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Luzon Group
 The immediate care given to a
First Aid person/victim who has suddenly
become ill or has been injured.
 To prolong life
Objectives of  To alleviate suffering
First Aid  To prevent further or added injury
First Aider
-is someone who is qualified to give first aid treatment in
the event of an injury or illness.

 Bridge the gap between the time of the accident and

Role of First the arrival of the physician.

Aider  Ends when medical assistance begins.

 Doesn’t intend to compete with or take place of the
 Observant- notice all signs
 Resourceful- make best use of all things
Characteristic of  Gentle- shouldn’t cause pain
a Good First  Tactful- shouldn’t be alarming
Aider  Sympathetic- should be comforting
 is a collection  Cotton swab
of supplies and
 Band aid
equipment that is used to
give medical treatment.  Gauge pads
 Rubbing Alcohol  Gloves•

 Tweezers  Bandage (triangular)

Elastic Roller bandage
 Povidone Iodine
First Aid kit  Safety pins
 Medical tape•
 Forceps Scissors
 Hydrogen Peroxide
 Splints
 Cotton
 Tongue depressor
 is a quick way to find out how to treat any life
threating conditions a casualty may have in order
of priority. We can use DRABC to do this: Danger,
Primary Survey Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation.
 Danger. Before approaching the casualty, always make
sure the area is safe.
 Response. Check if the casualty is responsive or
unresponsive. As you approach them, introduce yourself
and ask them questions to see if you can get a response.
Kneel next to their chest and gently shake their shoulders,
asking, ‘What has happened?’, ‘Open your eyes!’.
• If the casualty opens their eyes, or gives another gesture,
they are responsive.
• If they do not respond to you in any way they are
unresponsive and should be treated as quickly as possible.
DR ABC  Airway. Next, you need to check that the airway is open
and clear. Open the airway by placing one hand on the
forehead to tilt the head back and use two fingers from the
other hand to lift the chin.
• If they are unresponsive, you need to move on
to breathing as quickly as possible.
 Breathing. You now need to check if the casualty is
breathing normally. Place your ear above their mouth,
looking down their body. Listen for sounds of breathing
and see if you can feel their breath on your cheek. Watch to
see if their chest moves. Do this for 10 seconds.
• If they are unresponsive and not breathing, you need to call
999/112 for emergency help and start CPR straight away.
Ask a helper to find and bring a defibrillator (AED).
• If they are responsive and breathing move on to circulation.
DR ABC  Circulation. Once you have established they are
breathing, look and check for any signs of severe bleeding.
• If they are bleeding severely you will need to control and
treat the bleeding by applying direct pressure to the
wound. Call 999/112 for emergency help.
• If they are unresponsive and breathing but with no
bleeding, put them in the recovery position and call
999/112 for emergency help.
lose consciousness for a short time because of a
temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain.

First Aid

Conditions • Lay the person flat on the ground. Elevate the legs to
coax more blood into your brain.
Requiring First • If person is on chair, push his head down between his
Aid knees.
• Loosen tight clothing.
• Avoid crowding the patient.
• Call a doctor if necessary.
occurs when a small blood vessel in the lining of the nose
bursts. It very common in children and often result from
harmless activities such as your child picking their nose,
blowing it too hard or too often or from getting knocked on
the nose during play.

Conditions First Aid

• Sit down and lean forward slightly.
Requiring First • Pinch the lower part of the nostrils just below the bony part
Aid of the nose for 10minutes while breathing through the mouth.
• Release nostrils slowly, repeat procedure if bleeding
• Do not touch or blow the nose for about 24hrs. Do not pact
the affected nostrils with cotton.
• Bring patient to hospital if necessary.
 Wounds
an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other
Conditions impact, typically one in which the skin is cut or broken.

Requiring First 2 Types of Wounds

Aid 1. Closed wound

2. Open wound
 Closed Wounds
 The types of closed wounds are:
• Contusions, more commonly known as bruises, caused
by a blunt force trauma that damages tissue under the
2 Types of skin.

Wounds • Strained Muscles- Over-stretching of muscles that have

not been sufficiently warmed-up (could be called "cold"
• Sprained Ligament- Sudden force causing joint to move
beyond its natural range of movement e.g. to break ones
fall at speed during an activity such as ice-skating.
 First Aid
• Rest the affected area
Closed Wounds • Ice application or cold compress
• Compression over the affected area
• Elevate the affected area above the heart
 Open Wound
 Types of Open Wound
• Abrasions (grazes), superficial wounds in which the
topmost layer of the skin (the epidermis) is scraped off.
• Lacerations are jagged, irregular, or blunt breaks or
tears in the soft tissues.
• Avulsion is forcible separation or tearing of tissue from
2 Types of the victim’s body.
Wounds • Incised wounds, or cuts in-body tissues are commonly
caused by knives, metal edges, broken glass, or other
sharp objects commonly cause incised wounds, or cuts,
in-body tissues.
• Puncture wounds are caused by a sharp object that
penetrates the skin.
 First Aid
 The major principles of open-wound treatment are to:
• Control bleeding.
– Direct pressure
Open Wound – Elevation

• Prevent further contamination of the wound (wound

dressing & bandaging)
• Immobilize the injured part.
• Stabilize any impaled object.
 Fracture
a medical condition in which there is a break in the continuity
of the bone. A bone fracture can be the result of high force
impact or stress, or trivial injury as a result of certain medical
conditions that weaken the bones.
 Types of Fracture

Conditions • Greenstick fracture: an incomplete fracture in which the

bone is bent.
Requiring First • Transverse fracture: a fracture at a right angle to the bones
Aid • Spiral fracture: a fracture in which the break has a curved or
sloped pattern.
• Comminuted fracture: a fracture in which the bone
fragments into several pieces.
• Compound fracture - meaning the bone ends are no longer
 First Aid
• Initial treatment for fractures of the arms, legs, hands and

Fracture feet in the field include splinting the extremity in the

position it is found, elevation and ice. Immobilization will
be very helpful with initial pain control.
 Sprain
is a stretching or tearing of ligaments — the tough bands
of fibrous tissue that connect two bones together in your
joints. The most common location for a sprain is in your
Conditions ankle.

Requiring First  Strain

Aid is also a stretch or tear, but it happens in a muscle or a

tendon. Tendons link muscles to bones.
 It is important to follow the four-step RICE protocol for both sprains
and strains to reduce swelling and relieve pressure on the affected
 RICE stands for:
 Rest: Stop any exercise or physical activities and avoid putting any
weight on the affected limb.
 Ice: Apply ice to the injury for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.
People can use bags of frozen vegetables if they do not have ice

First Aid  Compression: To help reduce swelling, a person can wrap the
affected area with a bandage or trainer's tape. Loosen the wrap if
the area gets numb or if the pain increases.
 Elevation: Keep the injured area raised above chest level if
 Over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol)
and ibuprofen (Motrin IB or Advil), can also help reduce pain and
 Bandaging is the process of covering a wound or an
injured part.
 Bandages are used for following purposes:
• To prevent contamination of wound by holding
dressings in position.
• To provide support to the part that is injured, sprained
or dislocated joint.

BANDAGING • To provide rest to the part that is injured.

• To prevent & control hemorrhage.
• To restrict movement / immobilize a fracture or a
• To correct deformity.
• To maintain pressure
 Roller bandages
are long strips of material. Basically there are two types of
roller bandages :

• An elastic roller bandage is used to apply support to a

strain or sprain and is wrapped around the joint or limb
TYPES OF many times. It should be applied firmly, but not tightly
enough to reduce circulation.
BANDAGES • Cotton or linen roller bandages are used to cover gauze
dressings. They come in many different widths and are
held in place with tape, clips or pins. They can also be
used for wound compression if necessary, as they are
typically sterile.
 Tubular bandages
are used on fingers and toes because those areas are
TYPES OF difficult to bandage with gauze. They can also be used to
BANDAGES keep dressings in place on parts of the body with lots of
movement, such as the elbow or knee.
Triangular bandages are made of cotton or disposable
paper. They have a variety of uses:
• When opened up, they make slings to support, elevate or
immobilize upper limbs. This may be necessary with a
broken bone or a strain, or to protect a limb after an

TYPES OF • Folded narrowly, a triangular bandage becomes a cold

compress that can help reduce swelling.
BANDAGES They are used also for applying pressure to a wound to
control bleeding.
 How to fold a triangular bandage:
 Triangular bandages are used for slings, pads or bandaging.
 Fold the triangular bandage in half, and this makes a broad fold
 Fold the triangular bandage in half again and this is called a narrow fold

Proper folding
Head Injury
Hand Injury
Elbow Injury
Leg and Thigh
Arm Injury
Forehead Injury
Knee Injury
Chest Injury
Eye Injury

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