Strategies in Reading Intervention

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What is Intervention means?

Interventions are activities and

strategies that you create and implement
to help your struggling readers develop
their ability to read.Struggling readers
can be pupils who are not able to decode
or break up words into syllables.Through
decoding, pupils sound out unfamiliar
words they encounter while reading.
The majority of pupils who are referred for
academic concerns and/or have been
identified as having a specific learning
disability have difficulties in the area of
Problem in reading can affect performance
across several academic content areas,
occupational endeavors and other functional
skills that are used in everyday life activities.
Strategies in Reading Intervention
1. Assisted Learning Strategies
-provides pupils a valuable way to
boost reading fluency skills.The pupils
sits with a teacher or another
excellent reader.As the pupils reads,
the partner listens.
If the pupils makes an error, the
partner corrects the pupils.
2.Repeated Reading
Repeated reading is when a pupils reads
a passage repeatedly and receives help with
correcting errors.
The pupils reads the passage and if he or she
pauses for 5 seconds or longer, the teacher reads the
word aloud and helps the pupils say it correctly.
Give the pupils the choice of “Coach or Time”
before providing an unknown word.
The pupils should read the same passage at least
4-5 times or until the rate of accuracy is at least 90-95
words per minute.Chart the results on a bar graphs.
3. Teacher Read-Aloud
This activity, says Julie Adams of Adams
Educational Consulting, is perhaps one of
the most effective methods for improving
pupils fluency and comprehension, as the
teacher is the expert in reading the text
and models how a skilled reader reads
using appropriate pacing and
prosody(inflection)”. Playing audiobook
achieves similar results.
4. Shared Reading/Modeling
By reading aloud while
pupils follow along in their
own books, the instructor
models fluency, pausing
occasionally to demonstrate
comprehension strategies.
5.The Crazy Professor Reading
According to the article, to bring the text to
life, pupils will:
-Read orally with hysterical enthusiasm
-Reread with dramatic hand gestures
-Partner up with a super-stoked question-
asker and answerer
- Play “crazy professor” and “eager student”
in a hyped-up overview of the text.
6.Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction ( FORI )
-with this strategy, primary pupils read the same
section of a text many times over the course of a
week.Here are the steps:
- The teacher reads aloud while pupils follow
along in their books.
- Pupils echo-read.
- Pupils choral-read
- Pupils partner-read
- The text is taken home if more practice is
required, and extension activities can be integrated
during the week.
7.Corrective Reading
Corrective Reading is usually used for your
older struggling readers who have still not
developed good reading skills by the time they
reach middle grades.Many teachers like this
program because it is scripted.It tells them what to
say and when to say it.
-For example, you would tell your pupils to point
to a word.You would say the word and ask your
students to repeat it.The program includes
instruction in word recognition(decoding), oral
reading(fluency) and reading comprehension.

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