Week 1 Notes-W20

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MGMT 2500


 Welcome!
 Introductions: Name, Program/Year
 What is your favourite activity outside of
 Review Outline
 Textbook (Edition, Hardcopy, On-line)
Trevor Smith

 BSc & PhD from Southampton England

 32 Years Kodak worldwide
◦ R&D, Manufacturing, Service, Supply Chain
◦ TQM, Six Sigma, Lean
 6 years ISO (Geneva) chair international
standards committee (ISO9000)
 Business Consultant
 Professor at Humber College, George Brown
College, UofGuelph
Text by Heizer / Render / Griffin
3rd Canadian edition*

1. Introduction to Operations Management

2. Designing Operations
3. Managing Operations

 Examples
 Case studies
 Videos
* other editions can work
Course Outline
 Individual Study
 Lecture / Discussion
 In class assignments / tests
 Homework
 Mid Term, Final exam
◦ Open book
◦ Closed book
 Blackboard postings/mail
Homework – Week 1
 Read chap Heizer/Render/Griffin: ch 1
 Describe a memorable customer service
experience (positive or negative)
 Read course slides and post any questions
on BB to gain understanding of material
 Revisit Productivity Measurement
 NOTE: Test #1 in Week 3

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