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• The chronological presentation of events in the
past which includes man’s accomplishments
including his experiences called culture
Why study the Past?
1.It shows us how unique and special the
human race is in God’s plan for

2. We can learn valuable lessons from the

past to help solve the present problems.
2. Historic
- when man learned to write about his experiences
which actually began about 5,000 years B.P
( Before the Present) in West Asia.

• Ancient Period
- events all historic time before the birth of
Christ (BC) to 5-8 century after Christ death (AD)
of the Christian Era (CE).
History make us wise- Francis Bacon

Father of History - Herodutos

• Medieval Period
- most historians consider the year 476 AD which
was the year when the Europeans or Western part of the
Roman Empire fell to the invading barbarians from the

• Contemporary Period
- From the end of the middle ages and the birth
of the European Renaissance to the present time.
Sources of History
• Primary Sources
– those that have witnessed the event/s that
took place or have been part of the incident being

Ex: narrators, manuscript, public documents,

letters, diaries
• Secondary Sources

Ex: Magazines, newspaper, pamphlets, typescripts and

articles written about the primary sources.
People who helped us understand our Past
• Geologists
– study the earth. They narrate the different
occurrences and events that have happened to our
planet earth in the distant past using geologic time
• Paleontologists
- study the remains of plants and animals
• Archeologists
- Pick-and-Shovel Historians. They dig for relics or
artifacts of ancient life and communities.

• Anthropologists
- deal with the , physical and cultural development.
Racial characteristics and social customs and beliefs
of mankind.

• Historians
- examine records of the past and write stories
1.The origin of the Earth
1.1 Biblical Origin/Religious point of view
-Book of Genesis on Creationism on Theistic

1.2 Mythical Origin

-a giant carrying a big boulder of rock…..

- Enlil, the God of the wind used his
strength to break a big mountain that
contained all the elements found in the
• Chinese
– Phan Ku, a supernatural being which formed the
lands, bodies of water and everything in the universe.
When he died, his head became the mountains, his
breath became the air or clouds, his flesh became the
different landforms, and his bones became the hard
1.3 Scientific Theories
A. Nebular Theory (Immanuel Kant, 1755/ Pierre-
Simon Laplace, 1796)
- Astronomers believe that these nine planets were
formed at exactly the same time and originated from the
same primordial elements which were made up of 80%
hydrogen, 25% helium, 5% heavy elements.
The planets were formed from a great cloud
of dust and gas floating on the space (solar
- Around 5 billion years ago this material
began to collapse under the force of gravity.
B. Capture Theory / Tidal Theory/ Solar Disruption
Theory (James Jeans,1877-1946)

- A massive protostar passing our sun resulted in an

intense tidal influence on the sun. These tidal forces
caused materials to be pulled out of the sun in the form
similar to a filament. Due to the length and instability
of the filament, it broke up into blobs of solar matter
that later condensed to form the so called protoplanets.
C. Big Bang Theory
(George Lemaitre, 1894- 1966/ Carl Wilhelm Wirtz)
• 14 billion years ago the world began from a primordial
fireball and cosmic egg because of the extreme hot
temperature, it burst and the torn pieces became the
stars, planets and galaxies.
D. Steady State Theory (Fred Hoyle)
- New matter is created as the galaxies move away from
one another. The universe is roughly the same at any
point in time.

E. Dynamic Encounter Theory (George Buffon)

-formed out of the molten materials from the sun when
it collided with another comet
The Shaping of the Continents

Gondwanaland Laurasia

Africa Antarctica Australia Europe Asia

South America Indian Subcontinent North America

- After a long period, the Earth’s atmosphere began to
develop and changed its composition until it became
what it is it right now.
Early times Now
80% hydrogen 78% nitrogen
15%Helium 21% oxygen
5% heavy element 1% Argon
2. The Origin of the Humankind

2.1 Creationism/Theistic Evolution

• Old Earth Creationist- believed that the earth has

been in existence for several billions of years.
• New Earth Creationist- believed that the earth, all
forms of life and all things in this universe were
created by God almost 10,000 years ago.
2.2 Myth/Legends
•Hindu Vishnu Myth
•Chinese Yin-Yang/Pangu Legend
•African Yoruba Myth
Malakas at Maganda Filipino Myth
2.3 Theory of Evolution/ Naturalistic Evolution
• Jean Baptiste Lamarck
- Early part of the 19th century.

• Charles Darwin
-(On the Origin Of Species by Means of Natural
Selection, 1959)

• Alfred Russell Wallace

2.4 Other Explanations
A. Raelism – adhere to the belief that life on earth was
brought by entities coming from outer space called
extra- terrestrials.
- Raelian Movement, a religious group founded by
Claude Vorilhon
B. Panspermia- a belief that comets were responsible
for bringing life here on earth. These comets were said
to be inhabited by primitive microbes and bacteria. As a
result, their collision with our planet brought primitive
life on earth.
Herman von Helmholtz- the first to propose this
theory now observed on the early works of

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