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Time Management

(Techniques & Tools)

Prepared By
G. M. Farid Hossain
10 reasons why time management is important
Everyone’s time is valuable, whether they assign a dollar value to it or not. Poor time management skills can cause a lack of sleep,
unhappiness, and even health complications such as stress. That’s why you need to look at the big picture. Why is time management so
important? Here are the top ten reasons.
1. It improves your self-discipline: Let’s face it, if you have good time management skills, the chances are that you’re highly self-
2. It improves the quality of your work: Having good time management skills doesn’t mean that you pull all-nighters to meet a
3. Winding down is essential: Between work, family commitments and running errands, most of us don’t get enough time to
4. It reduces stress: Take a few moments to reflect on your day:
Do you feel as though you’re always busy, but accomplish little? Is there something that’s been keeping you up at night with
worry? Are you unable to complete your work?
5. It opens up new possibilities: One of the hidden dangers of poor time management is that it kills your chances of broadening
your horizons and trying out new things.
6. It helps your personal relationships: The more free time you have to spend with your friends and family, the better your
relationships will be.
7. It improves your career: Rather than going with the flow, having good time management skills lets you control your life and
take the lead at work.
8. It enhances your decision-making ability: This has a powerful effect on the quality of your decisions and, in turn, affects
almost every aspect of your life, from your career progression to your relationships, friendships and social life.
9. You can accomplish more: Being in control of your time is great for productivity. You’ll find that you can get far more done in
less time when you aren’t constantly rushed off your feet.
10. It stops you from missing opportunities: Poor time management skills will destroy your productivity and this, in turn, will
cause you to miss opportunities.
Some Indications of Poor Time Management
If you are not sure if you need to find ways to be more organized with your time, there are a number of
signs of inefficient time management that you may want to consider.
 A lack of punctuality: If you find that you are perennially late, it is a sign that you need to learn to prioritize
your time more effectively.
 Performing your work too quickly: You can often tell when taking on too many tasks makes your work
mediocre across the board.
 Impatience with others: If you feel you are often very impatient with a number of coworkers, you may have to
look at yourself to find the root of the problem.
 A lack of clarity when it comes to goals: If you haven’t taken the time to consider your goals properly, the
output of your work will suffer and things can be sloppy and feel ambiguous.
 Doing assignments at the last minute: Procrastinating is another symptom of poor time management. It
causes undue stress and may be an indication of the fact that you do not know how best to prioritize your time.
 Working too hard: If you find yourself constantly exhausted, it may be a time management issue.
 Over preparation and micromanagement: When asked that question about strengths and weaknesses in
your job interview, many people choose to say that they’re biggest flaw is that they are a perfectionist.
 Not being able to make decisions: If you find you have a hard time making choices, it is likely because you
haven’t taken the initial time to understand what your goals should be.
 An inability to delegate properly: If you find that you are constantly saying the phrase “If you want
something done right… you have to do it yourself”, the problem might be with you.
9 types of Time Management Technique & Tools
Time Management Strategies that work

Stop Take more Avoid

Slow down
multitasking breaks distractions
Time Patterning (Organization Basis)
By looking at time differently, some people have found they can get more done in shorter

** Time blocking: Considering a schedule as set amounts or units of time allows for improved time
management. Time blocking works when you:
 Create a digital or physical calendar and separate it into time units of 30 minute chunks
 Decide how long each of your tasks will take
 Assign specific chunks to each task
 Make sure to allot break times between chunks to refocus

** Parkinson’s Law
C. N. Parkinson put forth the theory that a task will take just as long as the amount of time you have
scheduled for it. There are many ways to use this concept to help with time management, for example:
 Consider a relatively generous timeline for a project, then cut it in half
 Use an egg timer to give yourself only a set amount of time to accomplish something that
could fill you with distractions, like answering emails
 If something is due in the evening, get it done in the morning
 Try working with a physical deadline like use your laptop without a power charger and give
yourself only as much time as the battery charge will allow.

This allows for specific focus and gives the practitioner the need to finish a task in a set amount of time.
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