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Prepared by:

Shiela Dianne C. Caliwanagan

Solve multi-concept, rich
context problems using
concepts from rotational
motion, fluids, oscillations,
gravity, and thermodynamics.
1. Describe the mechanism of Thermal

Solve numerical problems

2. involving composite

Explain the process of convection as a

3. sequence of a change of density; and
use this concept to explain ocean
currents and winds
Introduction/ Review Overview of the objectives and key terms for the
Motivation Defining mechanism of heat transfer
Instruction/ Delivery Key points, Illustration of heat transfer
Practice Problem solving
Enrichment Discuss the Stefan- Boltzmann law
Evaluation Explains how the types of heat transfer works
1.The following activity can be performed in
2.a. Pour cold water into a large beaker.
Prepare a flask of hot water (about 50°C) and
color it with food dye. Close it with a stopper
with two holes.
b. Lower and immerse the flask into the beaker
of cold water (see figure below). If the hot
water does not flow, you may need to prod one
of the holes with a stirrer to start it.
3. Review previous discussions:
a. Temperature and thermal expansion
b. Heat capacities
4. Review conventions and definitions:
a. Heat moves from object of higher
temperature to one of lower
b. Heat is not stored energy; the form
that energy takes as it is transferred
from one object to another object
How will I know if the water is
hot or not without touching
the water itself and without
using a thermometer?
• The answer to the question
is related to the fact that the
skin is a “thermal sensor”:
Get a balloon filled with air
then try to tap it on the
candle with light. What do
you think will happen to the
balloon? What do you think
will happen to the candle?
• Heat is a transfer of energy from one
object to another due to a difference in
• Temperature is a measure of the
molecular energy in an object
• Heat always flows from an object of
higher temp (TH) to one of lower temp
• We are often interested in the rate at
which this heat transfer takes place
• Molecules are in constant motion, their
speed is proportionate to the temperature
of the object
• When two objects come in contact, their
surface molecules will transfer momentum
• An aluminum pot will conduct heat from a
glass stove-top
• For two objects at TH and the other at TL,
connected by a rod of uniform material
P = kA(TH – TL)/L
Where k is the thermal conductivity of the
rod, A is the cross-sectional area, and L is
the length of the rod
• Home owners are concerned with the “R-
value” of their insulation
R = L/k
• A fluid’s density will change when its
temperature changes (through conduction)
• This density change can create movement
within the fluid
• Warmer fluid is usually less dense, and will
• Cooler fluid will rush in to take the place of
the rising, warmer fluid
• This mixing is called convection
• Mixing of the atmosphere within the
troposphere is mostly convection
– Sea breeze: land warms faster, air over
land rises, air from over the sea comes in
• Mechanism for energy transfer between
atmospheric layers is not well understood
– If all of the atmosphere were mixing in a
convective fashion, there wouldn’t be
• Objects tends to absorb electromagnetic
waves from their surroundings
• An ideal absorber is called a blackbody, an
ideal reflector is called a white body
• Objects tend to radiate electromagnetic
waves as efficiently as they absorb them
• The transfer of energy through the
emission of EM waves is called radiation
• The rate of energy radiation is related to
an object’s surface area A and the nature
of the surface, called emissivity, e
• The Stefan-Boltzmann Law for heat
transfer is P = AeσT4
– Don’t forget that heat transfer = energy
per unit time = power
• σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, which
is equal to 5.67 x 10-8 W/(m2K4)
(a)Calculate the rate of heat conduction through
house walls that are 13.0 cm thick and have an
average thermal conductivity twice that of glass
wool. Assume there are no windows or doors.
The walls’ surface area is 120m2120m2 and their
inside surface is at 18.0°C18.0°C, while their
outside surface is at 5.00°C5.00°C. (b) How
many 1-kW room heaters would be needed to
balance the heat transfer due to conduction?

(a)An infrared heater for a sauna has a surface area

of 0.050m20.050m2 and an emissivity of 0.84.
What temperature must it run at if the required
power is 360 W? Neglect the temperature of the
Discuss how the Stefan–Boltzmann
radiation law is used to determine the size
of stars
iv. Some mathematical examples
are presented in the references.

v. The Stefan–Boltzmann radiation law can

be rewritten as: , which is “luminosity”
and used to determine the size of stars as
well as classify them through the
Hertzsprung–Russell diagram.
The Stefan-Baltzmann law is the For stars of the given
key to understanding the H-R temperature, the larger the
diagram: radius, the larger the luminosity

Therefore, As the On the other hand,

one moves up the for a given
H-R diagram, a luminosity, the
star’s radius must larger the radius,
become bigger the smaller the

The net effect of this is that the

Therefore, as one moves right on smallest stars most be in the
the H-R diagram, a star’s radius lower left corner of the diagram
must increase. and the largest stars in the upper
Is the

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