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Table of
- Basketball History: Origin of the Sport
- Rules and Regulations in Basketball
- Skills to Develop in Basketball
- Facilities and Equipment in Basketball
- Gilas and Perlas Pilipinas
Basketball History: Origin of the

• In contrast to other sports, basketball has a

clear origin. It is not the evolution from an
ancient game or another sport and the inventor
is well known: Dr. James Naismith
• Naismith was born in 1861 in Ramsay township,
Ontario, Canada. He graduated as a physician at McGill
University in
Montreal and was primarily interested in sports
• In 1891, while working as a physical education teacher
at YMCA International Training School (Today,
Springfield College) in the US, Naismith
was faced with the problem of finding in 14 days an
indoor game to provide “athletic distraction” for the
students at the school for Christian Workers (Naismith
was also a Presbyterian minister)

• After discarding the idea of adapting outdoor games

like soccer and lacrosse, Naismith recalled the concept
of a game of his school days known as duck-on-a-rock
that involved accuracy attempting to knock off the
duck on top of a large rock by tossing another rock at
After discarding the idea of adapting outdoor games like
soccer and lacrosse, Naismith recalled the concept of a
game of his school days known as duck-on-a-rock that
involved accuracy attempting to knock off the duck on top
of a large rock by tossing another rock at it.

• Starting from there, Naismith developed a set of 13

rules that gave origin to the game of Basketball.

• Of course, it was not exactly as we know it today. The

first game was played with a soccer ball and two peach
baskets nailed 10-feet high used as goals, on a court
just half the size of a present-day court.
The baskets retained their bottoms so balls scored
into the basket had to be poked out with a long
dowel each time and dribbling was not part of the
original game.
• The sport was an instant success and thanks to the
initial impulse received by the YMCA movement,
basketball’s popularity quickly grew nationwide and
was introduced in many nations. Although Naismith
never saw the game develop into the spectacular
game we know these days, he had the honor to
witness basketball become an Olympic sport at the
1936 Games held in Berlin.
Rules for offense
Rules for defense
Rules for everyone

Rules for Offense
Rules for Defensive
 The player must bounce the
ball or dribble (the ball with
one hand moving while moving
both feet.
 The basketball player can only
take one turn at dribbling.  The main rule for
 The ball must stay in bounds. defensive player is not
 The player’s hand must be on to foul.
the top of the ball while
 Once the offensive team
crosses half court, they may
not go back into the backcourt
Rules For Everyone

 The foul is apply to both sides.

 Basketball players cannot kick the ball or hit it with their
 No player can touch the basketball while it is travelling
downward towards the basket or it is on the rim.
Penalties for fouls
Sports >> Basketball>> Baketball

 Depending on the situations and type of foul in

basketball, the panalty will be different. Non-shooting
fouls generally cause the team to lose possession of the
ball. Shooting fouls result in free throws. If the basket
was made when the player was fouled, then the
basketball counts and one free throw is awarded. If the
basket wasn’t made, the either two free throws or three(
if the player was attempting a three point shot when
fouled ) are awarded.
Fouling out

 Each time a player commits a foul, they get

another personal foul added to their name.
if they reach a certain total during they
game they will have “fouled out” and will
not be allowed to play any more. It takes
five fouls to foul out in college and high
school, six fouls in the NBA.
Team fouls
 The total number of team fouls add up during the game as
well. After a certain number of fouls, a team is considered
"over the limit" and free throws will be awarded for non-
shooting fouls. The rules for the NBA and college/high
school are different:
 NBA- Team fouls are added up per quarter. Four fouls are
allowed with two free throws being awarded starting with
the fifth foul. Only defensive fouls count toward team
 NCAA college and high school- Team fouls are added up per
half. After 6 fouls a team is awarded a one-and-one free
throw. A one-and-one means that the first free throw must
be made in order to get a second free throw. If the player
misses the first, the ball is live and play begins. After 10
fouls in a half, two free throws are awarded.
 Technical foul- A technical foul is given for
unsportsmanlike conduct or other infraction. This can
range from fighting to arguing with the official. Both
coaches and players can get technical fouls. The penalty
for a technical foul is two free throws and the ball for the
other team. Also, if a player or coach receives two
technicals during a game, they will be ejected. In college a
technical foul counts as a personal foul as well, so it adds
into fouling out. In the NBA a technical foul does not count
as a personal foul.
 Flagrant foul- Another type of foul in basketball is the
flagrant foul. This is when a foul could seriously injure an
opponent. Generally two free throws and possession of the
ball are awarded. In high school and college the player
committing the flagrant foul is ejected from the game. In
the NBA it can count as a technical foul or the player can
be ejected depending on the severity of the foul.
Referee Basketball Violation Signals

 Travelling (walking )
• Double dribble
Three seconds
Ten seconds
Over and Back
Carrying ( palming )
Skills To Develop In
1. Dribbling - is important to penetrate to
the hoop, move the ball across the
court, get away from the defense, and
find a good passing lane.
There are different types of dribbles:
• change-of-pace,
• crossover dribble,
• behind the back,
• pull back dribble,
• low dribble,
• basic dribble,
• between the legs dribble
2. Passing - A good offensive attack
requires good passing from players. This
helps find an open man, to find a good
shooter or to get away from a defender.
There are several types of passes you need
to learn:
• Overhead Pass
• Chest Pass
• Push Pass
• Baseball Pass
• Off-the-Dribble Pass • Bounce Pass
3. Shooting - The object of the game is to win by
scoring the most points.
Therefore, improving the team's shooting is
important to win a game. There are several ways to
score in the game:
• Jump Shot
• Dunk
• Alley hoop
• Free throw
• Layup
• Three-Point Shot
• Hook Shot
4. Rebounding - is essential to gain or
regain possession after the shot. Usually,
the team who has the most number of
rebounds after the game has more shot
attempts and chances to score.
5. Offense - is the only chance that the
team has a shot at the basket and scoring.
Playing a good offense requires
coordination among players and individual
skill to execute well plays.

6. Defense - To be able to get a chance to

score and gain possession, the team
should play good defense and try to stop
their opponent from scoring. As said, "A
good defense is a good offense."

7. Moves - There are different kinds of

basketball moves that are important in
executing both a good offense and a good
defense. Moves are helpful in finding an
open man, make a good shot or create an
amazing play.
8. Violations - Knowing the kinds of
basketball violations improves your game.

9. Assist - is given to a teammate to help him

score easily. Thus is it important to find an
open man on the court

10. Foul - is often an accidental contact made

by the defender to his opponent or an
aggressive move by the ball-handler towards
his defender. However, a foul is also used as
a strategy to stop the clock or to keep the
shooting player from scoring easily. Learning
how to use your fouls well is important in the
Facilities and
Equipment in
There is some equipment needed to
play a basketball game. The
basketball equipment can be broke
down into three more categories court
equipment, officials equipment and
players equipment. To make it more
clear, here is a list of all the
equipment used in basketball.
Basketball Court
Court Equipment

The playing surface is made of either
wood or maple and it has to be flat and
rectangular in shape.
Ball is the most visible equipment in the game of
basketball. There are different types of basketball used
in different leagues. Usually it is made of leather,
rubber or any synthetic material but it has to be inflated
Basket/Hoop Basket consists of a round
shaped metal rim with the covering of net
around it. Baskets are mounted at a certain
height (10 feet above the floor).
Backboard is a rectangular board on which
the basket is attached.
Scoreboard displays the time left in the period and
running scores of the both team. A scoreboard can be
either digital or manual.
Referee’s Equipment
Officials Equipment Uniform of Officials Officials
wear a uniform prescribed by their respective
governing body. Usually, officials are dressed in
white and black stripped shirts, black pants and
black shoes. NBA officials wear gray shirts, black
pants and black shoes.
Whistle Basketball referee carries a
whistle which he blows every time he
needs to stop a play.
Score Book
Score book Score book is used by the
scorekeeper who writes down scores and stats
on it. Score book is something where you find
summary of the whole game, names of the
players, their positions and jersey numbers,
details of each quarter and half etc.
Game Clock
Game clock records the overall time of the
game while shot clock counts down the 24
second shot clock.
Player’s Uniform
Players Uniform consists of jersey (preferably
sleeveless), short and shoes. All the teams
wears their own specific uniform. In NBA, all
players wear a uniform prepared by league’s
sponsored sportswear company. They are not
allowed to wear shorts which are too long. In
NBA, players can be fined if their uniform does
not comply with the rules of the league.
Protective Gears And
Protective gears and accessories include
goggles, face masks, mouth guards, knee pads
or brace, headbands, arm sleeves, wristbands
etc. Not all players wear necessarily all these
things. They use them only when they required
Gilas Pilipinas
Perlas Pilipinas

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