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employee engagement with the refernce of aavin


by m saran prasanth
mba final project
need of study
• ,the main purpose of the study is to • objective of the study
identify the employes engement • to find out the opnion of employes
pratices .with growing oppornirty and towards job environment
greater autonomy. understanding • to study the mutual cooperation of
employees needs must ,thus occupy employes and employer in the
the center stage not only for the hr orgainsation
team but also the immediate bosses.
often problems emanate from the • to detrimine the factors , which lead to
growing distance between superiors employee engagement and enchance
and subordinates longer chain of • to analyse the effctivenees of
communication and lack of sufficient employees enagement
opportunity to be involed in crtical • to ascertain the sense of
period work procees and decision belongingness towards the
making orgainsationshould orgainsation which would lead to
increasingly convert from tradtinaliosm employee retention
review of literature

• the literature has review is examined peer reviewed

journal articles working papers textbooks and other
published resoureces relevant to employees engagement
rutherburd [2001] defines engagement as psycological
presence and furthermore ,states that it involes twocrtical
components attention and adsorption
• maslachetal [1998] - six areas of work -life lead to either
burnout or engagement workload control rewards and
recongtion community and social percived fairness and
day - 3 internship training

• objectives of tcmpf • * to ensure assured and

• tcmpf is a coopeative apex remunetative market round
body in the state the year of milk produced
tamilnadu respresenting by the farmer members
orgainsations of milk • to make avaliable quality
proceducers and milk and value added
implement all round dairy dairy products to
develpoment activities to consumers
acheive the following • to bulid & develop vilage
objectives level institutions as a
company profile

• aavin is the trademark of • prdecessor -tamilnadu

the tamilnadu cooperative • parent - department of
milk proceducers federation animal husbandary
limted tamilnadu based milk
producer union
genre - milk and milk
founded - 1958
interagated dairy management system

• the goal of implementing • milk proceducers

intergated dairy conumers and suppliers
management [idms] is to • objectives -the main
computerize the tamilnadu objectives
cooperative milk • to harnerss it to make
proceducers federation operations of the
[tcmpf] and operations of department more service
the department there by oriented
improving the operational
efficiency • minimization of turnover
around time services[tat]
day -5 internship training
history of aavin

the dairy development was esthablished in

tamilnadu in the year 1958
day -1 internship training
• introduction- the dairy • services to procedures
development program in
tamilnadu was setup in • services to consumers
theyear 1958 the • services to business
tamilnadu dairy • services to employes
development cooperation
limited was formed in
1972 such as a milk
products and milk
products tamilnadu
coopertive milk producers
day-2 internship training

• tamilnadu milk • the tamilnadu dairy

proceducers and development cooperation
cooperative federation this limted was formed in july
is talk about the milk 1972 to manage the
product and production of activities such as the milk
milk the dairy development procurement ,processing
of india was developed in and markerting of the milk
india in the year 1958 and milk products . based
on the anand pattern
• . developed by dr kurien
day -3 a project report on the a study of employee
enagement on the refernance by aavin cooperative
federation limted
• and change agent
• introduction - human personnel directors are
resource manament is a new coporate heroes over
process of brigining the years highlyskiled
people and orgainsation jobsare incresing while low
together so that the goals skiled jobs
of each other are met the • some of the recent trends
role of hr manager is that are being observed
shifting from that of a are as follows
from proctector and
concept of human resource management

• human resource • to the role of a planner and

management is a process change agent persoonal
of briging people and directors are new
oragainsation together so cooperative heroes over
that the goals of each the years highly sklled and
other are met the role of hr knowledge based jobs are
manager is shifting increasing while low skiled
fromthat of a protector and jobs
new trends interational hrm

• interanational hrm places • selection of employes

greater emphasis on requires careful
number of respoablites evaluatation of personal
and functions such as charcterstics of the
relocation , orentation and candiatate training and
transtion services to help develpoment extends
employess adapt to a new beyond information and
and different enviroment orenattion training to
include senstivity training to
include and field
chapter -2

• objective of study- to • to idetify the compesation

findout the relation and salary increment policy
effect of human resource
• to understand the
recuirtment procedure
adopted by indian
• to idendtify the training
and deveolopment
chapter-3 reserarch methodology

• methodology of study • location of survey

• research type • descrptive reserach
• data source • primary and secondary
• reserach instrument data
• types of questionaire • closed end questions
• sampling unit • starfied sampling
• sampling menthod • personal interview
• contact menthod
project content • research design
• sample size
• introduction
• sample size
• need of study
• questionaire design
• objective of study
• method of data collection
• company profile
• primary data
• review of literature
• secondary data
• research methodology
• data analysis and
• reserach interprtation
• findings

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