the building and (2) living
space separated from the sunspaces by thermal storage wall. Solar radiation heats up the
sunspace directly, which, in turn, heats up the living space (separated from the sunspace by a
mass wall) by convection and conduction through the mass wall.


Passive solar technology can also be used for cooling purposes. These systems function by either
shielding buildings from direct heat gain or by transferring excess heat outside. Passive cooling
techniques can be used to reduce, and in some cases eliminate mechanical space conditioning
requirements in building.

There are three major sources of unwanted heat to be considered:

• direct solar impacts on a building through walls, roofs, windows and skylights;

• ·heat transfer and infiltration of exterior high temperatures through the materials and
elements of the structure; and

• The internal heat produced by appliances, equipment, and inhabitants.

Passive cooling techniques in building design attempts to integrate the following two basic
principles of physics into the building exterior envelope to:

• Slow heat transfer into a building.

• Remove unwanted heat from a building.

The relatively simple technique that can be adopted to provide natural cooling in the building
are the following :


Water evaporation is also an effective method of cooling buildings, since water absorbs a large
quantity of heat as it evaporates. Evaporation occurs whenever the vapor pressure of water is
lesser than the water vapor in the surrounding atmosphere. The provision of shading and the
supply of cool, dry air will enhance the process of evaporative cooling. Evaporative cooling
techniques can be broadly classified as passive and hybrid. Passive direct systems include the
use of vegetation for evapotranspiration, as well as the use of fountains, pools and ponds where
the evaporation of water results in lowering temperature in the surroundings.

Another technique of Evaporative cooling is passive downdraught cooling which has been used
for many centuries in parts of middle East, notable Iran and Turkey . In this system, wind
catchers guide outside air over water–filled pots, including evaporation and causing a significant
drop in temperature before the air enters the interior. Such wind become primary elements of
the architectural form also. Passive downdraught evaporative cooling is particularly effective in
hot and dry climates.


Convective cooling methods use the prevailing winds and natural, gravity-induced convection
to ventilate a building at the appropriate times of the day.

The oldest, straightforward convective method admits cool night air to drive out the warm
air. If breezes are predominant, high vents or open windows on the leeward side (away from
prevailing breeze) will let the hottest air, located near the ceiling, escape. The cooler night air
sweeping in through low open vents or windows on the windward side will replace this hot
air and bring relief. There are two basic ways to enhance the convective cooling rate: 1)
increase the volume of air escaping per minute, or 2) bring in cooler air.

Another convective cooling strategy is the drawing of outdoor air through tubes buried in the
ground and dumped into the building known as Earth air tunnel. Made of material that
allows easy thermal transfer, these tubes are buried several feet deep to avoid the warmer
daytime surface temperatures. Warm outdoor air entering the tube gives up its heat to the
cooler earth, and cools substantially before entering the building.


The exterior water wall and roof pond systems are also very effective summer cooling
strategies. The cool ponds act as "thermal sponges", absorbing room heat conducted through
the interior ceiling (metal deck) supporting them. Insulating panels remain closed by day to
reject unwanted solar heat. At night. panels are rolled back, exposing the ponds to the black
body of the night sky and to the cooler night air and breeze. The ponds lose heat by radiation
to the night sky and by natural convection to the air. Roof pond systems are particularly
effective in regions of low humidity and clear summer nights.


During the summer, soil temperatures at certain depths are considerably lower than ambient
air temperature, thus providing an important source for dissipation of a building’s excess
heat. Conduction or convection can achieve heat dissipation to the ground. Earth sheltering
achieves cooling by conduction where part of the building envelope is in direct contact with
the soil. On the other hand, building in partial contact with earth offer interesting cooling
possibilities. Earth berming can considerably reduce solar heat gain and also increase heat
loss to the surrounding soil, resulting in increase in comfort.


Unit Summary :

Building envelope act as a filter which exclude the unwanted influence and at the same time
admits those which are desirable. One such desirable effect is daylight.

Daylighting has a major effect on the appearance of space and can have considerable energy –
efficiency implications, if used properly. Its variability and subtlety is pleasing to the occupants in
contrast to the relatively monotonous environment produced by the artificial light. It helps to
create optimum working conditions by bringing out the natural contrast and color of objects.

Visual comfort in a building is as important as the thermal comfort. If we compare with the
artificial light, the heat gain from artificial lighting is, however, much more because in a lamp,
only a fraction of the electrical energy is converted into light energy, the rest being converted
into heat. Daylighting is important particularly in commercial and other non-domestic buildings
that function during the day. Integration of day lighting with artificial lighting brings about
considerable saving in energy consumption.

Anyway, the provision of artificial lighting is necessary in a building to take care of the period of
darkness. Daylighting can decrease the cooling load and the expenses on electrical energy
during the daytime. Since most of the buildings are largely used during the daytime, the use of
the daylighting makes a lot of sense.

In daylighting-

(a) Only light source is the sun so directly not under designers or user control. It may be
controlled in transmissions and distributions

(b) Day lighting depends on location, climate, building fabric etc.

In artificial lighting –

(a) The light sources itself in under the designer’s (user’s ) control

(b) Artificial lighting is independent of location, climate or building fabric.

Daylight from the sun enter inside the buildings in 4 different ways:

• Diffused or direct sunlight through a window or opening

• Externally reflected light

• Internally reflected light from walls, ceilings or other internal surfaces,

• Direct sunlight ,along a straight path from the sun, through a window to the given pt.

The availability of light within a building depends on its plan form, orientation, the location
and size of the openings, characteristics of glazing and internal reflections. Because of the
variation of outdoor lighting levels, it is difficult to calculate interior lighting in photometric
illumination terms. However, in a giving building, at a certain point, the ratio of indoor
illumination to the corresponding outdoor illumination can be taken as constant. This
constant ratio expressed as a percentage, is day light factor (DF).

So , DF= =Ei/Eo X 100% (only under overcast sky conditions when there is no direct sunlight)

Where, Ei = indoor illumination, at the point of consideration

Eo = illumination outdoor from an unobstructed sky hemisphere

The three components contributing to daylight factor are sky component (SC)+ externally
reflected component (ERC) + internally reflected component (IRC).

Thus DF= SC + ERC + IRC

Adequate illumination with daylighting is necessary to avoid—

(a) dampness
(b) gloominess
(c) smells
(d) untidiness
(e) stale air etc.

Thus the use of energy efficient lighting and space conditioning strategies are the primary
strengths of energy efficient architecture. Daylighting can provide considerable savings in
energy, and therefore of carbon dioxide emissions, leading to a reduction in greenhouse
gases and ultimately a reduction in global warming.


Ventilation is defined as the process of supplying or removing conditioned or unconditioned

air, by natural or mechanical means to or from any closed space. Ventilation in a building
serves three functions :

(a) Replaces consumed oxygen by supplying fresh air.

(b) Can be used for cooling.

(c) Replace the used air.

All the passive convective heating and cooling techniques are based on ventilation and air
movement. For warm humid climate this technique is the most effective to bring comfort in
the built environment. In this climatic zone air movement is desired for-

Cooling in hot periods and

As a relief from vapor pressure during times of high absolute humidity.
But outdoor cool air movement towards indoor environment should be avoided during winter,
as well as in cold climatic conditions.

Outdoor breezes create air movement through the building interior by the push-pull’ effects
of positive air pressure on the wind ward side and negative pressure (suction) on the leeward
side. Effective natural ventilation requires location openings in opposite pressure zones.

Other passive cooling technique that induce indoor natural ventilation and are used by
architects to achieve passive cooling are the following :

The STACK EFFECT i.e. ventilation by temperature differential, relies on thermal forces set up
by density differences caused by the temperature differences existing between the air inside
and outside of the building. It can occur through an open window. The cooler denser outdoor
air will flow in at the bottom and the warmer, lighter indoor air will flow out at the top. The
higher temperature difference, the larger, the height between the inlet and outlet and the
greater their size, the more regions will be the stack effect.

VENTURI EFFECT: A relatively large ratio of outlet to inlet (outlet/inlet) secures the
speediest and hence more cooling air flow within the building. This is known as “venturi

In dense urban areas, there is little scope to select location and size of window for suitable
ventilation and to obtain desired space cooling thereon. At these situations, the following
measures for the enhanced ventilation through use of specially designed building components
or parts can be taken:

1.Wind Tower
2.Solar Chimney
3.Courtyard Effect for ventilation
4.Air Vent
5.Air cooling by tunnels

1. What are the basic architectural design considerations in passive solar

2. Describe the desirable condition for thermal comfort to achieve at warm
humid climate with basic architectural strategy?
3. What are the factors, on which passive solar heating relies upon ?
4. Explain in brief different techniques of passive heating.
5. Define the function of thermal storage wall in passive heating.
6. What is the different type of thermal storage wall ?
7. How roof function as a thermal storage?
8. Describe in brief the functioning of solarium or sunspace.
9. Describe the passive techniques related to Earth –air- tunnel.
10. What are the different techniques of passive cooling?
11. Describe in brief passive cooling concept.
12. Discuss passive cooling by induced ventilation.
13. Explain in brief earth- berming.
14. What are the elements related to the daylighting to be considered while
designing an energy efficient building?
15. Describe the different techniques of daylighting.
16. Discuss passive cooling by induced ventilation.
17. Describe the function and working principle of wind tower.
18. Write short notes on ventilation through courtyard effect.


One of the ways in which the sun’s energy can be utilized is by trapping the sun’s energy
through different types of solar collectors and using it for various purposes like heating
water and space heating. This same solar energy can also be used for active cooling
techniques wherein absorption cooling systems transfer a heated liquid from the solar
collector to run a generator or a boiler, activating the refrigeration loop which in turn
cools a storage reservoir, from which cool air is drawn into the space. Nowadays,
centralized district heating and cooling systems based on active solar techniques are
becoming popular in the west.
Active solar systems use solar panels for heat collection and electrically driven pumps or
fans to transport the heat to the required spaces. Electronic devices are used to regulate
the collection, storage and distribution of heat within the system.

Solar energy can be captured for use in several ways. Hot air solar systems are primarily used
for space heating. The hot water created by a solar system can also be used for domestic hot
water or space heating.
The fundamental requirement for a solar system is to have a sunny location where the solar
collectors can be located. The collectors should have full sun from 9 AM to 3 PM. The
collectors should face south at approximately the same angle as our latitude (30 degrees).

Active Solar system components :

Solar heating system has 6 different components :

(1) Collector--- The collector convert incident solar energy to usable thermal or electrical
energy by absorption on a suitable surface

(2) The Storage component of a solar system is a reservoir capable of storing thermal energy
storage is required since there may be an energy demand during the evening or on
consecutive sunless days when collection is not possible.

(3) Distribution : The distribution component receives energy from the collectors of storage
component and dispenses it at pts. Of consumption spaces within a building,

(4) Transport: Most solar systems have an energy transport component which provide means
of moving a fluid carrying thermal energy to and from the collector and storage

(5) Auxiliary energy --- The auxiliary component provide a supply of energy for use during
period when the solar system in inoperable or during period of extremely sever weather or
extended cloudy weather when solar produced temperature from the collector and storage
are not sufficient to satisfy the building heating /cooling load.

(6) Control – The control component perform the sensing evaluation and response function
required to operate the system in the desired mode.

In active systems, solar collectors are used to convert sun’s energy into useful heat for hot
water, space heating or industrial processes. Flat-plate collectors are typically used for this
purpose. These most often use light-absorbing plates made of dark colored material such as
metal, rubber or plastic that are covered with glass. The plates transfer the heat to a fluid;
usually air or water flowing below them and the fluid is used for immediate heating or stored
for later use.

There are two basic types of liquid based active systems- open loop and closed loop. An open
loop system circulates potable water itself, through the collector. In closed loop systems, the
circulating fluid is kept separate from the system used for potable water supply. This system is
mainly used to prevent the freezing of water within the collector system.

However, there is no need to go in for such a system in India, as freezing of water is not a
possibility. Other devices such as solar cookers, water distillation systems, solar dryers, etc.
have been developed which can be used to reduce energy requirements in domestic
households and in industrial applications.
Among active systems, two main families can be identified according to the medium used for
the heat transport:

• Air collectors systems

• Hydraulic collectors systems.

Air systems are characterized by lower costs, but also lower efficiency than hydraulic ones,
mainly due to air’s low thermal capacity. Solar thermal gains are generally used immediately
and without storage, for pre‐heating the fresh air needed for building ventilation. The heat can
also be stored by forcing the air to circulate in a stones bed underneath the ground, or by
using the solar air as cold source in a heat pump air/water; such applications can be quite
expensive, and are therefore rare. Air systems can only be used for space heating.

There are five major components in active solar water heating systems. They are as
• Collectors to capture solar energy.
• Circulation system to move a fluid between the collectors to a storage tank.
• Storage Tank
• Backup Heating system.
• Control system to regulate the overall system operation.
• Two types of Liquid based Active Solar Heating System are as follows:
Direct or Open Loop systems.
• Indirect or Closed loop Systems.
• Direct or Open Loop Active Solar water Heating System systems.

Direct systems: (B) Active system with pump and controller driven by a photovoltaic
• hot water naturally rises into the tank through thermosiphon flow.
• Thermo siphon systems
• In Thermosiphon systems, the water circulates from the collector to the storage tank by
natural convection and gravity. As long as the absorber keeps collecting heat, water
keeps being heated in the collector and rises into the storage tank, placed slightly
above (at least 50 cm). The cold water in the tank runs into the collector to replace the
water discharged into the tank. The circulation stops when there is no incident
• Thermosiphon systems are simple, relatively inexpensive and require little maintenance
and can be used for domestic applications.
• An open loop system circulates potable water through the collectors. They are relatively
cheap but can have the following drawbacks:
• They offer little or no overheat protection unless they have a heat export pump.
• They offer little or no freeze protection, unless the collectors are freeze-tolerant.
• Collectors accumulate scale in hard water areas, unless an ion-exchange softener is used.
• Until the advent of freeze-tolerant solar collectors, they were not considered suitable for
cold climates since, in the event of the collector being damaged by a freeze, pressurized
water lines will force water to gush from the freeze-damaged collector until the problem is
noticed and rectified.
• Indirect active systems (closed loop systems):

• (C) Indirect system with heat exchanger in tank; (D) Drain back system with drain back
reservoir. pump is driven by mains electricity.
• < > or closed loop systems use a heat exchanger that separates the potable water from
the fluid, known as the "heat-transfer fluid" (HTF), which circulates through the collector.
The two most common HTFs are and an mix that typically uses non-toxic propylene
• After being heated in the panels, the HTF travels to the , where its heat is transferred to
the potable water.
• Though slightly more expensive, indirect systems offer freeze protection and typically
offer overheat protection as well.
• In , the circulating fluid is kept separate from the system used for potable water supply.
This system is mainly used to prevent the freezing of water within the collector system.
• However, there is no need to go in for such a system in India, as freezing of water is not a
• Also closed loop systems are less efficient as the heat exchanger used in the system
causes a loss of up to 10 degrees in the temperature of water, at the same time; one has
to reckon with the extra cost of the heat exchanger as well as the circulating pumps.
Compared to these, thermo siphon systems are more convenient and simple.

• Solar Collectors absorbs the sun’s light energy and changes it into heat energy.
• This energy is then transferred to a fluid or air which is used to warm buildings, heat water,
generate electricity, dry crops or cook food.
• Solar collectors are used for any process that requires heat.

Main applications of solar collectors are as follows:

• Hot water preparation in households, commercial buildings & industry.

• Water heating in swimming pools.
• Space heating in buildings.
• Drying crops & houses.
• Space cooling and refrigeration.
• Water distillation.
• Solar cooking.

Typical solar collectors.

• Typical solar collectors collect the sun’s energy with rooftop arrays of piping and net metal
sheets, painted black to absorb as much radiation as possible. They are encased in glass or
plastic and angled towards south to catch maximum sunshine. The collectors act as miniature
greenhouses, trapping heat under their glass plates. Because solar radiation is diffuse, the
collectors must have large area.

Classification as per temperature they produce:

• Low-Temperature collectors provide low-grade heat, less than 50 degree Celsius, through
either metallic or non-metallic absorbers for applications such as swimming pool heating.
• Medium-temperature collectors provide medium to high grade heat (around 60 to 80 degree
Celsius) either through glazed flat-plate collectors using air or liquid as the heat transfer
medium or through concentrator collectors that concentrate the heat. These include
evacuated tube collectors, & are most commonly used for residential water heating.
• High temperature collectors are parabolic dish or trough collectors primarily used by
independent power producers to generate electricity for the electric grid.

Active solar system :

• In active systems, solar collectors are used to convert sun’s energy into useful heat for hot
water, space heating or industrial processes.
• Flat-plate collectors are typically used for this purpose. These most often use light-absorbing
plates made of dark colored material such as metal, rubber or plastic that are covered with
• The plates transfer the heat to a fluid; usually air or water flowing below them and the fluid
is used for immediate heating or stored for later use.

There are three solar heating applications:

•Solar Space Heating
•Solar Water Heating
•Solar Pool Heating

Each of these solar heating applications uses their own methods for Solar Thermal Energy
Storage .
Thermal mass and water tanks are the two primary methods of storing solar energy in solar
space heating systems.

•Thermal Mass: Used in both passive and active space heating systems. Absorbs heat during
the day and slowly releases it at night.
•Water Tanks: Used in active liquid systems. A heat-exchanger transfers the heat from the
heat-transfer fluid to the water in the tank.

Active Solar Cooling is complex in concept and construction. So, the utilization and
commercialization of solar cooling is not as wide spread as other solar energy application
like solar water heating , space heating . However if solar cooling of building is combined
with solar heating systems, then it can become economical.

The use of solar energy to provide cooling is more interesting , because the cooling is
needed when the solar energy is most available.

Solar cooling can be divided into three broad categories :

1.Systems that provide refrigeration - The cooling can be provided by a system using
absorption refrigeration , or by a conventional vapor compression , air conditioning unit
where the needed mechanical energy is derive from the solar input.

Electrically driven vapor compression is the most commonly used cooling system . It can be
employed for conditioning air which enters under almost any condition, in most part of the
country , it can also provide a level of comfort higher then that of other system . The other
form of vapor compression can work without electricity and is employed in the gas–actuated
absorption refrigeration cycle. This is the cycle used by gas refrigeration and air condition
2. Dehumidification Systems – Often the removal of moisture from the air in the living space
is desirable. Removing moisture from the air, dehumidification is a cooling method , used in
humid climates often referred to as absorption dehumidification .This method uses
hygroscopic materials called desiccants to remove most of the moisture from the air with
which they come in contact. Solid , such as silicon gel , or liquids, such as diethylene glycol
are used as descants . If the Dehumidification cooling effect is insufficient , the dried air can
be partially reduced the temperature in an evaporative cooler.

3. Natural cooling methods : Heat is given off to the night air and sky by convection and
radiation . The storage unit is utilized during the day for absorption of heat from the living
space and the stored heat given off at night.

The most common way to achieves solar cooling is to use absorption refrigeration . In this
approach pressurization is accomplished by dissolving the refrigerant in a liquid in the
absorber section . The solution is then pumped to a higher pressure .The low boiling point
refrigerant is then driven from the solution by adding solar heat in the generator. The vapor
then posses on to the condenser where heat is given off. The condensed refrigerant posses
on the evaporator through the expansion valve. In the process of evaporation , heat is
extract from the air to provide the cool air needed

Absorption cooling systems transfer a heated liquid from the solar collector to run a
generator or a boiler activating the refrigeration loop which cools a storage reservoir from
which cool air is drawn into the space.

Rankine steam turbine can also be powered by solar energy to run a compressed air-
conditioner or water cooler. Solar refrigeration is independent of electric supply and
without any moving parts, for example, Zeolite refrigerator.
District heating and cooling systems:

Sustainable energy supply systems and mainly the use of district heating and cooling systems
based on the use of renewable energies like solar and biomass or the use of waste heat, is
the major tool to introduce clean and sustainable energy in cities. Produced energy may
supply the residential sector, industry, urban agriculture, and any other sector requiring hot
or cold water.

District heating and cooling installations using renewable energies are constantly
increasing in Europe. In many European countries the potential for use of renewables
for district heating systems is very high, while the number of settlements supplied by
district heating networks is continuously increasing. In Sweden more than 50 % of the
energy is delivered by waste heat and renewable energy sources.

1. Describe how active heating systems work?

2. State what the main applications of solar collectors are?
3. Give the broad classification of solar collectors as per temperature?
4. Name the components of active solar heating system.
5. Among active solar systems, two main families can be identified
according to the medium used for the heat transport. Write about them
in brief.
6. In cold areas what are the steps taken to prevent the freezing of water
within the collector system.
7. Describe the functioning of an open loop and closed loop active solar
water heating system?
8. Analyze the respective advantages and disadvantages of open loop and
closed loop active solar water heating systems.
9. How do Active Solar Systems operate? Write in brief.
10. How do typical solar collectors work? Write in brief.
11. List the main applications of solar collectors.
12. How do Active Solar Systems operate? Write in brief.
13. How do typical solar collectors work? Write in brief.
14. Classify solar collectors on the basis of the temperature they produce.
15. What are the two primary methods of storing solar energy in solar space
heating systems?
16. Write a short-note on “The Building as a Solar Storage”.
17. Describe how active solar cooling can be done through collector plates?
18. What are three broad categories into which solar Cooling can be classified
into? Describe.


Landscaping is an easy and inexpensive way to improve the energy efficiency of the building,
enhance the appearance and value of a property, and provide screening for privacy. Selected
types of plants can be strategically positioned to protect the building from the harsh extremes
of summer sun and chilling winter winds, improve comfort both inside and outside the home,
and reduce the need for supplementary heating and cooling.
Widespread tree planting and climate-appropriate landscaping offer substantial
environmental benefits. Trees and vegetation control erosion, protect water supplies, provide
food, create habitat for wildlife, and clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing

Deciduous trees and vines can be ‘designed’ to shade exposed indoor and outdoor living
areas in summer while still allowing the sun through in winter. Low shrubs and ground cover
around the home can reduce reflected heat and glare. Dense trees and shrubs can be
positioned to deflect strong winds and channel cooling summer breezes. The landscaping of a
site can be designed to modify temperatures in and around the home. Shade from trees to
roofs and/or windows can reduce indoor temperatures by 6–12°C in summer. Conversely,
ensuring winter sun penetration through windows can save a substantial amount of heating
energy. External temperatures can be reduced up to 6°C by using ground cover or lawn
instead of paving. These temperature differentials improve both comfort and the energy
efficiency of the home so that heating and cooling requirements are reduced.
Too often the landscape is not considered until after a building is completed. Landscape
design ideally is part of the wider design process, allowing interaction between the building
orientation, building design, site conditions, and proposed landscape development. This
presents the best opportunity for maximizing the landscape benefits to the building and its

A carefully considered design of the external environment can be extremely beneficial in

terms of thermal comfort. Appropriate selection and placement of trees and shrubs,
trellises and pergolas to shade the walls and windows can greatly moderate the
temperature inside the building. Equally, the selection and placement of an appropriate
paving material in and around a building can dramatically have an impact on the internal
temperature of a building.

A well-designed landscaped garden enhances the appearance of the building, assists in

modifying the indoor air temperature and increases the resale value of the asset

The Tropical belt can be divided into four approximate climatic regions: Warm Humid, Hot Dry,
Composite and Cool Dry. The energy-conserving landscape strategies should depend on the
climate of the region. These landscaping strategies are listed by region and in order of
importance below.

Warm-Humid Climate:
• Channel summer breezes toward the home.
• Maximize summer shade with trees that still allow penetration of low-angle winter sun.
• Avoid locating planting beds close to the home if they require frequent watering.

Hot-Dry Climate:

• Provide shade to cool roofs, walls, and windows.

• Allow summer winds to access naturally cooled homes.
• Block or deflect winds away from air-conditioned homes.

Composite Climate:
• Maximize warming effects of the sun in the winter.
• Maximize shade during the summer.
• Deflect winter winds away from buildings.
• Funnel summer breezes toward the home.

Cool Dry Climate:

• Use dense windbreaks to protect the building from cold winter winds.
• Allow the winter sun to reach south-facing windows.
• Shade south and west windows and walls from the direct summer sun, if summer
overheating is a problem.

While there are broad climate zones throughout the country, each site will have its own
microclimate and conditions that will influence the house design and landscape development.
A site and microclimate analysis provides information to assist the designer to decide on the
best placement of the building on the site, and to identify what types of landscape protection
are needed. The analysis should consider:
• · site size, topography, slope, soil and drainage;
• · prevailing seasonal winds, temperature and humidity;
• · relationship to sun and shade patterns in summer and winter;
• · existing vegetation and any special features; location of other buildings and fences;
• · location of vehicular and pedestrian access; views;
• · any legal setbacks and building restrictions;
• · and adjacent site conditions.

The climate immediately surrounding the building is called its microclimate. The designed
building’s microclimate may be more sunny, shady, windy, calm, rainy, snowy, moist, or dry
than average local conditions. These factors all help determine what plants may or may not
grow in that microclimate.

Selecting and Planting Trees and Shrubs

Trees and shrubs come in all shapes and sizes. Selection of the trees and shrubs and the
plantation technique directly affect the building occupants comfort and energy efficiency.
Trees and shrubs have a life span of many years and can become more attractive and
functional with age. But poor planning of landscape improvements often creates trouble.
That is why it’s necessary to ensure proper plant placement and minimal maintenance.

Shape Characteristics
Tree shapes are very diverse. The density of a tree's leaves or needles is important to
consider. Dense evergreens, make great windbreaks for winter winds. If it’s necessary to
impede summer winds, It’s required to choose a tree or shrub with more open branches and
leaves. Such trees are also good for filtering morning sun from the east, while denser trees
are better for blocking harsh afternoon summer sun.

It is necessary to select a plant between slow-growing or fast-growing tree species. Although
a slow-growing tree may require many years of growth before it shades your roof, it will
generally live longer than a fast-growing tree. Also, because slow-growing trees often have
deeper roots and stronger branches, they are less prone to breakage by windstorms or
heavy snow loads. And they can be more drought resistant than fast-growing trees.
Considering growth rate, strength, and brittleness when locating trees near walkways or
structures, it is necessary to check whether the mature tree's root system is likely to damage
sidewalks, foundations, or sewer lines. The smaller the yard/open area, the more important
it is to select a tree with manageable roots.

When planting trees, shrubs, hedges, or bushes, it is necessary to find out how large the
mature specimen will grow. For those plants close to the building, it is necessary to plan for
at least 1 foot (30 centimeters) of extra clearance between the full-grown shrub and the wall
of the building. This will prevent heavy pruning or damage to building siding in the future.

Deciduous trees with high, spreading crowns (i.e., leaves and branches) can be planted to
the south of the building to provide maximum summertime roof shading. Trees with crowns
lower to the ground are more appropriate to the west, where shade is needed from lower
afternoon sun angles. Trees should not be planted on the southern sides of solar- heated
homes in cold climates because the branches of these deciduous trees will block some
winter sun.
A 6-foot to 8-foot (1.8-meter to 2.4-meter) deciduous tree planted near the building will
begin shading windows the first year. Depending on the species and the building, the tree
will shade the roof in 5 to 10 years. Trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants can also shade
the ground and pavement around the building. This reduces heat radiation and cools the
air before it reaches walls and windows. Vines can shade walls during their first growing
season. A lattice or trellis with climbing vines, or a planter box with trailing vines, shades
the building 's perimeter while admitting cooling breezes to the shaded area.

Shrubs planted close to the house will fill in rapidly and begin shading walls and
windows within a few years. However, dense foliage to grow immediately next to the
building must be avoided where wetness or continual humidity are problems. Well
landscaped buildings in wet areas allow winds to flow around the home, keeping its
surrounding soil reasonably dry.

Modifying summer temperatures is a high priority in most climate zones. Windows facing
south and west, will need protection from the hot summer sun. Landscaping can provide
most of this protection economically and attractively. For example, a tree shading a window
can reduce a room’s temperature by up to 12°C.
Summer shading
The selection of suitable plants for shading depends on the part of the building (e.g. walls,
outdoor living areas, windows) to be shaded. Different types of plants (trees, shrubs, vines)
can be selected on the basis of their growth habit (tall, low, dense, light permeable) to
provide the desired degree of shading for various window orientations and situations.
Points to be followed to achieve summer shading :
• Deciduous trees and shrubs provide summer shade yet allow winter access.
• Trees with heavy foliage are very effective in obstructing the sun’s rays and casting a dense
shadow. Dense shade is cooler than filtered sunlight.
• Trees with light foliage, filter the sunlight and produce a dappled shade.
• High branching canopy trees can be used to shade the roof, walls and windows.
• Vertical shading is best for east and west walls and windows in summer, to protect from
intense sun at low angles, e.g. screening by dense shrubs, trees, deciduous vines
supported on a frame, shrubs used in combination with trees
• Shading and insulation for walls can be provided by plants that adhere to the wall, such as
English ivy, or by plants supported by the wall, such as jasmine

Winter sun penetration

Shading the building from direct sun is essential for summer comfort, but care should be
taken that winter solar gain to windows and outdoor living areas is not excluded. To protect
solar access in winter, note the following points.
• Use deciduous trees and plants, particularly to the south of the building, to allow the
access of winter sun to windows
• Tall, low-branching evergreen trees should be kept at sufficient distance from south-facing
windows to avoid overshadowing in winter
• Where evergreen trees are used for shading the building, they should have branches high
enough to permit the entry of as much sunlight as possible in winter.
Reducing glare and ground temperature
Glare is produced when strong sunshine is reflected from a surface such as light-colored
paving, walls, from water or a shiny object. Lawns, ground cover and low-growing shrubs
absorb more sunlight and re-radiate less heat than a paved surface. Ground cover planting
not only reduces glare but can lower the temperature near the ground by approximately 6°C.
In summer, an asphalt surface can be twice as hot as grass. By increasing the proportion of
non-paved areas, there is the added environmental benefit of increased storm water

To reduce glare:
• use low-growing shrubs, ground cover or grass to absorb reflected glare
• avoid large areas of paving near the building to reduce reflected glare and ground
temperature, especially south-facing windows; and
• shade large areas of paving with trees or pergolas and planting
Solar heat passing through windows and being absorbed through the roof is the major
reason for mechanical conditioning. Shading is the most cost-effective way to reduce solar
heat gain and cut air-conditioning costs. Using shade effectively requires to know the size,
shape, and location
of the moving shadow that the shading device casts. But the building in cool regions may
never overheat and may not require shading. Trees can be selected with appropriate sizes,
densities, and shapes for almost any shading application. To block solar heat in the summer
but let much of it in during the winter, use deciduous trees. To provide continuous shade or
to block heavy winds, use evergreen trees or shrubs.

Trees and shrubs can be selected and positioned to moderate the chilling effects of
penetrating winter winds, particularly on large or exposed sites, and can also assist in
capturing cooling summer breezes. In general, planting trees and shrubs as windbreaks,
windscreens and breezeways may control airflow over, around and through buildings.

Blocking cold winds

• Windbreaks are most effective when located at 90° to the direction of the wind.
• A vertical, somewhat permeable windbreak with 50–60% density is generally more
effective than a solid one, such as a wall, which can create turbulence.
• Wind velocity can be reduced on both the windward and leeward side of a windbreak.
• Although wind velocity can be reduced by 50% for a distance of ten to 20 times the
height, the maximum protection on the leeward side of a windbreak is provided for a
distance of three to seven times the height
• Earth mounds may be utilized to deflect winds.
• Large dense shrubs can be used as windbreaks to the windward side to counter cold
winter winds, and channel cooling summer breezes .

Medium to large-sized shrubs or trees clipped to form a hedge can provide useful still air
insulation and shading when grown close to a wall.
Planting can be utilized to promote natural ventilation by positioning to deflect air flow
through the building .

Capturing summer breezes

Careful positioning of windbreak planting can encourage the entry of desirable summer
Low shrubs, lawn and ponds to the windward side will help cool hot summer winds.
Wind protection

Properly selected and placed landscaping can provide excellent wind protection, which will
reduce heating costs considerably. Furthermore, these benefits will increase as the trees
and shrubs mature. The best windbreaks block wind close to the ground by using trees and
shrubs that have low crowns. Evergreen trees and shrubs planted to the windward side are
the most common type of windbreak. A windbreak will reduce wind speed for a distance of
as much as 30 times the windbreak's height

Non-permeable barrier creates turbulence

Trees, bushes, and shrubs are often planted together to block or impede wind from ground
level to the treetops. Or, evergreen trees combined with a wall, fence, or earth berm
(natural or manmade walls or raised areas of soil) can deflect or lift the wind over the

Water is usually the least-used of all the landscaping elements, yet it is perhaps the most
important. Water attracts the fauna essential to a balanced ecosystem. Water features are also
a great way to add a calming element to a landscape. The soft sound of running water is well
known for its relaxing properties.
Water has profound impact on climate control, especially in the utilization of solar radiation
and energy conservation. Water stores large percentage of insolation striking the water surface
and a small percentage is radiated off. At the same time, while a small percentage of the solar
energy strikes the land surface a large percentage of the same energy is radiated back into the
Adding ponds, waterfalls, and fountains adds a pleasing kinetic dimension to any landscape
Environmental concerns and wilderness appeal have made water features more popular than
ever. Fountains, ponds and waterfalls can be dramatic or restful; they can add beauty to stark
walls, invite wildlife and give you back a sense of serenity after a long day. Water features can
be made of natural or architectural materials.

Flowing water adds delightful sounds and a restful ambience to any garden. Solar powered
fountain pumps are increasingly popular because they require no wiring or plumbing and cost
nothing to operate.

Airflow pattern during Day and Night

Breeze flows from the water body onto the shore during the day and vice versa at night. This
natural airflow pattern may be utilized and controlled for natural ventilation and energy
conservation .
Water gardens
Water is a popular element in Japanese landscape design. The soothing nature of water adds to
the contemplative and peaceful feel of a Japanese garden. Water may be quietly flowing or still
in a Japanese-style landscape, but never chaotic or loudly bubbling. Adding a water element is
one of the easiest ways to incorporate Japanese design into an existing landscape
Rain Water Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting may be defined as process of augmenting the natural infiltration of
rainwater or surface run off into the ground by some artificial methods. The methods
suggested are recharge through pits, trenches, bore wells shafts by directly diverting runoff
water into existing or disused wells or conserving the rain water by artificial storing and using
the same for human use.
Rain Water Harvesting is a way to capture the rain water when it rains, store that water above
ground or charge the underground and use it later. This happens naturally in open rural areas.
But in congested, over-paved metropolitan cities, we need to create methods to capture the
rain water.

The urban heat island has negative impact on people. People in cities often feel too hot in
the summer due to the higher than average temperatures. To reduce the negative impact of
the urban climate on people, we need to increase the amounts of green spaces in cities.
Green space has significant role in modulating the climatic elements:
Green areas "filter" the air, they can produce oxygen, purify air and water, regulate
microclimate, reduce noise, protect soil and water, maintain biodiversity, increase air
humidity, reduce thermal stress, enhance local air circulation, and have recreational, cultural
and social values and improve our quality of life.

In summer, green areas decrease air temperature by shading the ground. As a result of
shading, soil surface temperatures in a park may be 12oC lower than the temperature of a
street surface. It was found that urban tree planting can account for a 25% reduction in net
cooling and heating energy usage in urban landscapes. Urban shade trees offer significant
benefits in reducing building air-conditioning demand and improving urban air quality .

Green roofs
Roof gardens, the precursors of contemporary green roofs, have ancient roots. The earliest
documented roof gardens were the hanging gardens of Mesopotamia, considered one of the
seven wonders of the ancient world Green-roof habitats contribute to local biodiversity
conservation and provide aesthetic and psychological benefits for people in urban areas
Also adopting strategies of reroofing and repaving in lighter color and planting shade trees
can effect substantial energy savings directly and indirectly .Green roofs (roofs with a
vegetated surface and substrate) provide ecosystem services in urban areas, including
improved storm-water management, better regulation of building temperatures, reduced
urban heat-island effects, and increased urban wildlife habitat. Green roofs are becoming
increasingly popular in hot countries to combat the urban heat island effect.

Improved microclimatic conditions have major implications for the development of cities.
The strong relationship between microclimatic and comfort conditions demonstrate that
careful design can allow for the use of open spaces, balancing exposure and protection to
the different climatic elements .

1. What are the different ways of modifying microclimate of the site by

proper landscaping?
2. What are the basic considerations of energy efficient landscaping related
to climate, site and design?
3. Describe the role of vegetation as windbreak and shelterbelt.
4. Describe the various ways of sun control through landscaping in built
5. Describe the various ways of wind control through in built environment.
6. Describe the role of vegetation as windbreak and shelterbelt.
7. Explain in brief, the role of landscaping in converting urban heat island
into comfortable built environment.


A sustainable building, or green building is an outcome of a design philosophy which focuses on

increasing the efficiency of resource use — energy, water, and materials — while reducing
building impacts on human health and the environment during the building's lifecycle, through
better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal. Though green building is
interpreted in many different ways, a common view is that they should be designed and operated
to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural
environment by:
• Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources
• Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity
• Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation

Technologies since ancient times have been providing comfort to us, but at the cost of
environment. Today green thinkers of sustainable development have provided us with
Construction Science which allows us to use minimal natural resource, generate minimal waste
while providing more comfort and healthy environment than a normal home. This concept is
coined as “Green building”.

Comparing to conventional buildings, green buildings uses less water, optimizes energy efficiency,
conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants.

The green building movement in the United States is generally acknowledged to have become
visible in the late 1990s with the advent of the USGBC green building rating system known as
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). LEED has become the vehicle for
popularizing the notion of high-performance green buildings. The roots of the present high
performance green building movement, however, date all the way back to the oil crisis of the
1970s, when the Arab-Israeli conflicts of that era resulted in a flowering of innovation in energy
conservation and the development of renewable energy systems. By the early 1980s, new
efficiency standards were embodied in model energy codes adopted by several states.

A few early milestones in the U.S. include:

• American Institute of Architects (AIA) formed the Committee on the Environment (1989)
• Environmental Resource Guide published by AIA, funded by EPA (1992)
• EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy launched the ENERGY STAR program (1992)
• First local green building program introduced in Austin, TX (1992)
• U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) founded (1993)
• "Greening of the White House" initiative launched (Clinton Administration 1993)
• USGBC launched their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) version 1.0 pilot
program (1998).

LEED began its development in 1994 spearheaded by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
senior scientist Robert K. Watson who, as founding chairman of the LEED Steering Committee
until 2006, led a broad-based consensus process which included non-profit organizations,
government agencies, architects, engineers, developers, builders, product manufacturers and
other industry leaders. Early LEED committee members also included USGBC co-founder Mike
Italiano, architects Bill Reed and Sandy Mendler, builder Gerard Heiber and engineer Richard
Bourne. As interest in LEED grew, in 1996, engineers Tom Paladino and Lynn Barker co-chaired the
newly formed LEED technical committee.
From 1994 to 2006, LEED grew from one standard for new construction to a comprehensive
system of six interrelated standards covering all aspects of the development and construction
process. LEED also has grown from six volunteers on one committee to more than 200
volunteers on nearly 20 committees and nearly 150 professional staff.

LEED was created to accomplish the following:

• Define "green building" by establishing a common standard of measurement

• Promote integrated, whole-building design practices
• Recognize environmental leadership in the building industry
• Stimulate green competition
• Raise consumer awareness of green building benefits
• Transform the building market
• Green Building Council members, representing every sector of the building industry,
developed and continue to refine LEED.

The rating system addresses six major areas:

• Sustainable sites
• Water efficiency
• Energy and atmosphere
• Materials and resources
• Indoor environmental quality
• Innovation and design process


Attributes of green building

• A green building has lower resource consumption as compared to conventional buildings.

• Green buildings consume 40% to 60% (depending on the range of measures adopted)
lesser electricity as compared to conventional buildings.
• Green Buildings also attempt to work towards on-site energy generation.
• Generate hot-water and replace the conventional electrical geyser in buildings.
• Green buildings consume 40% to 80% (depending on the range of measures adopted)
lesser water as compared to conventional buildings.
• Green buildings generate lesser waste by employing waste management strategies on site.
• Green buildings generate lesser pollution both during construction as well as while in use.
• Green buildings ensure proper safety, health and sanitation facilities for the laborer's
(during construction) and the occupants (while in use).
• Green buildings restrict the use of high ODP (ozone depleting potential) substances in their
systems as well as in finishes.
• Green buildings offer higher image and marketability.
• All of these can be achieved at a minimal incremental cost with an estimated payback
period of about 3–5 years (excepting renewable energy for power generation).

Green Building takes care of the following are :

• Site planning, which essentially looks into the design aspects and optimum utilization of
resources available at the sites.
• Various water management and water conservation techniques, including rainwater
• Solid waste management, which includes segregation at the individual house level,
techniques for solid waste utilization, etc.
• Traditional and modern concepts of solar passive designing, introduction to software tools
and other designing instruments for calculations, and providing design measures for
building that take advantage of solar energy in reducing energy consumption and providing
better living conditions.
• Use of recycled and environmental friendly building materials so as to reduce embodied
energy in buildings and provide guidance on energy efficient materials and their databases.
• Review of various energy efficient building technologies and construction methods which
reduce construction wastage and details of various construction techniques for more
efficient methods for the same.
• Incorporate various energy systems into the buildings, such as air-conditioning systems,
lighting systems, etc. efficiently with the building system. Effective Controls and Building
Management Systems.
• Indoor air quality for human safety and comfort.

Benefits of green building

A Green buildings consume 40% to 60% (depending on the range of measures adopted) lesser
electricity as compared to conventional buildings. This is primarily because they rely on passive
architectural interventions in the building design, and high efficiency materials and technologies
in the engineering design of the building.

Green Buildings also attempt to work towards on-site energy generation through renewable
Energy utilization to cater to its energy needs. For instance, solar thermal systems can help
Generate hot-water and replace the conventional electrical geyser in buildings. Solar PV panels
can help generate electricity which can reduce the buildings dependence on grid power.

Green buildings consume 40% to 80% (depending on the range of measures adopted) lesser
water as compared to conventional buildings. By utilizing ultra low-flow fixtures, dual plumbing
systems, waste-water recycling systems and rain-water harvesting, green buildings not only
reduce their demand for water use but also look at on-site supply options to cater to its internal
and external (landscape) water demands.

Green buildings generate lesser waste by employing waste management strategies on site.
They may also employ waste to energy or waste to resource (like manure, or compost)
strategies on site, to minimize their burden on municipal waste management facilities and

Green buildings generate lesser pollution both during construction as well as while in use.

Through best-practices such as proper storage of construction materials, barricading of the

site to prevent air and noise pollution during construction, proper storage and disposal of waste
during construction and operation, and so on, ensures reduced impact on the surrounding

Green buildings ensure proper safety, health and sanitation facilities for the laborer's (during
construction) and the occupants (while in use).

Green buildings restrict the use of high ODP (ozone depleting potential) substances in their
systems as well as in finishes.

Green buildings offer higher image and marketability.

All of these can be achieved at a minimal incremental cost with an estimated payback period
of about 3–5 years (excepting renewable energy for power generation).


A green building incorporates environmental considerations into every stage of the building
construction and focuses on the design, construction, operation and maintenance phases.
The key process difference between green and conventional buildings is the concept of
integrated process of construction, whereby a multi-disciplinary team of building
professionals work together from the pre-design phase through post-occupancy to optimize
the building for environmental sustainability, performance, and cost saving.

Green buildings offer widespread benefits to a number of building industry stakeholders,

including building occupants and society as a whole. Green buildings typically incorporate
superior indoor air quality, provide abundant natural light, access to views, use less water,
recycle wastes and provide noise control which benefits building occupants, making these
building better places to work or live in. The major considerations taken into account are the
lot design and development efficiency, energy and water efficiency, resource efficiency,
indoor environmental quality and the building’s overall impact on the environment.

An integral characteristic of a green building is its stress on protecting existing ecologies, and
improving ecologies that may have been damaged in the past. Green buildings are usually
constructed on reclaimed previously contaminated (brownfield) sites or previously developed
property, with measures taken to restore plant life and avoid environmentally sensitive bio-
reserves and forest lands. Green buildings also utilize fewer materials, through efficient
design and elimination of unnecessary finish materials. In addition, green building operations
promote material as well as water recycling in their operation. Energy efficiency is one of the
most important factors in almost all green building programs. Careful window selection,
building envelope air sealing, roof/wall insulation, duct sealing, proper placement of air and
vapor barriers, use of clean energy-powered heating/cooling systems contribute towards an
energy efficient building. Use of renewable energy, such as solar, wind or biomass energy, to
meet energy requirements can significantly reduce carbon footprints of such buildings.

Green construction should be based on integrated design process to ensure its success. Decision
should be made early whether or not to incorporate green building strategies. The key to
successfully implement green building guidelines is to start early – during conceptual phase.
Also collaboration should be encouraged between different building services, viz. civil, electrical,
mechanical, plumbing services– involving all parties involved, early in the project. Importance of
green construction principles should be emphasized. Clear goals must be set – providing specific
direction for the project and establishing performance standards. Feedback from project team
members should be encouraged. A timeline must be set, which clearly details out at which stage
of the project, a particular green building measure is to be implemented. The roles of the
different people involved in the project should be clearly defined. Building materials should be
procured from local areas and should have maximum recycled content. Every step of the
construction process right from the inception to the completion of the construction process
should be documented. Post-occupancy surveys and building commissioning must also be done.
Finally, total budget should be analyzed and reviewed periodically.


The Green Building movement in India has gained tremendous momentum during the past few
years, ever since the Green Business Centre embarked on achieving the prestigious LEED rating
for their own center at Hyderabad.
The ‘Platinum Rating’ for the Green Business Centre building has sensitized the stakeholders of
the construction industry. Today, several corporate and Government organizations are
considering Green Buildings in a major way. This has resulted in a spurt in the demand for green
materials & equipment.

From a humble beginning of 20,000 sq. Ft of green footprint in the country in the year 2003, to a
staggering 70 million sq. Ft till date, green buildings are well poised to reach scalar heights
Today a variety of green building projects are coming up in the country - residential complexes,
exhibition centers, hospitals, educational institutions, laboratories, IT parks, airports,
government buildings and corporate offices.

The Indian materials and equipment manufacturers are now faced with a challenge to seriously
look at green features to meet the growing demand for Green Buildings.
The Indian green building movement is surging ahead and well poised to reach greater heights,
in the years to come.

India Green Building Council, IGBC has been working on LEED – India. LEED India for new
construction (NC) was formally launched in January 2007 and LEED INDIA CS (core & shell).
Projects in India will be accepted for certification under the LEED -India rating system. The LEED-
INDIA rating system has incorporated few changes from its US counterpart, like more emphasis
for water conservation and adoption of local Indian codes and standards. For example LEED-
India would adopt the NBC guidelines, Ministry Of Environment and Forests guidelines for large
projects, ECBC for energy efficiency, etc. There is a tremendous potential for construction of
green buildings in India. This could open up a plethora of opportunities for several stakeholders
like the construction industry, architects, material manufacturers, equipment manufacturers etc
in India and abroad.

The projected growth potential for green buildings in India is shown in the following table:

Parallel to LEED India, GRIHA was developed as an indigenous building rating system,
particularly to address and assess non-air conditioned or partially air conditioned buildings.
GRIHA has been developed to rate commercial, institutional and residential buildings in India
emphasizing national environmental concerns, regional climatic conditions, and indigenous
solutions. GRIHA stresses passive solar techniques for optimizing visual and thermal comfort
indoors, and encourages the use of refrigeration-based and energy-demanding air
conditioning systems only in cases of extreme thermal discomfort. GRIHA integrates all
relevant Indian codes and standards for buildings and acts as a tool to facilitate
implementation of the same.


1. To achieve which basic goals was LEED created. What are the six major
areas which it addresses?
2. Define a Green Building and list its attributes.
3. List the benefits of Green Buildings.
4. What are the broad areas which a green building takes care of?
5. List the salient features of the IGBC LEED Green building Rating system and
TERI-GRIHA Green Building Rating systems followed in India.
6. Describe how Green Buildings help to reducing environmental
degeneration and wastage.
7. What is the average total breakup of energy consumed by equipment's in a
building? In modern day city buildings what is the major energy consumer
in a building?
8. List the Implementation and Application measures in Green Buildings.
9. Describe in brief how the Green Building Movement in India has been
molded and strengthened over the years.


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