Loknath Rasa

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Dr Mahesh S Pawar
PG second year

Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana

Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul University
• There are many references found in the classics by the name of
Loknatha Rasa. The ingredients and the method of the preparation is
different one from another.
• In Bhaishajya Ratnavali four varieties of Loknath rasa has been
mentioned. One is mentioned in Atisar adhikar(basic reference-
Rasendra Sara Samgraha). Another three are described under
Plihyakrutrogadhikar. All the four varieties are prepared by the
Yoga presentation Loknath rasa by Dr Mahesh 2

• Sharav-samputa method.
• As per Rasayoga sagar, there are 15 varieties of the Loknatha
Rasa mentioned in the classics including loknath rasa pottali.
• Loknatha rasa is one such mineral preparation claimed by
classical texts to be effective in the management of Atisara and

Yoga presentation Loknath rasa by Dr Mahesh 3


Among the various references of Loknatha rasa mentioned in the texts

of Ayurveda, the one mentioned in Sharangadhara Samhita is most
acceptable because of its special credentials like (i) less number of
ingredients which are non-controversial and easily available (ii) simple
preparation procedure and requires no technical expertise (iii) cost
effectiveness, etc. It is explained to be given with Maricha which has
properties like grahi, deepana, pachana, etc. and is an important bio-
availability enhancer.
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Classical References

• 1. Bhaishajya Ratnavali: The three Loknatha rasa mentioned in

Plihyakrutrogadhikar ( 2 from rasendrachintamani and 1 from
Rasendrasarasamgraha ); there is only difference in quantity of
Varatika bhasma(3,4,9 parts) and for bhavana dravya it is
kumariswrasa and kakmachi swarasa instead of Tambulpatra
swarasa in Loknath rasa-3.
• 2. Sharangdhara Samhita: There are two types of Loknath rasa
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Cont …
• Mentioned in the madhyama khanda(ch 12). Laghu Loknath rasa
mentioned in Rasayogsagar(5th Loknath rasa) is same as Second
loknath rasa mentioned in Sharangdhar Samhita.
• 3. RasaYogsagar: Total 15 varaieties mentioned.

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• 4. AFI( part I): Lokanatha rasa mentioned in AFI is from
Rasendrasara samgraha(Pliha chikitsa).

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Contents Text Sh.Sa. 1 Sh. Sa. 2 B.R (Atisar) R.Y. S 2 R.Y.S. 4 A.A.GDS R.C.M R.S.S
Parada 2 parts No No 1 pala 1 part 2 parts 1 part 1 part
Gandhaka 2 parts No 4 part 1 pala 1 part 2 parts 1 part 1 part
Kapardika 8 parts 1 part bhasm Q.S. 1 pala bhasm 6 part bhasm 8 parts 3 part bhasm 9 part bhasm
Tankana 1 part No No 1 masha 1 part No No
Shankha 8 parts No No No 8 parts No No
Rasasindura No No 1 part No No No No
Mandura No 1 part bhasm No No No No No
Abhraka Bhasma No No No No 1 part No 1 part 1 part
Loha Bhasma No No No No 2 part No 2 parts 2 parts
Tamra Bhasma No No No No 2 part No 2 parts 2 parts
Puta Gaja Bharjan Varaha Gaja Gaja Gaja Laghu Laghu
Fried in ghrita and Kapardik to be
marich, bhavana closed with 1-Kumari
Bhavana No of nagvalli tankana paste Jambiri rasa Nagvalli No Nagvalli &Kakmachi
Dose 6 gunja 1 masha 2-4 gunja mentioned 3 ratti 1/4 to 1 gunja 3 ratti 2 gunja
madhuyukta pippali/
Shunthi/Ativisha/ gudayukta Jiraka/madhu/p
musta/ Not haritki/gomutra or Not ippali/
Anupana 29 marich Madhu/Navnita devdaru/Vacha mentioned jirayukt guda mentioned 8
haritaki/guda Madhu
Materials and MethodsSharangdhar Samhita

• Ingredients:
• 1. Plant origin: Nil
• 2. Mineral origin: Parada, Gandhaka, Tankana, Kapardika, Shankha
• 3. Animal origin: Nil
• Part Used: All ingredients are of mineral origin and should be
taken in shodhit form.
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• Method of preparation of Loknatha rasa:

• Equal quantity of shuddha Parada and Gandhaka (2 parts each) are
triturated well to form kajjali. This kajjali is filled in shodhita
Kapardika ( 4 times of Parada), the slit is sealed by paste of shuddha
Tankana (1 part) and milk. Small pieces of shodhita Shankha are
spread over a sharava. Kapardika containing kajjali is kept over it
at the centre and is again surrounded by pieces of Shankha (8 parts).
Yoga presentation Loknath rasa by Dr Mahesh 10

• Another sharava is placed inverted over it and sandhi bandhana

is done and then subjected for Gajaputa. The samputa is then
opened, its contents (i.e pieces of shankha, kapardika with
kajjali) are pounded together. Thus the Loknatha rasa is
prepared and stored.

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Shodhana of Ingredients

• 1. Parada- Samanya and vishesh shodhan i.e. ashtasamskarita parade or

hingulottha patrada.
• 2. Gandhaka- In Goghrita and Godugdha dhalana method(3/7 times).
• 3. Kapard- In kanji / Nimbu – swedana method in dolayantra for 1
• 4.Tankana- Heating in a vessel over mild fire till nirjalikarana.
• 5.Shankha-In nimbu swarasa swedana method in dolayantra for 4 yama
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Bhavana, Dose, Anupan and Indications

• Bhavana: No bhavana dravya, Tankana is mixed with milk to form

• Dose: Six gunja mixed with 29 marich.
• Anupana: Vatapradhan roga- Ghrita, Pittapradhan roga- Navnita,
and for Kaphaja roga- Madhu. Suitable vehicle to be used in
diseases like atisara, kshaya, aruchi, grahani, karshya, mandagni,
kasa-shwas, gulma.
Yoga presentation Loknath rasa by Dr Mahesh 13
Main drug in the formulation
• Main drug of this formulation is Kapardika. It is of Rasa- katu,
veerya- ushna, vipaka- Katu, guna- ruksha, tikshna.
• Looking at the rasapanchak it is effective on the kaphaj vyadhi
and also as per the R.T. it is effective on kshaya and grahani.
• As the Kapard is in more quantity in this formulation; it is the
main drug of the yoga. Also looking at the rogadhikar of the
Yoga, more contributing drug is Kapard hence it is main drug.
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Specialty of the Yoga
• Detailed pathyapathya has been mentioned. Detailed information
about antidote given. Unique method of starting the drug has
been mentioned. Tyajya bhojan patra and tyajya shaak phala has
been mentioned in detailed.
• Worship and offering is also mentioned need to be done by the

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Precaution / Pathyapathya

• There is also mentioning of Kamsya Patra (bronze vessel/plate)

as a Contra indication for consumption of food for the person
who is taking Lokanath Rasa.
• After having the Loknath rasa, one should take three morsels of
rice mixed with ghrita and lie down on a cot without a head rest.
He should take foods devoid of amla but having sweet taste
mixed with ghrita. Sweet curds, jangal mamsa cooked in ghrita;
Yoga presentation Loknath rasa by Dr Mahesh 16
• Rice with milk and ghrita etc. Paste of tila and amalak or ghrita to
be applied over the body and given warm water bath.
• During the course of treatment the person should avoid use of
oil, bilwa, karvellaka, vaartaak, shaphari, chincha, vyayam,
maithuna, madya, sandhanaka, hingu, shunthi, maasha, masurika,
kushmanda, rajika, kopa, kanjika, unwanted sleep, all KA karadi
fruit and vegetables.
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• If the patient develops burning sensation in the body during the
treatment course, he should be given guduchi sattwa mixed with
sugar and vanshlochan; kharjura, draksha, sugarcane juice can also
be given.
• In case of aruchi, the medicine should be taken with grains fried
in ghrita and mixed with sugar.
• In jwara, it should be given with kwath of dhanya and guduchi.
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• Loknath Rasa is not mentioned in SiddhaYog samgraha.
• Commonly used Loknath rasa is of Sharangdhara Samhita reference.

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