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Introduction to Numerical Solutions

of Ordinary Differential Equations

Larry Caretto
Mechanical Engineering 501AB
Seminar in Engineering Analysis

October 29, 2003

• Review last class and homework
• Midterm Exam November 4 covers
material up to and including last week’s
• Overivew of numerical solutions
– Initial value problems in first-order
– Systems of first order equations and initial
value problems in higher order equations
– Boundary value problems
– Stiff systems and eigenvalues
Review Last Class
• Systems of equations
– Combine to higher order equation
– Matrix approaches
– Reduction of order
• Laplace transforms for ODEs
– Transform ODE from y(t) to Y(s)
– Solve for Y(s)
– Rearrange solution
– Transform back to y(t)

Simultaneous Solution
• Differentiate first (y1) equation to obtain
derivative(s) of y2 that are present in
second equation
• Solve first equation for y2
• Substitute equations for y2 and its deriv-
atives into the result of the first step
• Result is a higher order equation that
can be solved (if possible) by usual

Matrix Differential Equations II
• Matrix components in  Ay  r
 y1   dy1 
y   y1   dt   a11 a12 a13   a1n 
 y  dy2  a   a2 n 
 2  2   21 a22 a23
 y3  dt 
dy d  y3   dy3  a31 a32 a33   a3n 
y     dt  A 
 dt dt    
        
          
      
   yn  dyn  an1 an 2 an 3   ann 
 yn   dt 

r  r1 r2 r3   rn 

Solving  Ay  r
• Assume that A(n x n) has n linearly
independent eigenvectors
• Eigenvectors are columns of matrix, X
• Define a new vector s = X-1y (y = Xs)
• Substitute y = Xs into the matrix
differential equation
• Obtain equation for s using L = X-1AX
that gives independent equations
Terms in Solution of  Ls  p
e l1t  p1 
0 0   0   C1   l1 
  C   p2 
 0 e  l2 t 0   0 
  2
 l 
 0 0 e l3t   0   C3   2

E(t )    C    1 p
       L   3 
  p
 l3
           
  ln t
     
 0 0 0   e  Cn  p 
 nl 
• With these definitions, i s = C elit + p /l  n
i i i
becomes s = EC + L-1p (E(0) = I)
Apply Initial Conditions on y(0)
• Get y = Xs = XEC + XL-1p
• At t = 0, E = I, and y = y0 = initial y
components, giving y0 = XIC + XL-1p
• Premultiply by X-1 to obtain X-1y0 =
X-1XC + X-1XL-1p = C + L-1p
• Constant vector, C = X-1y0 - L-1p
• Result: y = XE [X-1y0 - L-1p] + XL-1p
• Homogenous(p = 0): y = XEX-1y0
Reduction of Order
• An nth order equation can be written as
a system of n first order equations
• We can write a general nonlinear nth
order equation as shown below
dny  dy d n1 y 
 f  x, y, ,, n1 
dx  dx dx 
• Redefine y as z0 and define the
following derivatives
dy dz0 d 2 y d 2 z0 dz1
  z1 2
 2
  z2
dx dx dx dx dx 9
Reduction of Order II
• Continue this definition up to zn-1
d n y d n z0 d n 1 z1 d n 2 z2 dzn 2 dzn 1
 n
 n 1  n2
 2

dx dx dx dx dx dx
• z0 to zn-1 are n variables that satisfy
simultaneous, first-order ODEs
dy n  d n1 y  dzn1
 f x, z0 , z1 ,, zn1 
 f  x, y, ,, n1   n
dx  dx dx  dx

 z k 1 k  0,1,, n  2
dx 10
Reduction of Order III
• The main application of reduction of
order is to numerical methods
• Numerical solutions of ODEs develop
methods to solve a system of first order
• Higher order equations are solved by
converting them to a system of first
order equations

Simple Laplace Transforms
f(t) F(s) f(t) F(s)
ctn cn!/sn+1 ceatsin wt cw
ctx cG(x+1)/sx+1 ( s  a) 2  w 2
ceat c/(s – a) ceatcos wt c( s  a )
csin wt cw/(s2 + w2) ( s  a) 2  w 2
ccos wt cs/(s2 + w2) Additional transforms
csinh wt cw/(s2 - w2) in Table 5.9, pp 297-
299 of Kreyszig
ccosh wt cs/(s2 - w2)
Transforms of Derivatives
• The main formulas for differential
equations are the Laplace transforms of
• These have transform of desired
function, L [f(t)] = F(s) and the initial
conditions, f(0), f’(0), etc.
[ f ' (t )]  sF ( s)  f (0)

[ f ' ' (t )]  s 2 F (s)  sf (0)  f ' (0)

[ f ( n ) (t )]  s n F (s)  s n1 f (0)  s n2 f ' (0)    sf ( n2) (0)  f ( n1) (0)
Solving Differential Equations
• Transform all terms in the differential
equation to get an algebraic equation
– For a differential equation in y(t) we get the
transforms Y(s) = L [y(t)]
– Similar notation for other transformed
functions in the equation R(s) = L [r(t)]
• Solve the algebraic equation for Y(s)
• Obtain the inverse transform for Y(s)
from tables to get y(t)
Partial Fractions
• Method to convert fraction with several
factors in denominator into sum of
individual factors (in denominator)
• Necessary to modify complicated
solution for Y(s) into simpler functions
whose transforms are known
• Special rules for repeated factors and
for complex conjugates

Shifting Theorems
• Sometimes required for transform table
– First theorem is defined for function f(t)
with transform F(s)
– F(s - a) has inverse of e-atf(t)
– Example Y(s) = [2(s+1)+4]/[(s + 1)2 + 1]
– For F(s) = s/(s2 + w2); f(t) = cos wt and f(t) =
cos wt for F(s) = w/(s2 + w2)
– Here Y(s+1) = 2(s+1)+4]/[(s + 1)2 + 1] +
4/[(s + 1)2 + 1] so y(t) = e-t times Y(s)
– y(t) = e-t[2 cos t + 4 sin t]

Shifting Theorems II
• Second shifting theorem
– Applies to e-asF(s), where F(s) is known
transform of a function f(t)
– Inverse transform is f(t – a) u(t – a) where
u(t – a) is the unit step function
– If we have e-ass/(s2 + w2), we recognize
s/(s2 + w2) as F(s) for f(t) = cos wt
– Thus e-ass/(s2 + w2) is the Laplace
transform for cos[wt(t – a)] u(t – a)

Numerical Analysis Problems
• Numerical solution of algebraic
equations and eigenvalue problems
• Solution of one or more nonlinear
algebraic equations f(x) = 0
• Linear and nonlinear optimization
• Constructing interpolating polynomials
• Numerical quadrature
• Numerical differentiation
• Numerical differential equations
• Start with N data pairs xi, yi
• Find a function (polynomial) that can be
used for interpolation
• Basic rule: the interpolation polynomial
must fit all points exactly
• Denote the polynomial as p(x)
• The basic rule is that p(xi) = yi
• Many different forms
Newton Polynomials
• p(x) = a0 + a1(x – x0) + a2(x – x0)(x – x1)
+ a3(x – x0)(x – x1)(x – x2) + … + an-1(x –
x0)(x – x1)(x – x2) … (x – xn-2)
• Terms with factors of x – xi are zero
when x = xi
– Use this and rule that p(xi) = yi to find ai
• a0 = y0, a1 = (y1 – y0) / (x1 – x0)
• y2 = a0 + a1(x2 – x0) + a2(x2 – x0)(x2 – x1)
– Solve for a2 using results for a0 and a1

Newton Polynomials II
• y2 = a0 + a1(x2 – x0) + a2(x2 – x0)(x2 – x1)
y1  y0
y 2  y0  ( x2  x0 )
y2  a0  a1 ( x2  x0 ) x1  x0
a2  
( x2  x0 )( x2  x1 ) ( x2  x0 )( x2  x1 )

• y2 = a0 + a1(x2 – x0) + a2(x2 – x0)(x2 – x1)

• Data determine coefficients
• Develop scheme known as divided
difference table to compute ak
Divided Difference Table
x0 y0 a0
y1  y0
F0  a1
x1  x0
F1  F0 a2
x1 y1 S0 
x 2  x0
y2  y1 S1  S 0
F1  T0 
x2  x1 x3  x0
F2  F1
x2 y2 S1   a3
x3  x1
y3  y 2
F2 
x3  x2
x3 y3
Divided Difference Example
0 0 a0
10  0
F0   1 a1
10  0
3 1
10 10 S0   .1 a2
20  0
40  10 .2  .15 1
F1  3 T0  
20  10 30  0 600
20 40 63  a3
S1   .15
30  10
100  40
F2  6
30  20
30 100
Divided Difference Example II
• Divided difference table gives a0 = 0, a1
= 1, a2 = .1, and a3 = 1/600
• Polynomial p(x) = a0 + a1(x – x0) + a2(x
– x0)(x – x1) + a3(x – x0)(x – x1)(x – x2) =
0 + 1(x – 0) + 0.1(x – 0)(x – 10) +
(1/600)(x – 0)(x – 10)(x – 20) = x +
0.1x(x – 10) + (1/600)x(x – 10)(x – 20)
• Check p(30) = 30 + .1(30)(20) + (1/600)
(30)(20)(10) = 30 + 60 + 10 = 100 (correct)
Constant Step Size
• Divided differences work for equal or
unequal step size in x
• If Dx = h is a constant we have simpler
– Fk = Dyk/h = (yk+1 – yk)/h
– Sk = D2yk/h2 = (yk+2 – 2yk-1 + yk)/h2
– Tk = D3yk/h3 = (yk+3 – 3yk+2 + 3yk+1 – yk)/h3
– Dnyk is called the nth forward difference
– Can also define backwards and central
Interpolation Approaches
• When we have N data points how do we
interpolate among them?
– Order N-1 polynomial not good choice
– Use piecewise polynomials of lower order
(linear or quadratic)
– Can match first and or higher derivatives
where piecewise polynomials join
– Cubic splines are piecewise cubic
polynomials that match first and second
derivatives (as well as values)

Cubic Spline Interpolation


y values

Known f'
No Knot
0.3 Data



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

x values

Newton Interpolating Polynomial

3 Polynomial
Y Values


0 1 2 3 4 5 6

X Values

Polynomial Applications
• Data interpolation
• Approximation functions in numerical
quadrature and solution of ODEs
• Basis functions for finite element
• Can obtain equations for numerical
• Statistical curve fitting (not discussed
here) usually used in practice
Derivative Expressions
• Obtain from differentiating interpolation
polynomials or from Taylor series
• Series expansion for f(x) about x = a
df 1 d2 f 1 d3 f
f ( x)  f (a)  ( x  a)  ( x - a) 2  ( x - a)3  ....
dx x  a 2! dx 2 xa
3! dx3 xa

• Note: d0f/dx0 = f 
1 dn f
f ( x)   n
( x - a) n
and 0! = 1 n 0 n ! dx xa

• What is error from truncating series?

Truncation Error
• If we truncate series after m terms

1 dn f 1 d n
f ( x)   n
( x - a)  
( x - a) n
n 0 n ! dx x a n  m 1 n ! dx x a

Terms used Truncation error, em

• Can write truncation error as single term
at unknown location (derivation based
on the theorem of the mean)
 m 1
1 dn f 1 d f
em   ( x - a) 
m 1
( x - a) m 1
n  m 1 n ! dx n
( m  1) ! dx x 
Derivative Expressions
• Look at finite-difference grid with equal
spacing: h = Dx so xi = x0 + ih
• Taylor series about x = xi gives f(xi + kh)
= f[x0 + (i+k)h] = fi+k in terms of f(xi) = fi
df 1 d2 f 1 d3 f
f ( xi  kh)  f ( xi )  kh  2
(kh) 2  (kh)3  .....
dx x  xi 2! dx x  xi
3! dx 3 x  xi

• Compact derivative notation

df d2 f dn f
fi 
fi  2
... fi  n

dx x  xi dx x  xi
dx x  xi
Derivative Expressions II
• Combine all definitions for compact
series notation
df 1 d2 f 1 d3 f
f ( xi  kh)  f ( xi )  kh  (kh) 2
 (kh)3  .....
dx x  xi 2! dx 2 x  xi
3! dx 3 x  xi

'' 2 ''' 3
f ( kh) f ( kh)
fik  f i  f i ' kh  i  i  .....
2! 3!
• Use this formula to get expansions for
various grid locations about x = xi and
use results to get derivative expressions
Derivative Expressions III
• Apply general f ''
( kh) 2
f '''
( kh) 3
fik  f i  f i ' kh  i  i .
equation for k 2! 3!
= 1 and k = –1
'' 2 ''' 3
f h f i h
f i 1  f i  f i h 
' i
  ..... '' 2 ''' 3
2! 3! f h f i h
f i 1  f i  f i h 
' i
  .....
2! 3!
f  f f ''
h f '''
i h f i 1  f i
fi 
' i 1 i
 i
  .....   Ah Forward
h 2! 3! h
f  f f ''
h f '''
i h f i  f i 1
fi 
' i i 1
 i
  .....   Ah
h 2! 3! h Backward
Derivative Expressions IV
• Subtract fi+1 and fi-1 expressions
'' 2 ''' 3
f h f i h
f i 1  f i  f i h 
' i
  ..... '' 2 ''' 3
2! 3! f h f i h
f i 1  f i  f i h 
' i
  .....
2! 3!
''' 3 ''' 5
2 f h 2 f i h
f i 1  f i 1  2 f i h 
' i
  .....
3! 5!
f  f f ''' 2
h f ''''' 4
i h f i 1  f i 1
fi 
' i 1 i 1
 i
  .....   Ah2
h 3! 5! 2h
• Result called central difference expression
Order of the Error
• Forward and backward derivative have
error term that is proportional to h
• Central difference error is proportional
to h2
• Error proportional to hn called nth order
• Reducing step size by a factor of a
reduces nth order error by an
 h2 
e 2  e 1  
 h1  36
Order of the Error Notation
• Write the error term for nth error term as
– Big oh notation, O, denotes order
– Recognizes that factor multiplying hn may
change slightly with h
First order forward First order backward
f i 1  f i f i  f i 1
fi 
 O ( h) fi 
 O ( h)
h h

Second order central f i 1  f i 1

fi 
 O(h 2 )
Higher Order Derivatives
• Add fi+1 and fi-1 expressions
'' 2 ''' 3
f h f i h
f i 1  f i  f i h 
' i
  ..... '' 2 ''' 3
2! 3! f h f i h
f i 1  f i  f i h 
' i
  .....
2! 3!
f i '' h 2 2 f i '''' h 4 2 f i '''''' h 6
f i 1  f i 1  2 f i  2    .....
2! 4! 6!
  f i 1  f i 1  2 f i
 
''' 2 ''''' 4
f f 2 f f h f i h
fi 
'' i 1 i 1 i
 i
  .....   O h 2

h2 3! 5! h2
• f’’ is second-order, central difference
Higher Order Directional
• We can get higher order derivative
expressions at the expense of more
• Get second order forward and backward
derivative expressions from fi+2 and fi-2,
• Combine with previous expressions for
fi+1 and fi-1 to eliminate first order error
Specific Taylor Series
• General f ''
( kh) 2
f '''
( kh) 3
f i  k  f i  f i ' kh  i  i  .....
equation 2! 3!
'' 2 ''' 3
f h f i h
• k=2 fi2  fi  2 fi h  4
' i
8  .....
2! 3!
'' 2 ''' 3
f h f i h
• k = -2 f i 2  f i  2 f i h  4
' i
8  .....
2! 3!
'' 2 ''' 3
f h f i h
• k=3 f i 3  f i  3 f i h  9
' i
 27  .....
2! 3!
'' 2 ''' 3
• k = -3 f h f i h
f i 3  f i  3 f i h  9
' i
 27  .....
2! 3!
Second Order Forward
• Subtract 4fi+1 from fi+2 to eliminate h2
term  '' h
'' ' h

f i  2  4 f i 1   f i  2 f i h  4 f i
 8 fi  ...
 2 6 
 h 2
h 3

 4 f i  f i h  f i
' ''
 fi ' ''
 ..
 2 6 
h 3Second
f i  2  4 f i 1  3 f i  2hf i '  4 f i '''  ... order
 f i  2  4 f i 1  3 f i ''' h
fi 
 fi  ...
2h 3
Second Order Backwards
• Add 4fi-1 to –fi-2 to eliminate h2 term
 '' h
'' ' h

 f i  2  4 f i 1    f i  2 f i h  4 f i
 8 fi  ...
 2 6 
 h 2
h 3

 4 f i  f i h  f i
' ''
 fi '' '
 ..
 2 6 
h Second 3
 f i 2  4 f i 1  3 f i  2hf i  4 f i  ...
' '''

6 order
f i  2  4 f i 1  3 f i ''' h
fi 
 fi  ...
2h 3
Other Derivative Expressions
• Can continue in this fashion
– Write Taylor series for fi+1, fi-1, fi+2, fi-2, fi+3, fi-
3, etc.
– Create linear combinations with factors that
eliminate desired terms
– Eliminate fi term to obtain central difference
– Keep only terms in fk with k  i for forward
difference expressions
– Keep only terms in fk with k  i for forward
difference expressions
– See results on page 271 of Hoffman
Order of Error Examples
• Table 2-1 in notes shows error in first
derivative for ex around x = 1
– Using first- and second-order forward and
second-order central differences
– Step h = 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1
– Error ratio for doubling step size
• 4.01 to 4.02 for central differences
• 2.07 to 2.15 for first-order forward differences
• 4.32 to 4.69 for second-order forward

log  e 2 
 e1  log( e 2 )  log( e1 )
n 
log  2  log( h2 )  log( h1 )
 h1 
Roundoff Error
• Possible in derivative expressions from
subtracting close differences
• Example f(x) = ex: f’(x)  (ex+h – ex-h)/(2h)
and error at x = 1 is (e1+h – e1-h)/(2h) - e
3.004166  2.722815
E  2.718282  4.5 x10 3
Second order error
2.7185536702  2.7180100139
E  2.718281828459  4.5 x109
2.71828210028724  2.71828155660388
E  2.718281828  5.9 x109
Figure 2-1. Effect of Step Size on Error


1.E-17 1.E-15 1.E-13 1.E-11 1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-01

Step Size
Numerical ODE Solutions
• The initial value problem
• Euler method as a prototype for the
general algorithm
• Local and global errors
• More accurate methods
• Step-size control for error control
• Applications to systems of equations
• Higher-order equations
The Initial Value Problem
• dy/dx = f(x,y) (known) with y(x0) = y0
• Basic numerical approach
– Use a finite difference grid: xi+1 – xi = h
– Replace derivative by finite-difference
approximation: dy/dx  (yi+1 – yi) / (xi+1 – xi)
= (yi+1 – yi) / h
– Derive a formula to compute favg the
average value of f(x,y) between xi and xi+1
– Replace dy/dx = f(x,y) by (yi+1 – yi) / h = favg
– Repeatedly compute yi+1 = yi + h favg
• xi is the value of the independent
variable at point i on the grid
– Determined from the user-selected value of
step size (or the series of hi values)
– Can always specify exactly the
independent variable’s value, xi
• yi is the value of the numerical solution
at the point where x = xi
• fi is derivative value found from xi and
the numerical value, yi. I.e., fi = f(xi, yi).
More Notation
• y(xi) is the exact value of y at x = xi
– Usually not known but notation is used in
error analysis of algorithms
• f(xi,y(xi)) is the exact value of the
derivative at x = xi
• e1 = y(x1) – y1 is the local truncation
– This is error for one step of algorithm
starting from known initial condition
Local versus Global Error
• At the initial condition we know the
solution, y, exactly
• First step introduces some error
• Remaining steps have single step error
plus previous accumulated error
• Ej = y(xj) – yj is global truncation error
– Difference between numerical and exact
solution after several steps
– This is the error we want to control

Euler’s Method
• Simplest algorithm, example used for
error analysis, not for practical use
• Define favg = f(xi, yi)
• Euler’s method algorithm is yi+1 = yi + hifi
= yi + hi f(xi, yi)
• Example dy/dx = x + y, y = 0 at x = 0
• Choose h = 0.1
• We have x0 = 0, y0 = 0, f0 = x0 + y0 = 0
x1 = x0 + h = 0.1, y1 = y0 + hf0 = 0
Euler Example Continued
• Next step is from x1 = 0.1 to x2 = 0.2
• f1 = x1 + y1 = 0.1 + 0 = 0.1
• y2 = y1 + hf1 = 0 + (.1)(.1) = .01
• For dy/dx = x + y, we know the exact
solution is (x0 + y0 + 1)ex-x0 – x – 1
• For x0 = y0 = 0, y = ex – x – 1
• Look at application of Euler algorithm
for a few steps and compute the error
Euler Example
xi yi fi y(xi) E(xi)
0 0 0 0 0
.1 0 .1 .0052 .0052
.2 .01 .21 .0214 .0114
.3 .031 .331 .04986 .01886
.4 .0641 .4641 .091825 .027725
Euler Example Plot








0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Error Propagation
• Behavior of Euler algorithm is typical of
all algorithms for numerical solutions
• Error grows at each step
• We usually do not know this global
error, but we would like to control it
• Look at local error for Euler algorithm
• Then discuss general relationship
between local and global error

Taylor Series to Get Error
• Expand y(x) in Taylor series about x = a
dy 1 d2y 1 d 3
y ( x)  y ( a )  ( x  a)  2
( x - a) 
( x - a) 3  ....
dx x a 2! dx xa
3! dx xa

• Look at one step from known initial

condition, a = x0, to x0 + h so x – a = h
dy 1 d2y 2 1 d3y 3
y ( x 0  h)  y ( x 0 )  h 2
h  3
h  ....
dx 0 2! dx 0 3! dx 0
• In ODE notation, dy/dx|0 = f(x0, y(x0))
Local Euler Error
• Result of Taylor series on last chart
1 d2y 2 1 d3y 3
y( x0  h)  y( x0 )  hf ( x0 , y( x0 ))  2
h  3
h  ....
2! dx 0 3! dx 0

Euler Algorithm Truncation Error

• This is only the Euler algorithm for the
first step when we know f(x0,y(x0))
• This gives the local truncation error
• Local truncation error for Euler algorithm
is second order
Global Error
• We will show that a local error of order
n, has a global error of order n-1
• To show this consider the global error at
x = x0 + kh after k algorithm steps
– Is approximately k times the local error
– If local error is O(hn), approximate global
error after k steps is k O(hn)  kAhn
– A new step size, h/r, takes kr steps to get to
the same x value
Global Error Concluded
• Compare error for same x = kh with
step sizes h and h/r
• Ex=kh(h)  kAhn  
E x  kh h
kr h  
• Ex=kh(h/r) = krA(h/r)n E (h)   n 1
k h 
x  kh r

• When we reduce the step size by a

factor of 1/r we reduce the error by a
factor of 1/rn-1; this is the behavior of
an algorithm whose error is order n-1
Euler Local and Global Error
• Previously showed Euler algorithm to
have second order local error
• Should have first order global error
• Results for previous Euler example at x
= 1 with different step sizes
Step size First step Final error
h = 0.1 5.17x10-3 1.25 x10-1
h = 0.01 5.02 x10-5 1.35 x10-2
h = 0.001 5.00 x10-7 1.36 x10-3
Better Algorithms
• Seek high accuracy with low
computational work
• Could improve Euler accuracy by
cutting step size, but this is not efficient
• Use other algorithms that have higher
order errors
• Runge-Kutta methods typically used
– This is a class of methods that use several
function evaluation methods per step

Second-order Runge Kutta
• Huen’s method
y i01  y i  hi 1 f ( xi , y i ) xi 1  xi  hi 1

   
0 0
hi 1 y y h f ( x , y i 1 )
y i 1  yi  f ( xi , y i )  f ( xi 1 , y i 1 ) 
0 i i 1 i 1 i 1

2 2

• Modified Euler method

 hi 1  hi 1
yi  1  yi    f ( xi , y i ) xi  1  xi 
2  2  2 2
y i 1  y i  hi 1 f ( xi  1 , y i  1 )
2 2

Fourth-order Runge Kutta
• Uses four derivative evaluations per step
k1  2 k 2  2 k 3  k 4
y i 1  y i  xi 1  xi  hi 1
k1  hi 1 f ( xi , yi )

k 2  hi 1 f  xi 
hi 1
, yi 
k1 

 2 2 

k 3  hi 1 f  xi 
hi 1
, y i  2 
 2 2
k 4  hi 1 f ( xi  hi 1 , y i  k 3 )
Comparison of Methods
• Look at Euler, Heun, Modified Euler and
fourth-order Runge-Kutta
• Solve dy/dx = e-y-x with y(0) = 1
• Compare numerical values to exact
solution y = ln( ey0 + e-x0 – e-x)
• Look at errors in the methods at x = 1
as a function of step size
• Compare error propagation (increase in
error as x increases)
Error versus Step Size for Simple ODE Solvers
 e x y with y  y0  1 at x  x0  0
1.E-07 Euler

1.E-08 Huen
1.E-09 Modified Euler
1.E-07 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01
Step size, h
Error Propagation in Solutions of ODEs


Euler (N = 10)
1.E-05 Euler (N = 100)
1.E-06 Euler N = 1,000)

Huen (N =10)
Huen (N = 100)
1.E-08 Huen (N = 1,000)
1.E-09 RK4 (H = 10)
RK4 (N = 100)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 67
Some Basic Concepts
• A numerical method is convergent with
the solution of the ODE if the numerical
solution approaches the actual solution
as h  0 (with increase in numerical
precision at smaller h)
– Mainly a theoretical concept; algorithms in
use are convergent
• Stability refers to the ability of a
numerical algorithm to damp any errors
introduced during the solution
More on Stability
• Finite difference equations in numerical
algorithms, when iterated, may be
numerically increase without bound
• Stability usually is obtained by keeping
step size h small, sometimes smaller
than the h required for accuracy
• For most ODEs stability is not a
problem, but it is for stiff systems of
ODEs and for partial differential
Euler Solution of Decaying Exponential


4 y(0) = 1
y(0) = 2
3.5 Euler algorithm errors move
y(0) = 3
numerical solution of dy/dx = -y
3 y(0) = 4
to solution for anohter initial
condition. Error bounded by y(0) = 5

decreasing exponential Euler



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Euler Solution for Increasing Exponential
y(0) = 1
y(0) = 2
80 Euler algorithm errors move y(0) = 3
numerical solution of dy/dx = -y
70 y(0) = 4
to solution for anohter initial
60 y(0) = 5
condition. Error becomes large
for increasing exponential Euler






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Error Control
• How do we choose h?
• Want to obtain a result with some
desired small global error
• Can just repeat calculations with smaller
h until two results are sufficiently close
• Can use algorithms that estimate error
and adjust step size during the
calculation based on the error

• Uses two equations to compute yn+1,
one has O(h5), the other O(h6) error
• Requires six derivative evaluations per
step (same evaluations used for both
• The error estimate can be used for step
size control based on an overall 5th
order error
• Cask-Karp version different coefficients

Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg II
• See page 377 in Hoffman for algorithm
• Typical formula components below
• yn+1= yn + (16k1/135 + 6656k2/12825 …
• k3 = hf(xn + 3h/8, yn + 3k1/32 + 9k2/32)
• Error = k1/360 - 128k3/4275 …
• hnew = hold|EDesired/Error|1/5
• EDesired is set by user
• RKF45 code by Watts and Shampine
Other Error Controls
• Do fourth-order Runge-Kutta two times,
with step sizes different by a factor of
two and compare results
• Runge-Kutta-Verner is similar to Runge-
Kutta-Fehlberg, but uses higher order

Systems of Equations
• Any problem with one or more ODEs of
any order can be reduced to a system
for first order ODEs
• Last week we reduced a system of two
second order equations to a system of
four first order equations
• In this process the sum of the orders is
• Example from last week

Reduction of Order Example
d 2 y1 k1  k2 k2 d 2 y2 k 2 k3  k 2
 y1  y2  0 2
 y1  y2  0
dt m1 m1 dt m2 m2
• Define variables y3 = dy1/dt and y4 = dy2/dt
• Then dy3/dt = d2y1/dt2 and dy4/dt = d2y2/dt2
• Have four simultaneous first-order ODEs
dy1 dy2
 y3  f1 ( x, y )  y 4  f 2 ( x, y )
dt dt
dy3 k1  k 2 k2
 y1  y 2  f 3 ( x, y )
dt m1 m1
dy4 k 2 k3  k 2
 y1  y 2  f 4 ( x, y )
dt m2 m2 77
Solving Simultaneous ODEs
• Apply same algorithms used for single
– Must apply each step and substep to all
equations in system
– Key is consistent determination of fi(x,y)
– All yi values in y must be available at the
same x point when computing the fi
– E.g., in Runge-Kutta we must evaluate k1
for all equations before finding k2

Runge-Kutta for ODE System
– y(i) is vector of dependent variables at x = xi
– k(1), k(2), k(3), and k(4), are vectors containing
intermediate Runge-Kutta results
– f is a vector containing the derivatives
– k(1) = hf(xi, y(i))
– k(2) = hf(xi + h/2, y(i) + k(1)/2)
– k(3) = hf(xi + h/2, y(i) + k(2)/2)
– k(4) = hf(xi + h, y(i) + k(3))
– y(i+1) = (k(1) + 2k(2) + 2k(3) + k(4))/6
ODE System by RK4
• dy/dx = -y + z and dz/dx = y – z with
y(0) = 1 and z(0) = -1 with h = .1
• k(1)y = h[-y + z] = 0.1[-1 + (-1)] = -.2
• k(1)z = h[y - z] = 0.1[1 - (-1)] = .2
• k(2)y = h[-(y+ k(1)y/2) + z + k(1)z/2] = 0.1[
-(1 + -0.2/2) + (-1 + .2/2)] = -.18
• k(2)z = h[(y+ k(1)y/2) –(z + k(1)z/2)] = 0.1[(1
+ -0.2)/2 - (-1 + .2/2)] = .18

ODE System by RK4 II
• k(3)y = h[-(y+ k(2)y/2) + z + k(2)z/2] = 0.1[
-(1 + -0.18/2) + (-1 + .18/2)] = -.182
• k(3)z = h[(y+ k(2)y/2) –(z + k(2)z/2)] = 0.1[(1
+ -0.18)/2 - (-1 + .18/2)] = .182
• k(4)y = h[-(y+ k(3)y) + z + k(3)z] = 0.1[ -(1 +
-0.182) + (-1 + .182)] = -.1636
• k(4)z = h[(y+ k(3)y) –(z + k(3)z)] = 0.1[ (1 +
-0.182) - (-1 + .182)] = .1636

ODE System by RK4 III
• yi+1 = yi + (k(1)y + 2k(2)y + 2k(3)y + k(4)y )/6
= 1 + [ (–.2) + 2(–.18) + 2(–.182) +
(–.1636)]/6 = .8187
• zi+1 = zi + (k(1)z + 2k(2)z + 2k(3)z + k(4)z )/6
= –1 + [(.2) + 2(.18) + 2(.182) +
(.1636)]/6 = –.8187
• Continue in this fashion until desired
final x value is reached
• No x dependence for f in this example
Numerical Software for ODEs
• Usually written to solve a system of N
equations, but will work for N = 1
• User has to code a subroutine or
function to compute the f array
– Input variables are x and y; f is output
– Some codes have one dimensional
parameter array to pass additional
information from main program into the
function that computes derivatives

Derivative Subroutine Example
• Visual Basic code dy1
  y1  y2  y3e 2 x
for system of dx
ODEs at right is dy2 dy3
 2 y12
 3 y1 y2
shown below dx dx
Sub fsub( x as Double, y() as Double, _
f() as Double )
f(1) = -y(1) + Sqr(y(2)) + y(3)*Exp(2*x)
f(2) = -2 * y(1)^2
f(3) = -3 * y(1) * y(2)
End Sub 84
Derivative Subroutine Example
• Fortran code for dy1
  y1  y2  y3e 2 x
system of ODEs dx
at right is shown dy2 dy3
 2 y12
 3 y1 y2
below dx dx
subroutine fsub( x, y, f )
real(KIND=8) x, y(*), f(*)
f(1) = -y(1) + sqrt(y(2)) +y(3)*exp(2*x)
f(2) = -2 * y(1)**2
f(3) = -3 * y(1) * y(2)
end subroutine fsub 85
Derivative Subroutine Example
• C++ code for dy1
  y1  y2  y3e 2 x
system of ODEs dx
at right is shown dy2 dy3
 2 y12
 3 y1 y2
below dx dx
void fsub(double x, double y[], double f[])
f[1] = -y[1] + sqrt(y[2]) + y[3]*exp(2*x);
f[2] = -2 * y[1] * y[1];
f[3] = -3 * y[1] * y[2];
} 86

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