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Analytic Geometry

In general quadratic equation, if the discriminant is

zero, the curve is a figure that represent a/an

a. parabola
b. circle
c. ellipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: a
Equations relating x and y that cannot readily be solved
explicitly for y as a function of x or for x as a function of
y. Such equations may nonetheless determine y as a
function of x or vice versa, such function is called

a. logarithmic function
b. implicit function
c. explicit function
d. continuous function

Answer: b
In polar coordinates system, the length of the ray
segment from a fixed origin is known as ____.

a. amplitude
b. radius vector
c. hypotenuse
d. minimum point

Answer: b
Given the equation 3x2 + 2x – 5y + 7 = 0. determine the

a. ellipse
b. parabola
c. hyperbola
d. circle

Answer: b
If eccentricity is less than one, then the curve is

a. parabola
b. ellipse
c. hyperbola
d. circle

Answer: b
Of what quadrant is A, if sec A is positive and csc A is

a. IV
b. I
c. III
d. II

Answer: a
If the general equation of the conic is Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy2 +
Ey + F = 0 and B2 – 4AC > 0, then the conic is a/an

a. circle
b. parabola
c. hyperbola
d. ellipse

Answer: c
What type of conic has equation of Ax2 + Cy2 + Dx + Ey
+ F = 0?

a. circle
b. parabola
c. ellipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: c
4x2 – 256 = 0 is the equation of a/an

a. parabola
b. parallel line
c. circle
d. ellipse

Answer: a
The graph of r = a + bcosθ is a

a. lemniscate
b. lituus
c. limacon
d. cardioid

Answer: c
In an ellipse, a chord which contains a focus and is in
line perpendicular to the major axis is called

a. focal width
b. conjugate axis
c. focal chord
d. latus retum

Answer: d
If all the y-terms have even exponents, the curve is
symmetric with respect to the ____.

a. x-axis
b. origin
c. y-axis
d. line 45° with the x-axis

Answer: a
It can be defined as the set of all points in the plane the
sum of whose distances from two fixed points is

a. circle
b. hyperbola
c. parabola
d. ellipse

Answer: d
If the equation is unchanged by the substitution of –x
for x, its curve is symmetric with respect to the

a. x-axis
b. y-axis
c. origin
d. line 45° with the x-axis

Answer: b
What type of curve is generated by a point which
moves in uniform circular motion about an axis, while
travelling with a constant speed parallel to the axis?

a. spiral of Archimedes
b. epicycloid
c. cycloid
d. helix

Answer: d
What is the graph of the equation Ax2 + Bx + Cy2 + Dx +
Ey + F = 0?

a. circle
b. ellipse
c. parabola
d. hyperbola

Answer: b
It represents the distance of a point from the y-axis

a. ordinate
b. abscissa
c. coordinates
d. polar distance

Answer: b
A line passing through the focus and perpendicular to
the directrix of a parabola is called

a. axis of parabola
b. tangent line
c. secant line
d. latus rectum

Answer: a
Locus of points on a side which rolls along a fixed line

a. cardioid
b. epicycloid
c. cycloid
d. hypocycloid

Answer: c
What is the length of the latus rectum of the curve x2 =
20y ?

a. 5
b. 20
c. 20
d. 5

Answer: b
If the product of the slopes of any two straight lines is
negative 1, one of these is said to be ____ to the other.

a. parallel
b. skew
c. non-intersecting
d. perpendicular

Answer: d
What is the curve represented by the equation r = aθ?

a. spiral of Archimedes
b. Rosette
c. Cardioid
d. Lemniscate

Answer: a
Is the locus of a point that moves in a plane so that the
difference of the distances from two fixed points of the
locus is constant

a. Ellipse
b. Circle
c. Parabola
d. Hyperbola

Answer: d
𝑥2 𝑦2
The semi-conjugate axis of the hyperbola − =1
9 4

a. 3
b. – 3
c. – 2
d. 2

Answer: d
The length of the latus rectum of the parabola 𝑦 =
4𝑝𝑥 2 is

a. 4p
b. 2p
d. -4p

Answer: c
The tangent function is negative in what quadrants?

a. I and III
b. IV
c. II and IV
d. III

Answer: c
The cartesian or rectangular coordinates system was
first introduced by

a. Newton
b. Gallileo
c. Descartes
d. Euclid

Answer: c
Also known as the x-coordinate

a. abscissa
b. ordinate
c. polar ordinate
d. radius vector

Answer: a
The x-coordinate of a point is positive in what

a. I and II
b. II and IV
c. I and IV
d. II and III

Answer: c
The y-coordinate of a point is positive in what

a. II and III
b. I and II
c. III and IV
d. II and IV

Answer: b
State the quadrants in which the coordinates ( 15, -2)

a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV

Answer: d
The rectangular coordinate system used to represent a
complex number

a. Argand Diagram
b. Venn Diagram
c. Complex Diagram
d. Maxwell’s Diagram

Answer: a
A cartesian coordinates system in which the axes are
not perpendicular

a. Parallelogram coordinates system

b. oblique coordinates system
c. polar coordinates system
d. Argand Diagram

Answer: b
The angle of rotation about the origin of the positive x-
axis into the point with rectangular coordinates (a, b),
representing the complex number a + bi is called ____
of the complex number

a. amplitude
b. argument
c. phase angle
d. all of the above

Answer: d
The rectangular coordinate system in space is divided
into eight compartments called

a. quadrants
b. octants
c. cubicles
d. octodrants

Answer: b
The angle of inclination of a straight line is the angle it
makes with the

a. positive x-axis
b. negative x-axis
c. positive y-axis
d. negative y-axis

Answer: a
The points where the curve crossed the coordinates
axes are called as the ___ with the axes

a. asymptotes
b. intercepts
c. intersections
d. tangent and normal

Answer: c
A line which is perpendicular to the x-axis, has slope
equal to

a. zero
b. one
c. infinity
d. either zero or infinity

Answer: c
A horizontal line has a slope of

a. zero
b. negative
c. infinity
d. positive

Answer: a
A line parallel to the y-axis at a directed distance x1 has
the equation

a. y = y1
b. x = x1
c. y = x1
d. x = y1

Answer: b
Let m1 and m2 be the respective slopes of two
perpendicular lines. Then

a. m1 + m2 = 1
b. m1 + m2 = 0
c. m1 m2 = 1
d. m1 m2 = - 1

Answer: d
If all the y-terms have even exponents, the curve is
symmetric with respect to the

a. line 45° with the x-axis

b. x-axis
c. y-axis
d. origin

Answer: b
If the equation is unchanged by the substitution of – x
for x, and – y for y its curve is symmetric with respect
to the

a. x-axis
b. y-axis
c. line 45° with the x-axis
d. origin

Answer: d
If all of the terms of an equation have even exponents
of if all of the terms have odd exponents, the curve is
symmetric with respect to the

a. x-axis
b. y-axis
c. line 45° with the origin
d. origin

Answer: d
If two linear equations, the x-coefficient of the first is
equal to the y-coefficient of the send and the y-
coefficient of the first is numerically equal but of
opposite sign to the x-coefficient of the second, or vice-
versa, the line represented are

a. parallel to each other

b. perpendicular to each other
c. at 45° with each other
d. none of the above

Answer: b
if two equations have the same line as their graph, the
equations are said to be

a. dependent
b. consistent
c. independent
d. linear

Answer: a
The points (a, 1), (b, 2), (c, 3) are collinear. Which of the
following is

a. c – b =c – a
b. c – b = b – a
c. c – a = a – b
d. c – a = b – a

Answer: b
In a linear equation Ax + By + C = 0 , if B = 0 then the
equation has the form of x = -C/A. This line is

a. 45° with the x-axis

b. intersecting the origin
c. parallel to the x –axis
d. parallel to the y-axis

Answer: d
The straight lines 4x – y + 3 = 0 and 8x – 2y +6 = 0

a. perpendicular to each other

b. intersecting but not perpendicular
c. parallel to each other
d. are coincident

Answer: d
Which of the following is the intercept form of an
equation for straight lines?

a. y = mx + b
b. (x/a) + (y/b) = 1
c. y –y1 = m (x – x1)
d. (x – a) + ( y – b) = 1

Answer: b
A straight line where the curve approaches more and
more closely but never touches it except at a limiting
point of infinity

a. asymptote
b. axis of symmetry
c. tangent
d. normal

Answer: a
Who coined the word “asymptote”?

a. John Venn
b. John Navier
c. Thomas Hobbes
d. John Wallis

Answer: c
The path of a point which moves according to a given
law or equation

a. cycloid
b. asymptote
c. locus
d. directrix

Answer: c
The curve traced by a point moving in a plane is shown
as the ____ of the point

a. parameter
b. pattern
c. formula
d. locus

Answer: d
A conic section is curve which is the intersectionof

a. two cones
b. a cone and a line
c. a cone and a plane
d. a cone and an axis

Answer: c
When the ellipse approaches a circle as a limiting
shape, its eccentricity approaches

a. 0
b. 1
c. – 1
d. infinity

Answer: a
The set of points in a plane, the sum of whose ditances
form a fixed points is a constant, is

a. circle
b. parabola
c. hyperbola
d. ellipse

Answer: a
If a right circular cone is cut by a plane parallel to its
base , it would reveal a/an

a. circle
b. parabola
c. ellipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: a
A ___ to a circle is a line that has exactly one point in
common with the circle.

a. diameter
b. secant
c. normal
d. tangent

Answer: d
A conic section whose eccentricity is always less than 1

a. parabola
b. circle
c. ellipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: c
A locus of appoint which moves so that the sum of the
distances from two fixed points (foci) is constant and
equal to the length of the major axis.

a. parabola
b. circle
c. ellipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: c
If the distance from the center to the focus of an ellipse
is c, from the center to the vertex is a and from the
center to the directrix is D, its eccentricity, is

a. D/c
b. D/a
c. c/D
d. c/a

Answer: d
A locus of point which moves so that it is always
equidistant from a fixed point (focus) and from a fixed
straight line (directrix)

a. circle
b. ellipse
c. parabola
d. hyperbola

Answer: c
The angle between the tangents at the end points of
the latus rectum of a parabola is

a. 45°
b. 75°
c. 75°
d. 90°

Answer: d
The tangents of the parabola at the end points of its
latus rectum intersect.

a. at a distance equal to the length of the latus rectum

from the focus
b. at the vertex
c. at the directrix
d. none of the above

Answer: c
In general equation of a conic section Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 +
Dx + Ey + F = 0, if A and C have different signs, then the
curve is a/an

a. circle
b. parabola
c. ellipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: d
If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is greater
than zero, the graph is a/an

a. circle
b. parabola
c. elipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: d
A chord passing through the focus of a parabola and
perpendicular to the axis of symmetry

a. directrix
b. translated axis
c. latus rectum
d. axis

Answer: c
The latus rectum of the parabola x2 = 4ay is

a. a
c. 2 𝑎

Answer: b
If a and b are lengths of semi-major and semi-minor
axis of an ellipse respectively, then what is the length of
its latus rectum?

a. 2ab
b. 4ab
c. 2b2/2
d. 2a2/2

Answer: c
The eccentricity of a regular hyperbola is

a. 2
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1.5

Answer: a
A parabola has an eccentricity

a. equal to 1
b. less than 1
c. greater than 1
d. of infinity

Answer: a
The axis of the parabola that passes through the foci,
vertices and center is called

a. conjugate axis
b. transverse axis
c. major axis
d. minor axis

Answer: b
The locus of a moving point in a plane so that the
difference of its distance from two fixed points (foci) is

a. circle
b. parabola
c. ellipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: d
What is the term given to a circle with radius equal to
half the transverse axis of the hyperbola or major axis
of an ellipse and its center is the center of conics?

a. auxiliary circle
b. unit circle
c. inscribed circle
d. concentric circle

Answer: a
Which of the following is NOT a central conic?

a. circle
b. parabola
c. ellipse
d. hyperbola

Answer: b
Confocal conics are conics

a. having the same foci

b. having no focus
c. whose foci coincide with the origin
d. whose foci coincides with the vertices

Answer: a
Which of the following is NOT true?

a. a confocal ellipse and hyperbola always intersect at

right angle
b. A prime number is not a composite number
c. a cosecant curve is a periodic function of period
d. a conjecture is an axiom

Answer: d
An ellipse and a hyperbola have the same foci, they are
said to be

a. central conics
b. quartic conics
c. confocal conics
d. congruent conics

Answer: c
The parabola y = -x2 + x + 1 opens

a. to the right
b. to the left
c. upward
d. downward

Answer: d
A line segment joining two of its points and passing
through a focus of a conic

a. latus rectum
b. focal radius
c. focal chord
d. chord contrast

Answer: c
Given the polar equation r = 3 / ( 1 + 3 cos θ). This is a
graph of a/an

a. ellipse
b. parabola
c. circle
d. hyperbola

Answer: d
The equation r = 4 cos θ is a/an

a. ellipse
b. circle
c. hyperbola
d. parabola

Answer: b
In polar coordinate system, the distance of any point P
from the origin is called

a. distance
b. polar angle
c. polar distance
d. radius vector

Answer: d
The plane curve traced out by a fixed point on the circle
as the circle rolls along a line.

a. envelope
b. epicycloid
c. lemniscate
d. cycloid

Answer: d
A plane curve traced by a fixed point on a circle as it
rolls along outside of a fixed circle.

a. epicycloid
b. hypocycloid
c. cycloid
d. envelope

Answer: a
A plane curve traced by a fixed point on a circle as it
rolls along inside of a fixed circle.

a. epicycloid
b. hypocycloid
c. cycloid
d. envelope

Answer: b
The equation x3 + y3 – 3ay = 0 represents a

a. cardioid
b. lemniscate
c. folium of Descartes
d. strophoid

Answer: c
Continuous curve traced by a point moving around
fixed point in same plane are steadily increasing or
decreasing distance

a. spiral
b. helix
c. lemniscate
d. limacon

Answer: a
Locus of the ultimate intersections or curves in a
system of curves.

a. evolute
b. pencil
c. envelope
d. helix

Answer: c
Curve formed by uniform chain hanging freely from two

a. trisectrix
b. parabola
c. hyerbola
d. catenary

Answer: d
The locus of a point such that its radius vector is
proportional to its vector angle.

a. Folium of Descartes
b. Spiral of Archimedes
c. Spiral of Pythagoras
d. Helix

Answer: b
The graph of the equation r = acos 2θ is a

a. limacon
b. lemniscate
c. rosette
d. spiral

Answer: c
The locus of a point which rolls on a straight line (x-

a. Cycloid
b. Epicycloid
c. Astroid
d. Trochoid

Answer: d
The equation r = a(1 +cos θ) is a polar equation of

a. hypocycloid
b. cycloid
c. cardioids
d. spiral

Answer: c
The equation r2 = a2cos θ is a

a. rosette
b. limacon
c. lemniscate
d. spiral

Answer: c
The equation r = a cos θ is a

a. rosette
b. limacon
c. lemniscate
d. spiral

Answer: a
The equation r – aθ =0 is a

a. rosette
b. limacon
c. lemniscate
d. spiral

Answer: d
The equation r = a cos θ + b is a

a. rosette
b. limacon
c. lemniscate
d. spiral

Answer: b
The equation r = a(secθ – tan θ) is a

a. rosetter
b. strophoid
c. trisectrix
d. lemniscate

Answer: b
The equation r = a(4cosθ – secθ) is a

a. cardioid
b. trisectrix
c. strophoid
d. fishmouth

Answer: b
The equation (x2 – 2ay – a2)2 = y2(a2 – x2) is a

a. rosette
b. cocked hat
c. fishmouth
d. spiral

Answer: b
The equation x2 + y2 = a2 is a

a. cocked hat
b. fishmouth
c. trisectrix
d. lames quartic

Answer: d
The equation ax2 = y2(2a – y) is the equation of

a. the top
b. cocked hat
c. fishmouth
d. lames quartic

Answer: a
The equation (x2 + y2)2 = ax2y is an equation of

a. bifolium
b. cocked hat
c. spiral
d. limacon

Answer: a
The equation y2 = (x2 + 1)2 (2 – x2)3 is an equation of

a. cocked hat
b. fishmouth
c. spiral
d. lemniscate

Answer: b
A curve or surface that is tangential to each of the
family of curves or surfaces

a. envelope
b. pencil
c. family
d. cusp

Answer: a
A curve that describes the locus of the centers of
curvatures of another curve to which its tangent are

a. involute
b. evolute
c. cusp
d. lemniscate

Answer: b
____ is formed by intersection of rays from the point
reflected or refracted from a curve surface.

a. envelope
b. evolute
c. caustic
d. parabola

Answer: c

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