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• Post mortem examination/Necropsy /Autopsy

:Systematic exposure and scientific
examination of carcass to know the cause of
Postmortem Changes
- Algor mortis – Cooling of body

- Autolysis –digestion of tissue by their own cellular enzymes

- Putrefaction-decomposition of tissue by enzymes of saprophytic


-Livor mortis (Latin: livor—"bluish color," mortis—"of death"),

postmortem lividity (Latin: postmortem—"after death“

- lividity—"black and blue"), hypostasis (Greek:

hypo, meaning "under, beneath"; stasis, meaning "a standing“)
Rigor mortis
• The muscle contracts when the myosin shifts, but the lack
of ATP prevents it from detaching, and the muscle remains
contracted. Such a process occurs in all muscles as the
body becomes rigid.

• Rigor mortis usually sets in within four hours, first in the

face and generally smaller muscles.

• A few hours after a person or animal dies, the joints of the

body stiffen and become locked in place. This stiffening is
called rigor mortis. ...

• Depending on temperature and other conditions, rigor

mortis lasts approximately 72 hours.
• Rigor mortis-
 Shortening and contraction muscle after death.
 Begins from head to tail and passes of in same
 Starts appearing within 1-8 Hrs after death and
disappear within 20-30 and even upto 72 hrsHrs.

Putrefaction Rigor mortis

PM clotting of blood-
 In dead animal the endothelial cells begins to degenerate due to
lack of oxygen and liberate thromboplastin which clot the blood
within heart, artery and vein.
 Anthrax – no clot forms because fibrinolysin produced by bacteria
(Bacillus anthracis) liquefy the fibrin.
 Sweet clover poisoning-no clot forms because prothrombin
activity is inhibited.
 PM clot attaches to vessel, AM clot-not attaches to vessel.

PM Clot AM Clot
PM staining
 After death, the RBCs are haemolysed by cellular and bacterial
enzymes and Hb get liberated
 Hb diffuse into surrounding tissues and stain them red.
Hypostatic Congestion-accumulation of blood in the ventral
portion of organ or body due to influence of gravity.

PM Staining Hypostatic Congestion

Hydrogen sulphide produced during putrefaction combines with
iron to form iron sulphide which gives black shade to the tissue.
Imbibition with bile- is the yellow pigmentation of tissue
occurring near the gall bladder when the bile pigments diffuse
into the surrounding tissue.

Imbibition with bile Pseudomelanosis

PM bloat/emphysema- accumulation of gas in rumen or tissues
due to bacterial fermentation.
Rupture of organs and tissues- occurs when gases produced causes
progressive distension of body structure until they burst.
Eg. Stomach, Intestine.
Displacement of organs- occurs when the dead animal is rolled
over or moved.

PM Emphysema PM Emphysema
Factors which influences the rapidity of onset of pm changes
1.Environmental temperature-
 Summer-animal decompose rapidly.
 Cold- animal decompose slowly.
2. Size of animal
 Large animal- rapid pm changes
3.External covering-
 Thick hair, wool, fur retard heat dissipation.
 Sheep decompose very rapidly.
4.Fatness of animal-
 Fatty animal decompose very rapidly.
5.Species of animal-
 Pig decompose rapidly [flesh-high fat]
 Horse –decompose slowly.

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