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This activities are filled

with lines, value and

space. I drew in numbers
1-3 the different types of
lines. This activity
improved my knowledge
about the elements of art.
It helped me to know the
difference of each
In this exercise I have
drew an example of
Color, Texture, Form
and Shape. My
example of color is the
one in red and for the
texture is number 11,
lastly the shapes are
number 7,8 and 10.
The activity was all
about making your own
logo based on your
opinion and your
preference. During this
activity, I have applied
my learnings in the
different components
of art just like
repetition, emphasis
and variety. I’m proud
of myself for this logo.
In the activity, I applied
my learning from my
past Art School days;
the outlining and
sketching. This was a
bit easy for me
because it was not
requiring too much
detail but just the
General Outline.
Overall, I enjoyed this
draft-making activity.
In this activity the draft
was actually better
than the final drawing, I
really suck at drawing
but I really tried my
best for this Artwork. In
this, I tried to show the
movement of a girl
running it was a bit flop
but the result was still
okay. I have always
been so satisfied with
my scores.
In this activity we were
tasked to draw a
sphere and shade it. I
have applied shading
in the art but I was not
able to blend the
shading correctly. The
art still got the score of
20 and I’m proud of it.
In this activity Sir Kurt
tasked us to draw something
you can see in the house but
using the technique of
Negative Space. I drew here
a plate for its the most
convenient thing I can draw
and its really easy. I just
failed a bit for the reason
that I did not erase the extra
marking outside but
nonetheless the art was nice.
During this activity I had
a bit of struggle for
drawing the photo upside
side down is really hard
but I’m proud of myself
for it still looked good
even with the struggle. I
have applied here my
learning about being
sensitive of all the details
and trying to imitate the
drawing given in a
complicated way.
This is my plate number
one, “hello, love ya!” this
art is an example of
typography, in the photo
I’ve mixed different colors
and repeatedly written
statement. This is an
example of art.
Typography is the art
and technique of
arranging type to make
written language legible.
This is my simple
cover page for the
scrapbook. I have
applied into this
project typography
in letter and also the
different components
of art just like

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