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Welcome to UCI

Division of Continuing Education!


Statement of Understanding
What is the
Statement of Understanding?

• It’s a paper that tells the rules of our school.

• We want you to understand our rules so you
can be successful.
1. Attendance Policy
• Please come to class every day
ready and willing to participate.

• But if you are sick, stay home or

see a doctor.

• If you know you will be absent,

please tell your teacher before
class (but we still have to mark
you absent).
Punctuality (Late) Policy
Please be on time. Be in the classroom when
class begins. Please do not leave class early or
take a break during class.

If you are late to class or leave class early:

• 1-14 minutes = 1 late
• 15+ minutes = 1 hour absence
• 3 lates = 1 hour absence
Attendance Letters

You will receive the following attendance letters from

your teacher and by email if you are absent:
• 15 hours (Warning letter)
• 25 hours (Final Warning letter)
– Required to meet with an Academic Advisor
– This is your chance to discuss any problems that
are causing you to miss class.
• 40 hours (Dismissal letter)
– You must leave the program
Attendance Policy Cont.

• If you are absent 40 hours or more, you will

be dismissed.
• That means you have to leave UCI. 
Attendance Questions?
If you want to see how many hours
you’ve missed:

Send an email to:
Tell them your name and student ID
2. Academic Probation

• To pass a class, your grade must be at least 70%.

• If you get a D or F, you must take the same class

• If you fail the same class twice, you may be
3. Academic Honesty
Cheating is not OK.
• Don’t look at another student’s test.
• Don’t copy homework.
• Don’t use your cell phone during a test.
• Don’t take pictures of a test.
• Students who cheat
can be dismissed.
4. Electronic Devices Policy
Cell phones can only be used in class for
educational purposes.
• Don’t talk, text, take pictures, send emails,
or check social media (Instagram, Facebook,
etc.) on your phone during class.
Put your cell phone away during class
unless your teacher says it is OK to use it.
5. Behavioral Policy
Be respectful to your teacher and classmates
and be ready to participate in class.
Examples of how to be respectful in class:
•Come to class on time •Raise your hand to ask
•Speak only English questions
•Put your cell phone away •Ask relevant questions
•Listen to your teacher and •Do what your teachers asks
classmates •Finish your homework
•Be patient with your before class starts
6. Smoke-Free Policy
Please don’t smoke anywhere at UCI.
Cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaping, and
marijuana, are not allowed at UCI.
7. Dismissal

These things can cause you problems. You

might be dismissed from our program:
• If you’re absent 40 hours or more
• If you fail the same class 2 times
• If you cheat (after being warned)
• If you do not behave well
What happens if you are dismissed?
If you are dismissed . . .
• You must stop attending classes
• Your I-20 will be canceled
• You must return to your country or find
another school immediately
• You cannot return to the UCI ESL programs

Do you have any questions?

Our Website

This information is also on our website:

Thank you!

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