2 1 OOP Introduction

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Continuing OOP
Lecture 2

CMSC 432
Shon Vick


1. Review some ideas from last time

2. Explain what is meant by
encapsulation and abstraction
3. Describe various uses for classes in
object-oriented programming.
4. Distinguish between the interface and
implementation parts in Java/C++
5. Write the interface and
implementation parts for a simple
program. 2
OOP in a Nutshell:

 A program models a world of interacting

 Objects create other objects and “send
messages” to each other (in Java, call
each other’s methods).
 Each object belongs to a class; a class
defines properties of its objects. The
data type of an object is its class.
 Programmers write classes (and reuse
existing classes). 3
UMBC Alternate View of OOP Tenets
by Alan Kay

 Everything is an object
 Computation is performed by objects
communication with each other, requesting that
others perform action
 Objects communicate by sending and receiving
messages. A message is a request for action
bundled with whatever argument is necessary to
complete the task
 Each object has its own memory which consists
of other objects
Another view of OOP

 Review the main OOP

 inheritance
 abstraction
 encapsulation
 polymorphism


 A class can extend another class,

inheriting all its data members and
methods while redefining some of them
and/or adding its own.
 A class can implement an interface,
implementing all the specified methods.
 Inheritance implements the “is a”
relationship between objects.

Inheritance (cont’d)

subclass superclass
or extends or
derived class base class

subinterface extends superinterface

class implements interface

Inheritance (cont’d)

 In Java, a subclass can extend only one

 In Java, a subinterface can extend one
 In Java, a class can implement several
interfaces — this is Java’s form of
multiple inheritance.

Inheritance (cont’d)

 An abstract class can have code for some

of its methods; other methods are
declared abstract and left with no code.
 An interface only lists methods but does
not have any code.
 A concrete class may extend an abstract
class and/or implement one or several
interfaces, supplying the code for all the

Inheritance (cont’d)

 Inheritance plays a dual role:

 A subclass reuses the code from the
 A subclass (or a class that implements an
interface) inherits the data type of the
superclass (or the interface) as its own
secondary type.

Inheritance (cont’d)
 Inheritance leads to a hierarchy of classes
and/or interfaces in an application:


Solitaire GameFor2


Chess Backgammon

Inheritance (cont’d)

 Example from Swing:


... ... ... JTextComponent

JTextField JTextArea JEditorPane

JPasswordField JTextPane

Inheritance (cont’d)

 An object of a class at the bottom of a

hierarchy inherits all the methods of all
the classes above.
 It also inherits the data types of all the
classes and interfaces above.
 Inheritance is also used to extend
hierarchies of library classes, reusing
the library code and inheriting library
data types.
Inheritance (cont’d)

 Inheritance implements the “is a”

 Not to be confused with embedding (an
object has another object as a part),
which represents the “has a” relationship:
A sailboat is a boat

A sailboat has a sail

Summary (cont)

 Every object is an instance of a class. A class

represents a grouping of similar objects.
 The class is the repository of the behavior
associated with an object. That is all objects that
are instances of the same class can perform the
same actions
 Classes are organized in a single rooted tree
structure called the inheritance hierarchy. Memory
and behavior associated with a class are
automatically available to any class that is a
descendant in this inheritance hierarchy

Coping with Complexity

 Interconnectedness, the dependence of

one portion of code on another portion, is
responsible for this phenomena
 Abstraction mechanisms try to cope with
this and object oriented techniques offer
yet another step forward

UMBC Method Binding and

 When Fred would ask his wife Beth to send

some flowers to Robin for her birthday
she might use a different method than the
florist Fred
 The method that gets executed in
response to a message depends on the
receiver of the message. Getting different
methods executes in response to the same
message is a form of polymorphism

UMBC Sending Messages
vs. Procedure Call
 A message has a designated receiver (some
 The interpretation of the message, I.e. the
method used in response to the message is
determined by the receiver and can vary
amongst different receivers.
 Often the actual receiver of a message is
not known until run-time. There is late or
dynamic binding between the message and
the code fragment (method) used to
respond to the message
Functions are not Methods
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UMBC Responsibility &
 Discussing a problem in terms of responsibilities
increases the level of abstraction and permits greater
independence between agents
 The entire collection of responsibilities associated
with an object is often described by the term protocol
 A receiver takes responsibility for responding to a
message; the sender of the message need not know the
details of the method used. This is a standard
powerful form of abstraction sometimes called
information hiding

Categories surrounding Fred

Material Object

Florist Fred

Classes and Instances
 Although Chris does not know Fred very he has a
rough idea of the transactions that occur inside
Fred’s shop. Chris is able to make certain
assumptions based on previous experiences with
florists. He expects that Fred, being an instance of
the category florist, will match the pattern.
 All objects are instances of a class. The method
invoked by an object to respond to a message is
determined by the class of the receiver. All
objects of the same class use the same method in
response to the same message.

UMBC A Material Objects Class

Material Object

Animal Plant

Mammal Flower

Dog Human Platypus Tulip

Sam Shopkeeper Artist Phyl tulip1 tulip2 tulip 3

Florist Potter

Fred Ken

Encapsulation and Instantiation

Classes provide two very important

 Encapsulation - The purposeful hiding

of information, thereby reducing the

amount of details that need to be
remembered/communicated among
 Instantiation - The ability to create

multiple instances of an abstraction.

UMBC Encapsulation: Separating
Internal and External Views

Push const limit = 300;

Pop var currentTop : 0 .. limit;
Top values : array [ 1 .. limit] of integer;

UMBC State - Instance Variables

 We have been using the term instance to mean

a representative or an example of a class.
 We will use the term instance variable to
represent the state, or data values maintained
internal to a class.
 We can record information about the instance
variable on the back side of a CRC card, since
it is internal to a class.
 Clients can see the front of the card,
implementers can see the backside.

UMBC Interface and

In most OOP languages, the distinction between

interface and implementation is manifest on
two distinct levels:
 Within a class, separation between interface

and implementation part Example, in C++,

public and private fields.
 Interface descriptions and implementation
bodies appearing in separate files (or separate
area of same file). Example, in C++, *.h files
and *.cpp files.

End of Lecture


 Abstraction mechanisms are techniques to deal

with creating, understanding and managing
complex systems
 Abstraction is the purposeful suppression or
hiding of some details of a process or artifact in
order to bring out more clearly other aspects,
details or structures
 Through abstraction one builds a model of the
actual system

Abstraction layers in OOP

 At the highest level a program is viewed as a

community of cooperating objects.
 Each object in this community provides services
 At this highest level the important features are
the services provided by each object and the lines
of cooperation and communication between them.
 The next level of abstraction allows a group of
objects working together to be grouped in a unit
(packages, name spaces, units) allowing some names
to be exposed to the world outside the unit while
others remain hidden inside the unit

Abstraction layers in OOP

 The next two levels of abstraction deal with the

interaction between 2 individual objects where
one (the client) uses services from the other (the
 The server advertises the services it can provide for
the client as an interface, the client programs to this
 The server provides a concrete implementation for its
 The last level of abstraction considers a single
task in isolation I.e. which steps implement a
single method

General Forms of Abstraction

class hierachies ADT

Specialisation patterns
“is a” service view
OO programs
recursive algorithms
abstraction division into parts repetition recursive data structures
“has a”

multiple views dictionaries

UMBC Abstraction mechanisms in
programming languages
 Procedures and Functions (function centered
+ information hiding for the detail of the behavior
- no information hiding for the detail of the data
- no encapsulation
 Modules and Packages (data centered view)
+ information hiding
+ encapsulation
- instantiation not always supported
 Abstract Data Types
+ separates interface and implementation

UMBC Abstraction mechanisms in OO
programming languages

 Classes are as Abstract Data Types in a

service-centered view
 Message Passing and Method Binding bring
polymorphism leading to more readable
 Class Hierarchies and Inheritance bring
code sharing which results in increased
functionality and reduction of code size
 Inheritance and polymorphism together
allow for tailoring shared code

Object Oriented Design

 Object oriented software development is NOT

about the syntax of a programming language
 Object oriented software development is about a
design technique driven by the determination and
delegation of responsibilities
 Responsibility implies non-interference, it cuts or
reduces the links between objects that depend on
implementation details
 Goes beyond information hiding and encapsulation
when dealing with programming in the large


 Classes and Methods

 OOP Introduction
 OOP Concepts
 Budd Book


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