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Чеботарева Н.В.
учитель иностранного языка
МОУ «СОШ р.п. Духовницкое»
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Who was the State Moscow
University founded by?
Which museum has one of the
largest art collections in Russia?
What is Spasskaya tower
famous for?
1. When did the history of
Moscow begin?

2. Who was Moscow

founded by?

3. What are the main places

of interest in Moscow?
What has become the symbol of
London in the world?
Where can you see wax figures
of many famous people?
What is the Clock tower
famous for?
1. How old is London?

2. What river is
London situated on?

3. What are the main places

of interest in London?
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What is it?
It is the oldest part of Moscow. It
is the outstanding monument of
Russian history and culture. It
has many towers.
What is it?
It is one of the best-known museum in Russia.
It has a large collection of Russian paintings.
It is housed in a small but very Russian-
looking building. It takes its name after its
founder, who began to collect paintings in
What is it?
It is a very old building in London. In the early
days of the history of England the English kings
lived in it. Then it was the main state prison. Now
it is a museum attracting tourists from all over
the world. People come here to see the Ceremony
of the Keys .
What is it?
It is one of the tourists’ centers of the city. In
the middle of it there is Nelson’s Column with
the figure of the great seaman on it. This is a
monument to Admiral Nelson for his victories
in the war against Napoleon in 1805
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1. What is the capital of England?
2. What is the oldest part of Moscow?
3. How many bridges are there over the Thames?
4. What tower has the largest clock in Russia?
5. What is the biggest building in London?
6. When was the Ostankino Television Tower built?
7. Who does the Tretyakov-Gallery take its name
8. What is the nickname of London’s underground?
9. What is the main square in Moscow?
10.What is Hyde Park famous for?
1. What is the capital of Russia?
2. What is the oldest part of London?
3. What is the most famous theatre in Moscow?
4. What is another name for the Houses of Parliament?
5. Where is the main square in Moscow?
6. Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s
7. How many bridges are there over the river Thames?
8. When was Moscow underground opened?
9. What are Kensington gardens famous for?
10.Which museum has one of the largest art collections
in Russia?
•Колодяжная Л.Н. Познакомьтесь: Великобритания. – М.
Рольф,Айрис- пресс, 1999.
•Рожкова Ф.М. По странам изучаемого языка.- М.:
•«Английский язык». Еженедельное приложение к газете
«Первое сентября»
•ИЯШ за 2005-2010г.г.
•CD ROM for Windows. 30 Full Colour Images. JARROLD
•Great Britain. Интерактивное наглядное пособие. – ООО
«Дрофа», 2008
•Ресурсы сети Интернет

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