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Conflict Theory

Understanding Conflict

 Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting

from individuals or groups that differ in
attitudes, beliefs, values or needs
 It can also originate from past rivalries and
personality differences
 Examples of conflicting
values: individualism vs
teamwork, family life vs career,
What is conflict?
Conflict theory vs Marxism

 Conflict theory: power is the core of ALL

social relationships
 Marxism: much like conflict theory but power
is gained through economics
 Characterized by an economic struggle between the
haves and have-nots.
Conflict Theory

– Alternative to functionalism
– Macrosociological theoretical perspective
– Resentment and hostility are constant elements of
– Power differences among social classes
– Special interest groups fight over scarce
resources of society
 Interest groups fight to gain advantages over others
Conflict Theory (Cont’d)

 Competition puts society off-balance until

dominant group gains control and stability
through power

 Karl Marx (1818-1883)

– Humanist: wanted all individuals to reach their full human
– Believed humans make their own history (historical method)
 Controlling material production division of labor formation of
economic social classes Class struggle
– Trying to combine material and ideal factors/ structural and
cultural factors
– Founder of the conflict theory
– Influenced by the consequences of the Industrial Revolution in
Karl Marx

 Bourgeoisie – small group of capitalists who own

the means to produce wealth
 Proletariat – mass of workers exploited by the
 To be fair…Marx witnessed capitalism in its infancy
 Class differences have a lot to do with possession of
personal property
 Believed the exploited would become conscious and
unite communism  elimination of class struggle

Caste – denotes a closed group wherein the

membership is characterized by occupation
and there is the impossibility of entering or
leaving it
Class – basically defined by laws; membership
are defined by essential legal inequalities.

 According to Marx social class determined by

2 things.

1. Based on shared or common economic


2. Consciousness – the way of seeing things

and identifying oneself is crucial in the
emergence of a truly active social class.
“Marx believed that it was not
enough for a class to be a class in
itself, it has to be a class for itself.”
Class situation would mean the
probability of procuring goods,
gaining a position in life, and finding
inner satisfaction.

 Even from our present time class is exist,

from being a part of the higher class, middle
class or the poor. We exist from the time
were money is the determinant factor to
know your level in the society. But the good
thing is, you can level up if you have a goal
and make it true, by hard work and
perseverance despite of so many struggles
and challenges in life.

 ACCORDING TO Marx power, the ability to

exert ones will over others, is derived from
ones economic position in society.
– This means that those who occupy the high
positions in an economic system, those who own
the means and forces of production, consequently
hold power.

 ACCORDING TO Weber, he referred to the

manner society organizes itself to produce a
quality of prestige or social honor.
– Social honor, is not solely based on economic
criteria but rather by the lifestyle practiced by the
– Status, is distinguished by the exclusive practices
and rituals that are developed and inculcated.
– Party, refers to the organized groups wherein a
distinct goal or objective is sought.
POWER (Weber)

 He argued that power may not necessarily

come from a material position in society but
by a number of other forces.
 For Weber, there are 3 sources of legitimized
Weber’s 3 legitimized authority

1. There is authority legitimized by traditional means where

the ruling group takes hold of power due to social or cultural
inheritance, they rule because they have always done so.

2. Authority is acquired through charismatic means where

authority primarily rests on the personal characteristics and
magnetism or charm of the ruler or the ruling group.

3. Through formal legal and judicial means.


 On our current time and the last legitimized

authority listed by Weber is the one that is on
power, and that is the government, the
politicians who make the law. But because of
the power they hold sometimes they abused
and used their power and status to defies
those people under them.
Conflict and Change

 Social conflict and social change is the

dynamic characteristics of conflict theory.
Social conflict brings about social changes.
The antagonisms between classes due to
their differing interests and values lead to a
constant struggle to assert one’s own interest
and at the same time frustrating the other.
Conflict and Change

 For Marx, such a view is essential in the

development of persons in achieving their
true and full capacities and talents.
 It is the historical class struggles where
people find the development of their beings.
Conflict and Change

 Social conflict serves two functions

 first, it serves to demarcate lines and
boundaries that distinguish a class from the
It also sets or makes conscious of certain
 it makes obvious the separateness and
distinctiveness among the different groups of
Conflict and Change

 Social conflict serves two functions

second, social conflict establishes a balance of
claims and interests.
Assertion of interests and ideas ensures the
development of new and more relevant interests
and values which in turn end up compromising
positions and balancing the forces.
This consequently produces a perceived degree
of social stability and equilibrium.
Conflict and Change

 Social change occurs when the

contradiction in ideology is exposed
and the antagonisms are unbearable.
Key sociological concepts based
on conflict theory

 The anti-thesis of functionalism is, indeed the
conflict theory which sociologists consider as
an acceptable and valid way to gain insight
into human society
 As the word indicates, conflict is recognized
as a normal part of the everyday lives of

 It is a system which is in a continual state of

 The groups and individual persons that compose
it are believed to be in a clash of interests and
are continuously involved in a highly contested
 The dominant groups like the rich and the
capitalists aspire to maintain their power while the
subordinate groups like the poor and the workers

 The dominant groups like the rich and the

capitalists aspire to maintain their power while the
subordinate groups like the poor and the workers
aspire for greater power.
 According to Karl Marx, aside from power, the
two groups compete for wealth and status.
However, modern-day conflicts are expanded to
include discrimination in sex, race, age, etc.
Society Reaction

 Pros and cons is normal in a society. It is a way

to expressed each and everyone's opinion. This
makes also the society gets some ideas, from
where they judge, they balance and create their
own reaction. This conflict in society is also the
another way or means of function to continue the
cycle of living. It gives color to black and white life
of society.

 As an established pattern of thinking and

doing of a particular society, culture is
expected to bind all groups and individual
persons together.
 However, this is not so, since in the first
place there is a clash of values between
dominant and the subordinate groups.

 Nevertheless, the culture of the former tends

to dominate the whole society and even
serves as a model for everyone to aspire for.
 Since the subordinate groups lacks the
means to approach the lifestyles of the
dominant groups, it only becomes a
frustrating experience for them.

 In addition, culture perpetuates an unequal

distribution of resources in society, assigning
greater allocation and ownership to fewer but
privileged groups and persons.
Culture Reflection

 in our world were diverse culture exists and

different mindset clash. Culture binds us all but
also makes a group broke. Most of the time we
act as what our culture teach us and we think it
is right, but of course there is always the time
that we ask our selves that why cant we act as
what we want and not to follow the culture that
our family taught us. Different mindset and
beliefs makes everyone conflict, argue and
Culture Reflection

 but reality speaking despite of different culture

we stand us one in terms of problems and that
makes us stronger.

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