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Submitted By:- Submitted To:-

Muzammil Moosani Mr. Anil Tailor

(15EEAIT032) (Assistant Professor)
Ajit Sahu Supervisor:-
(15EEAIT007) Mrs. Shikha Gupta
(Assistant Professor)
Table Of Contents

1. What is VANET
2. An Example of VANET
3. Types of VANET
4. Characteristics of VANET
5. Routing Protocol – AODV
6. Working of AODV
7. Simulation Environment and Setup
8. Steps for Simulation
9. Mobility Model Generator
10. Traffic Model Generator
11. Conclusion
What is VANET

VANET or Vehicular Ad-hoc Network is a subset of

Mobile Ad-hoc Network or MANET that provides
communication between vehicles and between vehicles
and road side units with an aim of providing efficient
and safe transportation.

 VANET follows a basic concept which consists of a

large web of vehicles and a wireless local area
network (WLAN) technology which connects all the
vehicles together to make communication possible.
 A vehicle in VANET is considered to be an intelligent
mobile node which is able to communicate with its
neighbours and other vehicles in the network.
 It also provides some value added services, such as:
 Email
 Audio/Video sharing etc.
An Example of VANET
Types of VANET

 There are two types of VANET technologies:-

 Vehicle to Vehicle Vanet
 Vehicle to Infrastructure Vanet

 A vehicle can communicate with another vehicle

directly which is called Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V)
 A vehicle can communicate to an infrastructure such
as a Road Side Unit (RSU), known as Vehicle-to-
Infrastructure (V2I).
Characteristics of VANET

 High Mobility
 High Dynamic Topology
 Battery Power and Storage Capacity
 Unbounded Network Size
 Time Critical
 Frequent Changing Information
 Wireless Communication
Routing Protocol - AODV

 A routing protocol use software and routing algorithms

to find best network to data transfer and communication
paths between nodes. Ad hoc on-demand Distance
Vector (AODV) is one of the commonly used reactive on
demand routing protocols in mobile ad hoc network
(MANET). AODV is a reactive extension of the DSDV
 Request is send in following form:-
RREQ { Destination IP, Destination Sequence Number,
Source IP, Source Sequence Number, Hop Count}.
Working of AODV
Simulation Environment and Setup

 Simulation is the process of learning by doing. Whenever there is

something new in the world, we try to analyse it first by examining it
and in the process we get to learn a lot of things. This entire procedure
is called simulation.
 Command used is:
Java –jar MOVE.jar
 The simulation of VANETs requires two different components: Mobility
model generator and Traffic model generator.
Steps for Simulation
1. Mobility Model Generator

 Mobility model simulation was generated by using MOVE (Mobility

model generator for Vehicular networks) with SUMO (Simulator for
Urban Mobility) as a VANETs simulator.
 SUMO: SUMO is an open source traffic simulation package which was
initiated in year 2001. SUMO configuration file is shown below:

 We have used Manual Node, Edge, and Route

Assignment as follows.
 Node file creation (.nod.xml)
 Edge file creation (.edg.xml)
 Edge type file creation (.type.xml)
 Network creation from the node, edge and type files
 Route file (.rou.xml)
NS-2:-: Network Simulation (NS) is one of the types of
simulation, which is used to simulate the network such as in
MANETs, VANETs etc. It provides simulation for routing and
multicast protocols for both wired and wireless networks.

 Traffic Mobility trace file in SUMO:

2. Traffic Model Generator

To analyse the vehicular ad hoc network

characteristics and protocol performances, traffic
simulators are require to generate position and
movement information of a single vehicle in VANETs

 Static Traffic Model Generator for NS-2 is shown


 The output of TCL file and generated Nam file:


This project analyse the performance of AODV routing

protocol for ad hoc networks using ns-2 simulations.
AODV perform better under high mobility simulations.
High mobility results in frequent link failures and the
overhead involved in updating all the nodes with the
new routing information is much more than that
involved in AODV, where the routes are created as and
when required. AODV uses routing tables, one route
per destination, and destination sequence numbers, a
mechanism to prevent loops and to determine
freshness of routes.

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