Loving Your Neighbor

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What Christian Love is not
1.Love is not only having positive feelings
2.Love is not always saying “yes”
3.Love is not defensive
4.Love is not self-seeking
5.Love is not manipulative
Christian Love is
1. Connected with keeping God’s
2. A self-sacrificial love
3. Committed service to others
John 15:9-10 John 15:12
Characteristic of Christians Love
• Patient – slow to anger, able to give
allowance for the shortcoming of others.

• Kind – not an attitude of criticism but

posture and speech that is upbuilding and
Characteristic of Christians Love
• Not jealous – not coveting what others
have or begrudging another for having
something you do not have.

• Not pompous or inflated – not thinking of

your own importance.
Characteristic of Christians Love
• Not rude – accord honor and respect to
one another.

• Not self-seeking – not focused on

having your rights met, but more on
your duties.
Characteristic of Christians Love
• Not quick-tempered – able to master your
emotions and feelings
• Not brood over injury – not holding grudges
or resentments
• Not rejoicing over wrongdoing – always
seeking the good of others even enemies.
Characteristic of Christians Love
• Rejoices with the truth – telling the truth
to one another.
• Forbears – can bear insult without taking
counter action.
• Trusts – believe the best about other
Characteristic of Christians Love
• Hopes – having a positive attitude
towards life and problems, can remain
joyful under any circumstances.
• Endures – can bear things, not with
passive resignation but with triumphant
Characteristic of Christians Love
• Patient •Not brood over injury
• Kind •Not rejoicing over
• Not jealous •Rejoices with the truth
• Not pompous or inflated •Forbear
• Not rude •Trust
• Not self-seeking •Hope
• Not quick-tempered •Endure
Romans 5: 5

“And hope does not put us to shame, because

God’s love has been poured out into our
hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been
given to us.”
John 15:9-10

“As the father has loved me, so I have loved

you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my
commands, you willremain in my love, just
as I have kept my Father’s command and
remain in His love.”
Christian Love is
John 15:12
“Love one another as I have loved

John 15:13
“Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life for others”
Christian Love is

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