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Development Industrial Communication


Pawan Yadav
Regs -5059
The New Development Process
 Increased democratization of the
development process;
 Demand for transparency;
 A holistic approach: economic, social,
political, institutional, cultural, and
environmental issues to be considered;
 Demand for increased people’s participation
in decision making.
The Process Demands

 Listening
 Public Awareness
 Understanding
 Consensus
 Partnership
 Social Ownership
The Emerging Communication Paradigm

 Dialogue
 Participation (at different degrees)
 Two-way model (in addition to one-way)
 Process-based (and analytical) rather than
One-Way vs. Two-Way

Comm to Comm to Comm to Comm to


Main Raise Promote Assess, probe Build

purpose awareness, attitude and issues, explore capacities,
increase behavior prevent involve
knowledge change conflicts stakeholders
model of One-way One-way Two-way Two-way
Preferred Predominant Predominant Heavy use of Use of dialog
methods use of mass- use of media interpersonal to promote
and media media method participation
Which Communication?
Message-Based and Dialogue-Based

TO INFORM (changing awareness TO LISTEN (building trust,

and/or knowledge) ensuring understanding,
assessing situation)
TO PERSUADE (changing TO ENGAGE (interacting,
attitudes and/or behaviors) empowering, building consensus
for change)
TO ADVOCATE (promoting, TO MOBILIZE (activating,
influencing) enhancing ownership)
When and What Communication?

 Insufficient information between

management and staff, and among units;
 A technical mission conducting a feasibility
study for the construction of a well in a
community with scarce water nearby;
 Malaria affecting the health and the lives
of many individuals of a certain region;
 Negative image of a key global institution
with its mission and activities not clearly
understood by the public.
Different Communication Types
for Different Purposes
Creating a common
Internal platform for messages and
Communicatio programs.
n Communicating what we do
e and how we do it; building
trust in the institution and
support for development.
Issue campaigns to accelerate
Advocacy action on key global public
Communicatio goods – including at the
n country level.

Integrating communication and

assessing political and
development risks for more
Communicatio effective strategy and design
n leading to better outcomes.
The world's local bank
Unicef: Goodwill Ambassadors
Tanzania: Plain Language Guides of
Poverty Documents
Development Communication
“a process that builds consensus and facilitates the
sharing of knowledge to achieve positive change in
development initiatives.
It is not only about effective dissemination of
information but about using empirical research, two
way communication and dialogue among
It is also a key management tool that helps assess
socio-political risks and opportunities.
By using communication to bridge differences and take
action towards change, development communication
can lead to successful and more sustainable results”
DevComm Methodological Process:
Main Steps
Based Objectives Work Plan Implementation ME Indicators
Strategy Design

Identify/analyse/define: Carry out:

Select and design:
Audiences/ Media Production
Comm. Approaches
Stakeholders Training activities
Risks Message Dissemination
Learning systems
ME indicators
Communication-Based Analysis (CBA)

A research method probing empirical evidence

and stakeholders’ perceptions in order to assess
the socio-political situation, cultural dynamics,
identify opportunities, and risks.
CBA Main Features
 Identifies roadblocks for a project;
 Assess the socio-political and cultural environment
around the project;
 Segments audiences based on their positions;
 Assesses communication capacity of government,
media, and others involved;
 Identifies partners and local communication
 Develops strategic guidelines for future
communication plan.
Strategic Communication Program

 Communication Strategy
 Communication Action Plan:
Objectives - Audience (stakeholders, target
groups) – Activities - Channels -
Messages - Timeline/Frequency -
Responsibility/ coordination – Budget.
 Monitoring and Evaluation System
 Knowledge and Capacity Building Plan
Development Communication Helps Overcome
Obstacles to Change and Reform through:

 Two-way (cyclic) communication:

both informing and listening
 Building consensus and active
 Building local capacity to
communicate development issues
 Creating social ownership
In Reforms…
 There are winners, losers and fence sitters;
 Sometimes winners don’t know they are
 Some of those who consider themselves losers
don’t know they are not losers;
 All winners & fence sitters need to be
 Opponents need to be identified;
 An overall vision is needed - where to start,
where to go and how.
Political economy of policy reform

Participation, communication, dialogue and

champions of change are essential elements.

A political economy approach works best when

information generation and dissemination goes
hand in hand with policy dialogue.
Political economy of policy reform

Linked to the need for robust analysis is the issue

of continuous engagement of key stakeholder
and of public debate on policy formulation.

Policy reform processes include consensus

building, communication, conflict resolution,
compromise, adaptation and participation.

Political Economy of Policy Reforms, issues and Implications for WB lending, SDN, Oxford University, October 2007
technical &
analytical work)

Input from
economy, Implementation
social, Ownership
Projects, Programs, Policy, Strategy

Governance/ Public Sector Reform/

Private Sector Development/ Water and
Sanitation/ HIV/AIDS/ Health Sector
Reform/PRSP / Education/ Social
Protection/ Climate Change/
Environment/ Financial Sector Reform/
Infrastructure / Community Driven
Development/ Rural and Agriculture
Development …
Project Cycle
Project Cycle Phase
PRSP Identification Preparation Appraisal Approval Implementation Evaluation

DevComm Program Phase

Research Analysis Strategy and Communication Monitoring

Communication Program and
Component Design Implementation Evaluation

Interventions and Products

Country • Communication Based • Project Document Inputs • Technical Communication
Assessment Assistance Program
• Communication Program
Portfolio Performance
• Socio Political Risk Implementation Plan • Advice
Review and Impact
Client Survey Assessment
• Supervision Evaluation
• Consultation schemes
• Capacity
• Public Opinion building

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