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Phrase and Clauses

Adyaksa Pradibta (111190045)
Martua Erikjon Harianja (111190046)
Salsabila Thahirah (111190051)
Zidan Asy’ari (111190060)
M. Kemal Nahrowi (111190066)
Phrase Definition
A group of related words within a sentece that
complements the overall structure of sentence.
We will review seven types of
1. Absolute phrase
2. Appositive phrase
3. Gerund phrase
4. Infinitive phrase
5. Noun phrase
6. Participal phrase
7. Prepositional phrase
Absolute phrase
Is a phrase that modifies a whole independent
clause (a full sentence), not just one word, it
generally combines a noun an a participle

• Its ability penetrating some ocean layers,
sunlight taught us that sometimes there is a
border and we shouldnt cross the line no matter
how capable we are.
Appositive phrase
An appositive is a noun or pronoun placed near
another noun or pronoun to explain or identify it. An
appositive phrase includes with the appositive all of
the words or phrases that modify it.

• Tommy, a skillful miner, found out that the
possibility for this land to have abundant of coal is
• A forecast, a trustworthy site, announce that
tomorrow antalya will be hit by strong hurricane
Gerund phrase
Is a phrase that begins with a gerundn and a functions
as a noun. A gerund is a verb ending with –ing, but, it
work as a noun, and can act as a subject, object, or
complement in a sentence

• The great Geologist should understand using a
compass during the exploration project
• Seeing the moon through telescope is the best way
to study the sturcture and surface of the moon.
Infinitive phrase
An infnitive phrase is a group of word that begins
with an infinitive and functions as a noun,
adjective, or adverb

• The Government decides to reconstruct the
city after earthquakes
• BMKG is in charge to record any natural events
and announce it to public
Noun phrase
Is a group of word that work together to name and
describe a person, place, thing, or idea

• Hard rock is formed from surface lava that cools
quickly is called Obsidian (Noun Phrase + Adjective)
• That crystal is tetragonal because all the axes form
an angle of 90 degree and there are 2 axes of the
same length (determiner + noun)
Participal phrase
A participal phrase is a group of words consisiting of a
participle and the modifier and/or noun, pronouns or
noun phrases that function as the direct objects,
indirect object, or complement of the action or state
expressed in the participle

• The geology consultant, showing his compass,
explained about how the rift formed.
• The diggers, holding their pickaxes, keep digging
the ground despite bad condition.
Prepositional phrase
Definition :
A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition, a
noun, or a pronoun called the object of the
preposition, as well as any modifiers of the object.

• Coal is one of mineal from Kalimantan which
is often used for electricity generation
• The bromo mountain is about 3000 masl
Type of clauses:
• Main clause: S+V
Earthquake hit the land.
• Relative Clause:
That predict the upcoming disaster
• Subordinate clause
As the landslide occured in this city
• Noun clause
He really doesnt want to share why exactly
he made that decision and frightened
everyone in the shoreline.
Lakes are generally classified as either
fresh-water or saline depending on the
composition of their waters

• Noun = Lakes, water

• Pronoun= Their
• Conjunction= Or
• Subordinat clause = As
• Preposition = On
• Adjective = Fresh
The geologic column refers to the total
succession of rock, from the oldest to the
most recent, that are found in the entire
earth or in a given area

• Adjective = Oldest
• Noun=Rock
• Preposition=From
• Conjuction=Or
Glaciers are capable of carrying great
quantities of earth material and some of
these rock fragments may be quitelarge

• Verb= Carrying
• Noun= Glaciers
• Conjunction= And
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