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ENGLISH WRITTEN TEST 7th Form Date: _________________________
Name: _________________________________________ No. : ____ Class:____
Póvoa de Varzim
Teacher: _________________ Mark: __________________ Tutor: ______________


A- Listen and circle the correct option.

1. He gets up at … 5. He goes to school …

a) a quarter to seven. a) on a foot.
b) a quarter past seven. b) by bus.
c) half past seven. c) by car.

2. After getting up he … 6. He leaves home at…

a) makes his bed. a) ten past nine.
b) goes to the kitchen. b) ten past eight.
c) goes to the bathroom. c) ten to ten.

3. Next he … 7. His mother drives him on…

a) gets dressed. a) Thursday.
b) tidies up his room. b) Monday.
c) goes to the bathroom. c) Tuesday.

4. Breakfast is …
a) cereal and milk.
b) cereal and juice.
c) cereal and chocolate.

B- Listen and write if the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. He’s back home at half past four. _____

2. He does his homework and then he has a snack. _____

3. He eats cookies and drinks a glass of hot chocolate. _____

4. He watches TV. _____

5. Then he plays computer. _____

6. His mother makes dinner and he helps her. _____

7. He always goes to bed at ten o’clock. _____


A- Read the text carefully.

It’s seven o´clock and Melissa is getting ready for school.

She goes by bus because her father goes to work very early
in the morning and her mother doesn’t have a car. Melissa goes
downstairs and has breakfast . It’s on the table: a glass of milk
and some bread with marmalade. She gets her schoolbag
And looks at the time…it’s eight o’clock already! She hurries up...
The school bus is coming... She likes going to school early to be with
her friends before classes start. After the first lesson, Geography, Melissa talks to her best friend about her
weekend. After having a break, she has some more classes and at one o’clock Melissa and her friends go to
the school canteen to have lunch…Great! It’s her favourite…fish and chips and chocolate mousse for
dessert. It’s half past two and it’s time for PE class.
Melissa is tired and anxious to get home. She gets on the school bus and arrives home around a quarter
past five. The first thing she does is have toast and some orange juice while she watches TV. Then she does
her homework. When she finishes all her work , she helps her mother in the kitchen and they prepare
dinner together. Dinner is served at eight o’clock and today it’s seafood rice.
It’s getting late and tomorrow Melissa has to wake up early again. It’s twenty past ten and it’s time for bed.
She goes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth…finally she’s ready to fall asleep.

B- Find the opposite of the words below in the text.

1. late __________
2. upstairs __________
3. after __________
4. leaves __________
5. starts __________

C- Answer the following questions about the text.

1. What time does Melissa get ready for school?

2. How does she go to school? Why?
3. What does she have for breakfast?
4. What does she do with her friends during their break?
5. What time does she get home from school?
6. When does she do her homework?
7. What does she do before she goes to bed?
A- Insert the adverb in the correct place.

1. We don’t go to the cinema during the week. (usually) _______________________________________

2. Amy is at home. (rarely) ______________________________________________________________
3. Charles doesn’t visit his friends. (often) __________________________________________________
4. Does she walk the dog before dinner? (always) ____________________________________________
5. I am late. (sometimes) ________________________________________________________________

B- Complete the sentences with prepositions of time.

1. They often go to the cinema __________ weekends.

2. She was born __________ 1999.
3. __________ Christmas my aunt always visits us.
4. My grandmother doesn’t let me go out __________ night.
5. His birthday is __________ June.

C- Make the sentences affirmative or the negative.

1. Close your book. ___________________________________________________________________

2. Don’t read the book. __________________________________________________________________
3. Don’t turn on the light. ________________________________________________________________
4. Do your homework. __________________________________________________________________
5. Sit on the floor. ______________________________________________________________________

D- Build sentences in the affirmative or negative.

1. basketball/ play/ please/ me/ with _______________________________________________________

2. not make/ noise _____________________________________________________________________
3. not go/ late/ to bed ___________________________________________________________________
4. your homework/ now/ do ______________________________________________________________
5. lunch/ me/ with/ have _________________________________________________________________

E- Build sentences in the present continuous.

1. Mary and Peter/ play / tennis. __________________________________________________________

2. We/ have/ a good time. _______________________________________________________________
3. What/ he/ write ______________________________________________________________________
4. They/ not work/ at the office. ___________________________________________________________
5. I/ not study. ________________________________________________________________________
F- Circle the correct option.

1. The girls don’t play/ aren’t playing golf now. They never play/ are playing after lunch.
2. We always go/are going shopping on Fridays.
3. My mother is cooking/ cooks dinner now.
4. My uncle usually drives/ is driving to work.
5. I don’t have/ am not having breakfast at the moment. I am brushing/ brush my teeth.
6. Do/ Are they sleep/sleeping now? No, they don’t/ aren’t.
7. Every afternoon Amy has/ is having piano lessons.


Write about your daily routine. You can use these ideas:

- What time do you get up?;

- How do you go school?;
- Where do you have lunch?;
- What is your favourite subject?;
- What do you do during break time?;
- When do you get home?;
- What do you do when you’re at home?;
- What time do you go to sleep?:

ENGLISH WRITTEN TEST 7th Form Date: _________________________
Name: _________________________________________ No. : ____ Class:____
Póvoa de Varzim
Teacher: _________________ Mark: __________________ Tutor: ______________


A- Listen and circle the correct option.

1. He gets up at … 5. He goes to school …

a) a quarter to seven. a) by bus.
b) half past seven. b) by car.
c) a quarter past seven. c) on a foot.

2. After getting up he … 6. He leaves home at…

a) goes to the kitchen. a) ten past eight.
b) makes his bed. b) ten to ten.
c) goes to the bathroom. c) ten past nine.

3. Next he … 7. His mother drives him on…

a) goes to the bathroom a) Tuesday.
b) gets dressed. b) Thursday.
c) tidies up his room. c) Monday.

4. Breakfast is …
a) cereal and milk.
b) cereal and juice.
c) cereal and chocolate.

B- Listen and write if the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. He always goes to bed at ten o’clock. _____

2. He does his homework and then he has a snack. _____

3. He eats cookies and drinks a glass of hot chocolate. _____

4. He’s back home at half past four. _____

5. His mother makes dinner and he helps her. _____

6. He watches TV. _____

7. Then he plays computer. _____


A- Read the text carefully.

It’s seven o´clock and Melissa is getting ready for school.

She goes by bus because her father goes to work very early
in the morning and her mother doesn’t have a car. Melissa goes
downstairs and has breakfast . It’s on the table: a glass of milk
and some bread with marmalade. She gets her schoolbag
And looks at the time…it’s eight o’clock already! She hurries up...
The school bus is coming... She likes going to school early to be with
her friends before classes start. After the first lesson, Geography, Melissa talks to her best friend about her
weekend. After having a break, she has some more classes and at one o’clock Melissa and her friends go to
the school canteen to have lunch…Great! It’s her favourite…fish and chips and chocolate mousse for
dessert. It’s half past two and it’s time for PE class.
Melissa is tired and anxious to get home. She gets on the school bus and arrives home around a quarter
past five. The first thing she does is have toast and some orange juice while she watches TV. Then she does
her homework. When she finishes all her work , she helps her mother in the kitchen and they prepare
dinner together. Dinner is served at eight o’clock and today it’s seafood rice.
It’s getting late and tomorrow Melissa has to wake up early again. It’s twenty past ten and it’s time for bed.
She goes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth…finally she’s ready to fall asleep.

B- Find the opposite of the words below in the text.

1. after __________
2. late __________
3. starts __________
4. leaves __________
5. upstairs __________

C- Answer the following questions about the text.

1. What time does Melissa get ready for school?

2. When does she do her homework?
3. How does she go to school? Why?
4. What does she do before she goes to bed?
5. What does she have for breakfast?
6. What time does she get home from school?
7. What does she do with her friends during their break?
A- Insert the adverb in the correct place.

1. I am late. (sometimes) ________________________________________________________________

2. We don’t go to the cinema during the week. (usually) _______________________________________
3. Does she walk the dog before dinner? (always) ____________________________________________
4. Amy is at home. (rarely) ______________________________________________________________
5. Charles doesn’t visit his friends. (often) __________________________________________________

B- Complete the sentences with prepositions of time.

1. His birthday is __________ June.

2. They often go to the cinema __________ weekends.
3. My grandmother doesn’t let me go out __________ night.
4. __________ Christmas my aunt always visits us.
5. She was born __________ 1999.

C- Make the sentences affirmative or the negative.

1. Don’t read the book. __________________________________________________________________

2. Don’t turn on the light. ________________________________________________________________
3. Close your book. ___________________________________________________________________
4. Sit on the floor. ______________________________________________________________________
5. Do your homework. __________________________________________________________________

D- Build sentences in the affirmative or negative.

1. your homework/ now/ do _____________________________________________________________

2. basketball/ play/ please/ me/ with _______________________________________________________
3. not make/ noise _____________________________________________________________________
4. lunch/ me/ with/ have _________________________________________________________________
5. not go/ late/ to bed ___________________________________________________________________

E- Build sentences in the present continuous.

1. We/ have/ a good time. _______________________________________________________________

2. Mary and Peter/ play / tennis. __________________________________________________________
3. They/ not work/ at the office. ___________________________________________________________
4. I/ not study. ________________________________________________________________________
5. What/ he/ write ______________________________________________________________________
F- Circle the correct option.

1. The girls don’t play/ aren’t playing golf now. They never play/ are playing after lunch.
2. My mother is cooking/ cooks dinner now.
3. We always go/is going shopping on Fridays.
4. I don’t have/ am not having breakfast at the moment. I am brushing/ brush my teeth.
5. My uncle usually drives/ is driving to work.
6. Every afternoon Amy has/ is having piano lessons.
7. Do/ Are they sleep/sleeping now? No, they don’t/ aren’t.


Write about your daily routine. You can use these ideas:

- What time do you get up?;

- How do you go school?;
- Where do you have lunch?;
- What is your favourite subject?;
- What do you do during break time?;
- When do you get home?;
- What do you do when you’re at home?;
- What time do you go to sleep?:

ENGLISH WRITTEN TEST 7th Form Date: _________________________
Name: _________________________________________ No. : ____ Class:____
Póvoa de Varzim
Teacher: _________________ Mark: __________________ Tutor: ______________


A- Listen and circle the correct option.

1. He gets up at … 5. He goes to school …

a) a quarter to seven. a) on a foot.
b) a quarter past seven. b) by bus.
c) half past seven. c) by car.

2. After getting up he … 6. He leaves home at…

a) makes his bed. a) ten past nine.
b) goes to the kitchen. b) ten past eight.
c) goes to the bathroom. c) ten to ten.

3. Next he … 7. His mother drives him on…

a) gets dressed. a) Thursday.
b) tidies up his room. b) Monday.
c) goes to the bathroom. c) Tuesday.

4. Breakfast is …
a) cereal and milk.
b) cereal and juice.
c) cereal and chocolate.

B- Listen and write if the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. He’s back home at half past four. _____

2. He does his homework and then he has a snack. _____

3. He eats cookies and drinks a glass of hot chocolate. _____

4. He watches TV. _____

5. Then he plays computer. _____

6. His mother makes dinner and he helps her. _____

7. He always goes to bed at ten o’clock. _____


A- Read the text carefully.

It’s seven o´clock and Melissa is getting ready for school.

She goes by bus because her father goes to work very early
in the morning and her mother doesn’t have a car. Melissa goes
downstairs and has breakfast . It’s on the table: a glass of milk
and some bread with marmalade. She gets her schoolbag
And looks at the time…it’s eight o’clock already! She hurries up...
The school bus is coming... She likes going to school early to be with
her friends before classes start. After the first lesson, Geography, Melissa talks to her best friend about her
weekend. After having a break, she has some more classes and at one o’clock Melissa and her friends go to
the school canteen to have lunch…Great! It’s her favourite…fish and chips and chocolate mousse for
dessert. It’s half past two and it’s time for PE class.
Melissa is tired and anxious to get home. She gets on the school bus and arrives home around a quarter
past five. The first thing she does is have toast and some orange juice while she watches TV. Then she does
her homework. When she finishes all her work , she helps her mother in the kitchen and they prepare
dinner together. Dinner is served at eight o’clock and today it’s seafood rice.
It’s getting late and tomorrow Melissa has to wake up early again. It’s twenty past ten and it’s time for bed.
She goes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth…finally she’s ready to fall asleep.

B- Match the words 1 - 5 with their opposites a) – e).

1. late a) finishes
2. upstairs b) downstairs
3. after c) arrives
4. leaves d) before
5. starts e) early

C- Answer the questions about the text.

1. What time does Melissa get ready for school? (line 1)

2. How does she go to school? (line 2)
3. What does she have for breakfast? (lines 4,5)
4. What does she do with her friends during their break? (line 8)
5. What time does she get home from school? (lines 12,13)
6. When does she do her homework? (lines 13,14)
7. What does she do before she goes to bed? (line 16)
A- Insert the adverb in the correct place.

1. We don’t go to the cinema during the week. (usually) _______________________________________

2. Amy is at home. (rarely) ______________________________________________________________
3. Charles doesn’t visit her friends. (often) __________________________________________________
4. Does she walk the dog before dinner? (always) ____________________________________________
5. I am late. (sometimes) ________________________________________________________________

B- Complete the sentences with prepositions of time. (in, on, at)

1. They often go to the cinema __________ weekends.

2. She was born __________ 1999.
3. __________ Christmas my aunt always visits us.
4. My grandmother doesn’t let me go out __________ night.
5. His birthday is __________ June.

C- Imperative - Make the sentences affirmative or the negative.

1. Close your book. ___________________________________________________________________

2. Don’t read the book. __________________________________________________________________
3. Don’t turn on the light. ________________________________________________________________
4. Do your homework. __________________________________________________________________
5. Sit on the floor. ______________________________________________________________________

D- Build sentences in the Present Continuous (-ing).

1. Mary and Peter/ play / tennis. __________________________________________________________

2. You/ have/ a good time. _______________________________________________________________
3. What/ he/ write ______________________________________________________________________
4. They/ not work/ at the office. ___________________________________________________________
5. I/ not study. ________________________________________________________________________

E- Circle the correct option.

1. The girls don’t play/ aren’t playing golf now. They never play/ are playing after lunch.
2. My mother is cooking/ cooks dinner now.
3. We always go/is going shopping on Fridays.
4. I don’t have/ am not having breakfast at the moment. I am brushing/ brush my teeth.
5. My uncle usually drives/ is driving to work.

Write about your daily routine.

Answer these questions:

- What time do you get up?;

- How do you go school?;
- Where do you have lunch?;
- What is your favourite subject?;
- What do you do during break time?;
- When do you get home?;
- What do you do when you’re at home?;
- What time do you go to sleep?:



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