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Philippine literature during Spanish regime
reflects a diverse group of works which are
mostly grounded on traditional folktales,
socio-political histories, and real-life
experiences. Such books have since
promoted Filipino cultural values, told daily
struggles of locals, and have instilled a
remarkable lesson.
Here are some of the literary works under the Spanish
a) May Bagyo Ma’t May Rilim (poetry)
b)Urbana at Feliza by Modesto de Castro (epistolary
c) Florante at Laura by Fransisco Baltazar (poetry)
d)Ang Dapat Mabatid ng mga Tagalog by Andres
•May Bagyo Ma’t Rilim
• Despite Storms and Darkness (Though It
May Be Stormy and Dark) is one of the
earliest Tagalog poems ever to be
published. It was in a book printed in the
year 1605. The poet is unknown.
Another famous masterpiece in Philippine literature,
Francisco Balagtas’ Florante at Laura is written in the
form of ‘awit’ where there are four lines per stanza
and 12 syllables per line. Set in the fictional kingdom
of Albania, it tackles the story between Duke Florante
and Princess Laura, who’s also being pursued by
Florante’s enemy Count Adolfo. As a literary classic,
this book has become a favorite play not only among
Filipino high school students, but has been
showcased in grand theaters such as Gantimpala
Theater and the Cultural Center of the Philippines.
Florante at
Laura Summary
in English
On a faraway vast land, there’s a mystical
forest outside the Kingdom of Albanya.
Florante, son of Duke Briseo and Princess
Floresca, was knotted tightly on a giant old
tree in the middle of the dark forest. Sadness
and emptiness crept around the helpless
Prince. The scary woods and uncanny sounds
of wild animals and creatures just didn’t help.
Just before two huge lions were about to
ravish the poor Prince, a kindhearted
Persian Morong, Aladin, helped Florante.
Aladin was on exile from his own kingdom
because of his father’s cruelty. His father,
Ali-Adab, took his lovely fiancé away from
him. On his way to the woods, he heard
Florante’s scream trying to seek help from
the lions nearly killing him.
The two became good friends and they started
to talk about their past and what brought them
there in the woods. Florante told Aladin his true
identity – a prince of Albanya. He also told his
new friend about his another near-death
experience involving a giant crow which was
killed by his cousin, Menalipo, his school days at
Atenas where he met Adolfo whom from the
beginning was his rival.
.Adolfo tried to kill Florante during
their school play, the latter was
rescued by Menandro, nephew of
their kind professor – Antenor.
Because of that terrible incident,
Adolfo decided to go back home in
One day in Atenas, a sad
news came to Florante about
the death of his mother.
After two months, the Prince
went back home in Albanya.
In Albanya, Duke Briseo and King Linseo,
father of Laura, gathered a meeting about
their defense against the troops of Persian
General Osmalik. Osmalik ruined the
Kingdom of Kotrona. According to the
King, he dreamt of a clever powerful Prince
who looked like Florante, their only weapon
to beat Osmalik.
Florante instantly fell in love with Laura
seeing her beauty. In his three days stay
at their palace, he never had the chance
to talk to the Princess. He only had few
moments with her when he was
prepared to battle. The princess only
sent her tears and hopes.
Alas, Florante defeated Osmalik.
He stayed for another five months
in the kingdom of Kotrona. He
went home and was amazed what
greeted him…Their enemy,
Morong, flag was waving high in
the air.
While Florante and his troop of soldiers
were on their way down the mountain,
they witnessed a girl whose head was
about to be cut by Aladin’s troop.
Florante and his troop rescued the girl
who was Laura. Eventually, Florante
saved his kingdom including King
Linseo, Duke Briseo and Adolfo.
After that triumph, another
army headed by Miramolin tried
to invade the Kingdom of
Albanya. Fortunately, Florante
has succeeded victory again.
In the midst of battle, Florante
received a letter while he’s in
Etolya. He had to go back to
Albanya not knowing it was just a
wicked scheme to kill him. Adolfo
made it all to kill the young Prince.
Adolfo has killed Florante’s father and
took the crown and his kingdom.
Florante has been captive for thirteen
days. After that, the Count of Albanya
has condemned him to be thrown away
in the wild forest to feed the wild beasts
and lions.
Learning about his dark fate, it was
Aladin’s turn to tell Florante about
his life. Aladin left his father’s
kingdom after his father king took
his fiancé, Flerida. He left
everything behind and went to
When Florante has succeeded in
claiming back Albanya against Aladin’s
troops, the king realized her son
surrendered and for him it was a big
shame. Because of that, he executed an
order to catch Aladin and cut his head.
But Aladin was thrown away from Persia
and couldn’t come back again ever.
While Aladin and Florante got to know each
other, they became good friends. They realized
their own fate. In the middle of their chats, they
heard voices of two people in the woods. They
followed it and found out they were Laura and
Flerida. Aladin then learned that Flerida
escaped from the wicked hands of his father,
Sultan Ali-Adab by disguising to be
a gerero who fell down until reached the woods.
On the other hand, Florante realized that he
was Laura’s one true love although he
admitted he thought the girl cheated on him
so many times. Laura never had affections
to Adolfo which is why the latter tried to
enslave her ruin her but Flerida saved Laura
by speared the pitiless man. Menandro
came looking for Adolfo only finding him
After all has settled back to normal, everything went
back into place in the kingdom and everyone was so
happy. Everyone was celebrating in Albanya.
Florante and Laura married each other and celebrated
their wedding. They became the new king and queen
of Albanya while Aladin and Flerida were baptized as
Christians before they wed, too. They returned back
to Persia to start a new happy life and became the new
leaders of their kingdom.

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