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180907066 Asra Ike Khoirunnisah

180907068 Rafiqah Syauqia

180907088 Laya Azani Lubis
180907126 Denada Putri Nainggolan
180907132 Widya Nada Sari
180907134 Rapima Sartika
The culinary business that we pioneered is a Food Company that is based
on Indonesia flavors, we serve various types of authentic Indonesian Food
which of course indonesiaan people love, including; nasi ayam sambal balado,
ayam geprek solo, bebek sambal betutu, nasi lele orak-arik, bebek rendang
bakar, sop buntut sapi,etc.
We also provide good sevice for every visitors who comes to our
restaurant. Every visitors who comes will be welcomed by our waiter wearing
North Sumatra tradional clothes. Visitors can also place arrangements online
trough our official website.
We have idea to set up this company because we love Indonesia food and
want to continue to preserve it, we also inspired to establish food company
that have selling value in the community.Then the idea was created to
establish a restaurant with authentic Indonesia flavors.
From the name of our company, it can be seen that the beginning of this
business is in Medan, North Sumatra. We started it from a small restaurant in
2001. It still continues and develope until now
 Vision
Creating a superior business by providing
Indonesian food with the best quality.
 Mission
1. Maintain the quality of product taste to make a
superior business
2. Providing the best service for consumers
3. Give a good impression for consumers
4. Making consumers loyal to business products
5. Consistent in product taste
A. Expanded
Our company was first opened in North Sumatra Medan on March 15,
2010. That is the central branch. And we have also opened 2 more branches in
Sumatra and 2 more branches in Java. Then the second branch we also opened
in Medan on November 28, 2012, the third branch was opened on December
31, 2013 in Lampung, the fourth branch was opened on 12 April 2015 in Jakarta,
and the fifth branch was opened on 8 November 2017 in Bandung.

B. Notable Successes
The first highlight of our company is when we will open a second
branch. Because at the time before opening the second branch, we received a
lot of orders from consumers. And they hope that we open a new branch to
make ordering easier.

C. Key Dates/ Achievements

One of the important dates in our company is when we will set up a
D. Current Operations
The current operation in our company is to open a
number of restaurants that offer a variety of
Indonesian specialties, by adding a modern
impression without losing its trademark

E. Number of Employes
We have 30 employees in each branch, and we
have 5 branches. So our total employees from all
branches is 150 employees. From the 30 employees,
there are those in charge of the kitchen, managers,
cashiers, servants, and office boy/girl
Nasi ayam sambal balado Sop buntut sapi
Ayam geprek solo

Bebek sambal betutu Rendang bebek

A.Initial capital requirements to start a business
The initial capital requirements for starting a bussiness is
The funds are allocated to the initial production expenditure needs.
Initial capital requirements =investation +raw material + product
costs+ operating costs
Initial capital requirements=2.528.000+1.300.000+2.390.000=6.218.000
Total costs
Investation costs=2.528.000/year
Production costs=75.337.800/year
Operating costs =26.280.000/year
Depreciation of costs=1.569.000/year
FIxed costs=depreciation of costs + operating costst
Fixed costs =1.569.000 +26.280.000
(*)HPP =ficed costs+production costs/amount of production
(*)selling price orf one unit
(*)Analysis R/C
1.Total production =production costs+opersional costs
=390.000.000/year +26.280.000
2. Total income =HPP×Amount of production
3. Profit=total income -total production costs
(*)then return on capital =inventation costs × production period/profit
=2.528.000 × 1 year/8.520.000
=0,2 year
 Conclusion
The business of 'koki sumatra' is a promising business because it has
the opportunity to get high profits. It is hoped that this food can
compete with other foods because this business has an authentic
Indonesian taste with various spices that are in accordance with the
mouth of the Indonesian people. This business also has several
branches spread so that it will be easier for Indonesian food lovers to
find this place to eat. In addition, the price is affordable and in
accordance with the quality of food.
 Suggest
We expect this business to run smoothly as expected and this
business can be sought by the public. Besides that, doing business
whatever the product must be more creative and innovative so that
people are not bored with monotonous business. The other most
important thing in doing business is that quality is appropriate for the
price so that people are not disappointed.

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