Is An Autoimmune Disease Characterized by Widespread Inflammation

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (LES)

Is an autoimmune disease characterized by widespread inflammation, affecting every

organ or system in the body. This disease is related to the deposition of autoantibodies
and immune complexes, resulting in tissue damage
• woman: male = 6-10: 1
• Most often between the ages of 10-50 years
• Often found in certain races, such as Africa,
• In Indonesia: the exact number of sufferers is
• Not yet known exactly but it is thought to
involve complex and multifactorial
interactions between genetic variations and
environmental factors.
Clinical manifestations
• Joint pain and swelling
• Chest pain when taking a breath
• Fatigue
• Fever without other causes
• Malaise
• Stomatitis
• Sensitivity to sunlight
• Skin: butterfly rash
• can be established based on clinical and
laboratory features. The American College of
Rheumatology (ACR), in 1997, proposed 11
criteria for LES classification, where if 4 criteria
are obtained, a diagnosis of LES can be
Non pharmacological
• Sunblok
• Avoid being exposed to sunlight
There is no treatment for LES so treatment is
aimed at controlling symptoms
• Avoid stress and physical trauma. Stress can
trigger SLE in patients who already have a
tendency for this disease.
• Avoid smoking.
• Avoid changes in weather because it will affect
the inflammatory process.
• Enough rest. Exhaustion and excessive
physical activity can trigger a recurrence of
• Diet according to abnormalities. For example:
if hypercholesterolemia, then the patient must
be a low-fat diet.
• Avoid infection. SLE patients tend to get
infections easily, and sometimes the disease
recurs after infection.
• Avoid sun exposure, especially at a time
because SLE patients tend to be sensitive to
ultraviolet light.

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