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Course: 7023T - Advanced Database Systems

Dimensional Design (Cont’d)

Session 9
Learning Outcomes
Understand the purpose of the development life
cycle and how this cycles relates to the database
ware house development lifecycle. To describe
the activities associates with each stage of the
database ware house lifecycle. To introduce the
dimensional modelling, a high-level conceptual
data model, and to discuss the usefulness of this
modelling technique in the data warehouse
Bina Nusantara University 3
These slides have been adapted from Kimball,
Ralph & Ross, Margy. (1998). The Data
Warehouse Life Cycle Toolkit: Expert Methods
for Designing, Developing, and Deploying Data
Warehouse. Second edition. John Wiley & Sons.
New York

Bina Nusantara
Outline Materi
Dimensional Design
• Degenerate Transaction Number
• Schema in Action
• Schema Extensibility
• Dimension Normalization (Snowflaking)
• Surrogate Keys

Bina Nusantara
Extended Dimension Table Designs
• Many-to-Many Dimensions

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schema with a diagnosis dimension that can take only one value at a time

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Solving the multiple diagnosis problem with a diagnosis group bridge table

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Solving the multiple customers per account problem
with an account- to-customer bridge table
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Extended Dimension Table Designs
• Many-to-Many Dimensions
• Many-to-One-to-Many Traps

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A many-to-one-to-many schema that should not be queried with one
SELECT statement
Bina Nusantara University
Extended Dimension Table Designs
• Many-to-Many Dimensions
• Many-to-One-to-Many Traps
• Role-Playing Dimensions
– A role in a data warehouse is a situation where a
single dimension appears several times in the same
fact table. This can happen in a number of ways. For
instance, in certain kinds of fact tables, time can
appear repeatedly.

Bina Nusantara
Extended Dimension Table Designs
• Many-to-Many Dimensions
• Many-to-One-to-Many Traps
• Role-Playing Dimensions
• Organization and Parts Hierarchies

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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A schematic diagram of a set of parent companies and subsidiaries,

all of whom may be customers
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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A commercial customer dimension with

a recursive parent customer key link
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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A commercial customer dimension with a navigation bridge table

that allows natural SQL reporting at all levels of the tree
Bina Nusantara University
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

This different configuration of joins between the navigation bridge

table and the other tables is used to climb up the tree
Bina Nusantara University
Extended Dimension Table Designs
• Many-to-Many Dimensions
• Many-to-One-to-Many Traps
• Role-Playing Dimensions
• Organization and Parts Hierarchies
• Unpredictably Deep Hierarchies

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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A manufacturing profile subdimension is used to model an

unpredictably deep hierarchy
Bina Nusantara University
Extended Dimension Table Designs
• Many-to-Many Dimensions
• Many-to-One-to-Many Traps
• Role-Playing Dimensions
• Organization and Parts Hierarchies
• Unpredictably Deep Hierarchies
• Time Stamping the Changes in a Large

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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A model for a human resources environment with an employee

transaction dimension time stamped with current and next
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transaction dates and times
Extended Dimension Table Designs
• Many-to-Many Dimensions
• Many-to-One-to-Many Traps
• Role-Playing Dimensions
• Organization and Parts Hierarchies
• Unpredictably Deep Hierarchies
• Time Stamping the Changes in a Large
• Building an Audit Dimension

Bina Nusantara
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

An audit dimension can be used to accurately track the lineage of

individual records in the fact table
Bina Nusantara University
Extended Dimension Table Designs
• Many-to-Many Dimensions
• Many-to-One-to-Many Traps
• Role-Playing Dimensions
• Organization and Parts Hierarchies
• Unpredictably Deep Hierarchies
• Time Stamping the Changes in a Large
• Building an Audit Dimension
• Too Few Dimensions and Too Many
Dimensions 24
Bina Nusantara
Extended Fact Table Designs
• Facts of Differing Granularity and

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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A shipment invoices fact table showing how a full view of profitability

Bina Nusantara University
can be expressed at the invoice line item level by allocating costs to
the lowest level
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

When an aggregate table and a plan table share exactly the same
Bina Nusantara University dimensions, it may be reasonable to combine them into a single 27
physical table
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A plan table with an extra dimension (plan version) that makes it

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impossible to combine with an aggregate table 28
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A fact table with facts at the wrong grain

Bina Nusantara University
Extended Fact Table Designs
• Facts of Differing Granularity and
• Time of Day

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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A sales fact table with transaction time recorded to the minute and
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split off from the transaction date 31
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A sales fact table spanning multiple time zones where comparing

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comparable telesales across time zones is required 32
Extended Fact Table Designs
• Facts of Differing Granularity and
• Time of Day
• Multiple Units of Measure

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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

The wrong design when fact table quantities need to be expressed

in several units of measure
Bina Nusantara University
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

The recommended design for multiple units of measure places the

Bina Nusantara University conversion factors directly in the fact table record to eliminate the 35
possibility of choosing the wrong factors
Extended Fact Table Designs
• Facts of Differing Granularity and
• Time of Day
• Multiple Units of Measure
• Multinational Currency Tracking

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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

Tracking transactions in multiple currencies requires a daily

Bina Nusantara University
currency exchange conversion fact table 37
Extended Fact Table Designs
• Facts of Differing Granularity and
• Time of Day
• Multiple Units of Measure
• Multinational Currency Tracking
• Value Band Reporting

Bina Nusantara
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

Arbitrary value band reporting can be done with a band definition

Bina Nusantara University table and a pair of nonequijoins 39
Advanced ROLAP Querying and Reporting
• Drill-Across Queries with Multiple

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Organization and Parts Hierarchies

The query architecture for disparate conformed data sources

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Advanced ROLAP Querying and Reporting
• Drill-Across Queries with Multiple Technologies
• Self Referencing Queries, Behavior Tracking, and
Sequential Subsetting
1. Simple constraints
2. Simple subqueries
3. Correlated subqueries
4. Simple behavioral queries
5. Derived behavioral queries
6. Progressive subsetting queries.
7. Classification queries
Bina Nusantara
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A special behavior dimension consisting only of keys of some

selected dimension can be attached directly to any fact table
containing that dimension’s keys
Bina Nusantara University
Advanced ROLAP Querying and Reporting
• Drill-Across Queries with Multiple Technologies
• Self Referencing Queries, Behavior Tracking, and
Sequential Subsetting
• Market Basket Analysis

Bina Nusantara
Organization and Parts Hierarchies

A market basket fact table populated from a sales fact table,

showing the product keys that must be generalized to handle either
base-level products or aggregate-level products, in any mixture
Bina Nusantara University
These slides have been adapted from Kimball,
Ralph & Ross, Margy. (1998). The Data
Warehouse Life Cycle Toolkit: Expert Methods
for Designing, Developing, and Deploying Data
Warehouse. Second edition. John Wiley & Sons.
New York

Bina Nusantara
Outline Materi
Dimensional Design
• Degenerate Transaction Number
• Schema in Action
• Schema Extensibility
• Dimension Normalization (Snowflaking)
• Surrogate Keys

Bina Nusantara
Matrix Method for Getting Started
• Build the Matrix
– Do the Necessary Homework
– List the Data Marts
– List the Dimensions
– Mark the Intersections

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The Data Warehouse Bus Architecture matrix
for a telephone company
Bina Nusantara University
Use the Four-Step Method to Design Each
Fact Table
• Step 1. Choose the Data Mart
• Step 2. Declare the Grain
• Step 3. Choose the Dimensions
• Step 4. Choose the Facts

Bina Nusantara
Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project

• Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix

• Fact Table Diagram

Bina Nusantara
The telephone billing fact table diagram.
Disconnected dimensions are shown on both sides of the diagram
Bina Nusantara University
Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project

• Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix

• Fact Table Diagram: serves multiple
communications purposes
– Link between IS and users
– Help with data access tool selection
– End user training

Bina Nusantara
Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project

• Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix

• Fact Table Diagram
• Fact Table Detail

Bina Nusantara
Fact table detail diagram showing dimension keys,
basic facts, and derived facts (with asterisks)
Bina Nusantara University
Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project

• Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix

• Fact Table Diagram
• Fact Table Detail
• Dimension Table Detail

Bina Nusantara
Dimension table detail diagram
(relative cardinalities shown in parentheses)
Bina Nusantara University
Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project
• Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix
• Fact Table Diagram
• Fact Table Detail
• Dimension Table Detail
– Attribute name
– Attribute definition
– Cardinality
– Sample data
– Slowly changing policy
– Many-to-many relationships
– Slowly changing dimensions
– Artificial attributes 58
Bina Nusantara
Many-to-many and slowly changing dimension attributes

Bina Nusantara University

A dimension with a correlated attribute

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Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project
• Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix
• Fact Table Diagram
• Fact Table Detail
• Dimension Table Detail
• Steps for the Dimensional Modeling Team
– Create the Initial Draft
– Track Base Facts and Derived Facts
– Get IS Team Input
– Work with Core Business Users
– Present to Business Users

Bina Nusantara
Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project
• Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix
• Fact Table Diagram
• Fact Table Detail
• Dimension Table Detail
• Steps for the Dimensional Modeling Team
• Identifying the Sources for Each Fact Table and
Dimension Table

Bina Nusantara
Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project
• ….
• Identifying the Sources for Each Fact Table and
Dimension Table
– Understanding Candidate Data Sources
– Source Data Ownership
– Data Providers
– Detailed Criteria for Selecting the Data Sources
– Customer Matching and Householding
– Browsing the Data Content
– Mapping Data from Source to Target
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Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project
• …….
• Using a Data Modeling Tool
– Estimating the Number of Rows
– Designing for Aggregation
– Deciding What to Aggregate

Bina Nusantara
Managing the Dimensional Modeling Project
• Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Matrix
• Fact Table Diagram
• Fact Table Detail
• Dimension Table Detail
• Steps for the Dimensional Modeling Team
• Identifying the Sources for Each Fact Table and
Dimension Table
• When Are You Done?
• Using a Data Modeling Tool
Bina Nusantara

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