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Wireless USB Access


The Need For Wireless USB

 Increasing consumer demands for prompt data accessibility

 Urge for lesser dependency on wired storage solutions

 vulnerabilities of the internet as a whole from the diversely persistent

hacker community
Preference of Bluetooth over Cloud
 More secure

 Frequencies selected higher or lower than ISM result in poor range or

poor data rates

 Internet/Wifi not always available

Functional Diagram


ARM Cortex M4 Microprocessor

SD Card Module

Teensy 3.1 Module

HC 05 Bluetooth
Project Division
 Hardware Selection

 Design Phase

 Completing the Individual Components

 Testing

 Results
Hardware Selection
o There are 4 main components.
o Controller Module (Teensy 3.1)

o Bluetooth (Wireless Module) – HC – 05

o MicroSD card Module (Storage Module)

o Android Application

o All the four components’ features are discussed ahead.

Controller Module – Teensy 3.1

o Pin Layout Shown.

o ARM Cortex M4

o 256kB flash

o RAM - 64kbytes

o EEPROM - 2kbytes
 Teensy loader is used to upload the sketches thus making our
controller to run on a wide range of Programming platforms

 In our project following IDEs are used

1. Arduino
2. Atollic
Storage Module

 SD card is being used as the primary storage module

 For the purpose of dual microcontroller connectivity LC studio SD
card shield is being used.
 SPI connection with SD and controller
 For Arduino connection standard FAT 16 library
is used
MicroSD Card – SPI Interface

 The communication between the controller module and the MicroSD card is
through the SPI Interface.

 SPI interface means both the devices are connected in Full-Duplex Mode.

 Devices are connected in either master or slave mode.

 The four basic functions of the SPI protocol are :

 MOSI – Master Out Slave In

 MISO – Master In Slave Out

 SCK – Serial Clock

 SS – Slave Select

Typical Connections
in SPI protocol
File Allocation Table (FAT-16)

A Typical Inside of a FAT system

 A Sixteen bit file allocation table (FAT16) is a common method of allocating a

memory in an organized manner.

 FAT-16 can work with devices up to 2GB in size. Our microSD has a maximum
capacity of 2GB as well.

 FAT-16 is very easy to implement, but to maintain its simplicity, it sacrifices features like
Bluetooth Module HC - 05

 SPP profile  Serial Port Profile

 The data can only sent using serial communication protocol over
the wireless channel.

 As this is a prototype, small chunks of data using serial comm. is

tested first.
Bluetooth Module HC - 05

 Serial Port Profile

 Alternative/Substitute for RS-2232 Comm. Protocol

 SPP Stack shown.

Limitations (Bluetooth)

 SPP profile does not allow transfer of media files

 Transfer of .txt files was successfully achieved

 Media files can be transferred with the use of error correction

Teensy as Mass Storage Device
 For our device to be known as a USB, it was important that it acted
as flash drive upon its connection with a computer
 For this we have configured another teensy to work as USB-MSD
along with SD shield.
 This was done by programming Teensy’s ARM Cortex M4 using
Atollic IDE

 Advance Encryption Standard 128 used

 Goals
1. Simple
2. Easier to implement
 Static keys implementation
 Implementation on Android and Arduino both.
o Block cipher
o Consists of two paired algorithms, one for encryption, E, and another for
decryption, E-1. Both algorithms accept two inputs: an Nb-bit input block
and a Nk-bit key.
o Iterated block cipher
o Constructed by composing several simpler functions. Each iteration is
termed a round, and there are rarely less than 4 or more than 64 of them.
o The Galois Fields (GF)
o A field that contains only finitely many elements. The order of a finite field
is always a prime or a power of a prime
Algorithm Breakdown – AES -128

 The algorithm consists of 4 main steps. The steps are,

 Sub-byte Transformation

 Shift Row Transformation

 Mix Column Transformation

 Round Key Addition

 Final round is a little different because it removes the Mix Columns

Attacks on AES
o AES hasn’t been broken till date.

o Assuming that one could build a machine that could recover a

DES key in a second (i.e., try 255 keys per second), then it would
take that machine approximately 149 trillion years to crack a
128-bit AES key.
Project PCB Layout
SD card

Teensy 3.1

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