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How to sell your crop
 Before you plant your first seed, answer this
question: How will you sell your crops? 

  A good marketing plan is an absolute must for

a successful farm business

 Know your market and your customers. Start

by growing vegetables that are popular with
people in your area
How to sell your crop
 Make sure you grow enough of each crop, and
make the quality of your vegetables good

 Then consider the best way to sell them to your

Sell everything to one place

 If you have a big farm or live far away from

customers, you might want to sell your crops to
one place, such as a store, restaurant, food co-
 This is called wholesale marketing

 Selling your crops this way is faster than other

ways of selling. It is also a good choice if you
are not comfortable meeting and talking to a lot
of people.
Sell everything to one place

 Wholesale marketing will probably not make

you as much money as selling directly to the
customer, and you may not get paid right
away. But it is a simple, easy way of selling.
Selling directly to customers

 If you do not have a big farm or if you are a

new farmer, it is a good idea to sell your crops
directly to customers.

 This is called direct or retail marketing

 Although you can make more money and get

paid faster this way, you will need more time
to sell. It is a good way to sell your crops if you
are a good planner, have time, and enjoy
meeting and talking to people.
The farmer's market
 Many people come to the farmer's market to
buy vegetables. You can sell a lot of vegetables,
so you need to bring enough vegetables to last
the day
 You have to plan carefully. If you want to sell
your vegetables at a farmers market, look for a
market that is:
 In a busy area
 Well known by a lot of customers
 Clean and well managed
 Here are some ideas to help make your booth a
successful display:
 Make the area around your booth attractive
 Customers like a large display to choose from.
Put as many of your vegetables out as you can
while still keeping them fresh in shade. Tilt
every item to give your customer a better view
and make your supply look larger. But be
careful to place the vegetables so that they
don't fall over when a customer takes some.
 Put your crops up on shelves, not on the ground
 Put each of your crops in a group to make large
blocks of color. Yellow vegetables, especially, catch
the customer's eye
 Make signs for all your crops with each name and
price. Customers also like to read information
about your farm.
 If you would like, hand out recipes (in English)
that are from your country and use the vegetables
you are selling.

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