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Spell champ

First Round
• Person with
diabetics are unable
to properly regulate
which chemical in
the blood
• Person with
diabetics are unable
to properly regulate
which chemical in
the blood
• Glucose
• Insulin is
produced by
• Insulin is hormone
produced by
hormone is
produced by the
alpha cells of the
islets of langerhans
Glucagon hormone
is produced by the
alpha cells of the
islets of langerhans
• Pancreas transplants
are generally
performed together
with or sometime
after a
________transplant .
• Pancreas transplants
are generally
performed together
with or sometime
after a kidney
transplant .
• Name any one cardinal signs of type 2

• Polyuria
• Polyphagia
• Polydipsia
• Type 1 can be distinguished from type 2 via a
_______________ assay
• C-- peptide
• Diabetic keto
• Neutral Protamine Hagedorn
• Human leukocyte Antigen
Big and small
• On the street jumps one big elephant
• On its ear roams one small ant
Students desk
Key facts of DM

• More than 220 million people worldwide have

• In 2005, an estimated 1.1 million people died
from diabetes.
• Almost 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low-
and middle-income countries.
• Almost half of diabetes deaths occur in people
under the age of 70 years; 55% of diabetes
deaths are in women.
• WHO projects that diabetes deaths will double
between 2005 and 2030.
• Healthy diet, regular physical activity,
maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding
tobacco use can prevent or delay the onset of
Second Round
Mis_ _ ing letter
Indicated for the
treatment of diabetic
neuropathic pain
Indicated for the
treatment of diabetic
neuropathic pain
• Oral alpha
• Oral alpha
• Absence of sweating
• Absence of sweating
S_M_G_I E_F_C_
• Normal or elevated
blood glucose at bed
• Normal or elevated
blood glucose at bed
• Comes under
• Comes under
G_YC_M_C _N_ _X
• Used to describe
how much a given
food raises the blood
glucose level
• Used to describe
how much a given
food raises the blood
glucose level
Answer please!
• Tata was a green parrot
• He had a red beak
• One day he saw a big yellow mango
• But the black crow ………………………
Third Round
Guess the correct one
A. Sulfonylurea
B. Sulfonilurea
C. Sulfoneluria
D. Sulfoniluria
A. Sulfonylurea
B. Sulfonilurea
C. Sulfoneluria
D. Sulfoniluria
A. Ritinopathy
B. Retinopathy
C. Retenopathy
D. Ritenopathy
A. Ritinopathy
B. Retinopathy
C. Retenopathy
D. Ritenopathy
A. Glycosylated
B. Glycoseylated
C. Gliecosylated
D. glycosyelated
A. Glycosylated
B. Glycoseylated
C. Gliecosylated
D. glycosyelated
Tongue twister


A. Thaizolidinideone
B. Thaizoledinedeone
C. Thiazoledinedione
D. Thiazolidinedione
A. Thaizolidinideone
B. Thaizoledinedeone
C. Thiazoledinedione
D. Thiazolidinedione
A. Glycogenolysis
B. Glyecogenolycis
C. Glycogineolysis
D. Glycoginelyses
A. Glycogenolysis
B. Glyecogenolycis
C. Glycogineolysis
D. Glycoginelyses
A. Diabeties milletus
B. Diabiteis mellitus
C. Diabetes milletus
D. Diabetes mellitus
A. Diabeties milletus
B. Diabiteis mellitus
C. Diabetes milletus
D. Diabetes mellitus
Students desk
Dos and Don’ts for Diabetics

• Eat food at fixed hours. Make sure that you have three proper
meals & light snacks in between

• Eat about the same amounts of food each day

• Eat slowly and chew your food well before you swallow

• Drink sufficient amounts of water that will help flush the toxins off
your system

• Include fresh vegetable salad in every meal

• Take your medicines at the same time every day and exercise at
about the same time every day

• Fat free milk, yogurt, and cheese to be taken

• Eggs whites can be included

• White meat - chicken and fish are good

• Have beverages – Tea or coffee with out sugar or with sugar free in
• Increase fibre intake in the form of raw fruits, vegetables and
whole cereals

• Include sprouts in your diet

• Intake of bitter gourd, fenugreek, Indian blackberry (jamun),

flaxseed, cinnamon, garlic, and onion are known to considerably
reduce blood glucose level

• Check your feet for cuts, blisters, and swelling which are likely to
result from diabetes-related nerve damage
• Have good sleep daily

• Check your blood sugar level regularly and also

check the other tests such as kidney function, liver
function, heart function, ketone levels as required

• Check your weight from time to time, and always

maintain an ideal body weight

• Do not skip meals and medicine times

• Do not eat directly after a workout

• Do not overeat

• Do not fry foods. Instead bake, boil, poach or

sauté in a nonstick pan. Use less oil in cooking
• Eat less high-fat red meat and avoid organ meats

• Limit the use of condiments such as ketchup, Soya sauce,

mustard and salad dressings as they're high in salt and can
be high in sugar, too

• Limit your salt intake

• Avoid white flour, white rice, potatoes, carrots, breads and

bananas as they increase the blood-sugar levels
• Avoid milk cream, egg yolk or food items cooked in coconut milk

• Avoid processed, ready-to-eat food preparations, sweets and

sugary drinks (canned beverages) that provide empty calories

• Choose fresh foods over canned

• Quit smoking

• Stop alcohol consumption

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