Unit 1

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Training is expensive. Without

training it is more expensive
Unit Overview

 Concepts and Rationale of Training & development;

 Overview of training & development systems;
 Organizing training department; training &
development policies;
 Linking training & development to company’s strategy;
 Requisites of effective training;
 Role of external agencies in Training & development.
Training and Development

“Training and Development

refers to the process to obtain
or transfer knowledge, skills
and abilities needed to carry
out a specific activity or
Training (Today…)
“An organization’s
planned efforts to help
employees acquire job-related
knowledge, skills, abilities, and
behaviors, with the goal of
applying these on the job.”
Development (Tomorrow…)

“Learning that goes beyond today’s job

and has a long term focus, so
development is Strategic Training”.
A Good T&D Plan Has its
Contributions to:-
 Increase productivity and quality of work
 Increase profits
 Reduce staff turnover and absenteeism
 Improve customer satisfaction
 Improve motivation
What is training?

 Training refers to a planned effort by a company to

facilitate employees’ learning of job-related
 The goal of training is for employees to
 master the knowledge, skill, and behaviors emphasized
in training programs, and
 apply them to their day-to-day activities
Education Vs Training
Education … the presentation of general
information that may or may not be used by the

Training… the development and delivery of

information that people will actually use
 One method of education
 Focused on a particular goal
 Primarily increases specific knowledge and skills
Andragogy Vs Pedagogy

•The art and science •The art and science

of teaching children of helping adults
•Term introduced in
1968 by Knowles

Form groups and discuss the characteristics...


 Seek direction
 More accepting
 Often learn for unclear future
 Often dependent on others
 Need Motivation

 Results-oriented
 Self-directed

 Often skeptical about new information

 Seek relevancy

 Accepts responsibility for own learning

What Is Learning?
4 - 12

Learning is a relatively
permanent change in human
capabilities that is not a result
of growth processes.
These capabilities are related
to specific learning outcomes.
Training & Learning

 More future oriented and more concerned with

education than is training. Management
Development activities attempt to instill sound
reasoning processes to enhance one’s ability to
understand and interpret knowledge.
 It focuses on the personal growth & on

 Analytical
 Conceptual Skills
 Human
Differences between Training,
Education & Development

 Training is short term, task oriented and targeted

on achieving a change of attitude, skills and
knowledge in a specific area. It is usually job
 Education is a lifetime investment. It tends to be
initiated by a person in the area of his/her interest
 Development is a long term investment in human
Training and Development
Training Development
• Training focuses on technical, • Development focuses on theoretical skill and
mechanical oriented operations. conceptual ideas.
• Training is concerned with specific job • Development is concerned with related
skills and behaviour. enhancement of general knowledge and
understanding of non-technical organization
• Training is mostly for non-managers. • The development is for managers and
• Training focuses on current jobs. • Development prepares for future jobs.
• Training focuses on short-term gains. • Development focuses long-term accruals.
• The training is job-oriented process • The development is general in nature and
and is vocational in nature. strives to inculcate initiative, enterprise,
creativity, dedication and loyalty amongst
• Training is one-shot deal. • Development is a continuous on-going process.
Training and Development
Training Development
• Training may result in enhancement of a • Development may result in personal growth
particular job skill. and development of overall personality.
• Training is the result of organizational • In development the motivation is intrinsic.
initiative and hence motivation is extrinsic
• Training can be classified into 2 major • No such classification is possible.
types (a) on-the job training (b) off-the-
job Training
• Training is usually imposed. • Development activities, such as those
supplied by management development
programmes, are generally voluntary.
• The staff members may have no clear • Here, the staff members have experience
perception of the relationship between and knowledge; a clear, direct relationship
learning and career development. between self-development and career
• Evaluation for training is considered to • No evaluation for development is possible.
be essential.
The ASK Concept

 If we follow the GAP concept, training is simply a

means to use activities to fill the gaps of
performance between the actual results and the
expected results.
 This GAP can be separated into 3 main themes
1. Attitude

2. Skills
3. Knowledge

Rank ASK by difficulty to develop in people

 Attitude
 Skills •Easy
 Knowledge
•Moderately difficult
•Most difficult
Do Organizations Need Training

 The answer is “YES”

 However, we must know
the purpose and functions
of training before we can
use it.
The Gap Concept

Expected Curve

1,000 Cars Gap

200 Cars
Performance/ Actual Curve
800 Cars

In training terms this means we need to
develop programs to fill the Gap
Role of T & D
Role of Training
 Increase the productivity of Employees
 Inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit

 Developing and improve the organizational health,

culture and effectiveness.
 Building the positive perception and feeling about
 Improving upon the quality of work & work life

 Improving the morale of work force.

 Creating better corporate image.

 Developing Leadership skills, motivation, loyalty

3 Reasons to Consider Conducting
an Internal Needs Analysis

1. Employee obsolescence/out-dated –
 Technical advancements, cultural changes, new
systems, computerization
2. Career plateaus
 Need for education and training programs
3. Employee Turnover
 Development plan for new employees

1 Train the employees in the companies’ culture and ethos.

2 Prepare the employees both newly recruited and already employed to meet
the present as well as the future requirement

3 Train the employees to improve the work methods and skills.

4 Prevent obsolescence

5 Prepare employees for higher level responsibilities


6 Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of employees

7 Facilitate succession planning i.e. to build-up a second line of competent


8 Reduce supervision wastage and accidents

9 Ensure economical output with high quality

10 Develop inter-personal relations

Need /Rationale of Training in
 Training in New Millennium: Current Scenario in Corporate World – High
 Advance Technology
 Shortage of Trained officials
 Need of competent and skilled manpower
 Organizational Change.
 Trainers and Training Companies are flourishing and are in great
 Increased Job satisfaction levels
 Provide internal promotion opportunities
 Attract New Talent
 BE able to see weakness & skills gaps
Exercise 1

 Imagine you are the managing director of a full

service restaurant. One day you receive a
complaint letter from a guest reporting s/he was
not satisfied with the follow up regarding their
criticism of being overcharged in
one of your restaurants.
 Why was the complaint made?
 Is there a training need?
Overview of
Training & Development
Function / Roles & Responsibility of T & D
in a Large organization
 Working with Management to produce corporate plan(including manpower
plans) and business strategies
 Producing training policies ,plans and budgets
 Providing a training input to management development
 Selecting trainees(Apprentices, student trainees, graduate)
 Arranging appropriate induction program's
 Carrying out job analyses
 Assisting managers to identify training needs
 Arranging and partly carrying out training programmes, including course, design
 Organizing further education of employees
 Measuring, evaluating and following up training
 Developing staff training
 Liaising with educational establishments, government training organizations,
professional associations etc
 Providing a training advisory and information service
 Controlling all training resources
Expectations from T & D today
 Today, training is being evaluated on how training
addresses business needs related to learning, behavior
change, and performance improvement.
 There is a greater emphasis on:
 Providing educational opportunities for all employees.
 Performance improvement as an ongoing process than a
one-time training event.
 Demonstrating to executives, managers, and trainees the
benefits of training.
 Learning as a lifelong event.
 Training being used to help attain strategic business
Roles, Competencies & positions of
Training Professionals

 Instructional designer
 Technical Trainer
 Need Analyst
 Training Coordinator
 LMS administrator
 T & D Officer/Specialist/manger/Director
 T & D Analyst
Training Process

•Conduct Training Need Analysis

• Develop Training Objectives
• Design & Select Training Methods
• Implement Training
• Evaluate Training
•Measure Training Results
Training Design Process
Model of the Training Process*
*Goldstein, I. (2002) Training in Organizations 4th Ed.

Assessment Stage Training Stage Evaluation Stage

Needs Assessment

Task Need Assessment

Development of Design & Select Measure Training

Training Objectives Procedures Results

Development of Train Compare Results to

Criteria for Training Criteria
Feedback 35
Nine Steps in the Training Process

1. Assessing training needs

2. Preparing training plan
3. Specifying training objectives
4. Designing the training program(s)
5. Selecting the instructional methods
6. Completing the training plan
7. Implementing the training program
8. Evaluating the training
9. Planning future training
High-leverage training
 Islinked to strategic business goals and objectives.
 Uses an instructional design process to ensure that
training is effective.
 Compares or benchmarks the company's training
programs against training programs in other
 Creates working conditions that encourage continuous
Continuous learning
 Requires employees to understand the entire work
system, including the relationships among their jobs,
their work units, and the company.
 Employees are expected to acquire new skills and
knowledge ,apply them on job ,and share this
information with other employees.
Models of Organizing the Training
 Centralized training - training and development
programs, resources, and professionals are
primarily housed in one location and decisions
about training investment, programs, and delivery
methods are made from that department.
 It helps companies better integrate programs for
developing leaders and managing talent with
training and learning during times of change.
Models of Organizing the Training
Department (cont.)

 Faculty model
 Look a lot like the structure of a college.
 Training staff are experts in the areas in which they
 The training department's plans are easily determined
by staff expertise.
 The training function may not meet the needs of the
 Trainers may be unaware of business problems or
unwilling to adapt materials to fit a business need.
Models of Organizing the Training
Department (cont.)
 Customer model
 Responsible for the training needs of one division or
function of the company.
 Training programs are developed more in line with the
particular needs of a business group.
 Trainers are expected to be aware of business needs
and to update courses and content to reflect them.
 Involves considerable time, programs may vary greatly
in effectiveness, and design may be poor.
Models of Organizing the Training
Department (cont.)
 Matrix model
 The trainer has the responsibility of being both a
training expert and a functional expert.
 It helps ensure that training is linked to the needs of the
 Trainer gains expertise in understanding a specific
business function.
 Trainers will have more time demands and conflicts
because they report to two managers.
Models of Organizing the Training
Department (cont.)
 The business embedded (BE) model is characterized
by five competencies strategic direction, product design,
structural versatility, product delivery, and accountability for
 It is customer-focused when compared to the traditional
training department.
 The objective is to provide a direct alignment with the current
business environment and organizational needs.
 Tying together the specific competency needs to achieve
strategic and day-to-day objectives while balancing quality
to internal and external stakeholders.
 The training, activities, objectives, and outcomes are clearly
defined, specific, assigned, and participants are held
accountable for performance.
Outsourcing Training

 Outsourcing – the use of an outside company that

takes complete responsibility and control of some
training or development activities or that takes over
all or most of a company's training including
administration, design, delivery, and development.
Outsourcing Training (cont.)
 Why companies outsource training:
 Cost savings.
 Time savings that allow a company to focus on business
 Improvements in compliance and accuracy in training
mandated to comply with federal, state, or local rules.
 The lack of capability within the company to meet
learning demands.
 The desire to access best training practices.
Outsourcing Training (cont.)
 Two reasons companies do not outsource their
training are:
 The inability of outsourcing providers to meet company
 Companies' desire to maintain control over all aspects
of training and development, especially delivery and
learning content.
Questions to Ask When Considering
Role of External Agencies in T & D
The key roles of external agencies in training and
development are:
 Enhancing the efficiency of an organization by
helping it identify its core competencies
 Having a better control on costs incurred for training

by making it lesser than the cost that would be

incurred if done through internal sources
 Helping in gaining expertise with respect to meeting
business requirements
Requisites of effective training
 Securing Top Management Support for T & D
Integrating T & D with organizational Mission
 Linked to business goals and performance
 Part of a company-wide strategy
 Focused on setting tangible objectives for employees
 Part of a company policy
Training & development Policies
 Every company should have a declared
training policy which is understood by
employees at all levels.
 The policy statement must go into details.

 Training policy should be supported by the

employees, because training can be

pointless unless there is commitment from
the side of the trainee.
Linking T& D to Companies strategy
 Corporate plans and business strategy do
affect the training department and its total
 These plans and strategies determine what the
organization is looking to achieve.
 The major purpose in an organization is to
achieve performance from its employees at all
Business strategy
 Business strategy – a plan that integrates the
company's goals, policies, and actions.
 The strategy influences how the company uses:
 physical capital, financial capital, and human capital.
 Goals – what the company hopes to achieve in the
medium- and long-term future.
Strategy has a particularly strong
influence on determining:
 The amount of training devoted to current or future job skills.
 The extent to which training is customized for the particular
needs of an employee or is developed based on the needs of
a team, unit, or division.
 Whether training is restricted to specific groups of employees
or open to all employees.
 Whether training is planned and systematically administered,
provided only when problems occur, or developed
spontaneously as a reaction to what competitors are doing.
 The importance placed on training compared to other human
resource management practices such as selection and
The Strategic Training and Development Process
The Strategic Training and
Development Process
 Strategic training and development initiatives –
learning-related actions that a company should take
to help it achieve its business strategy.
Strategic Training and Development Initiatives and Their
The Strategic Training and
Development Process (cont.)
 Metrics are used to identify:
 trainees' satisfaction with the training program.
 whether the trainees' knowledge, skill, ability, or
attitudes changed as a result of program participation.
 whether the program resulted in business-related
outcomes for the company.
The Strategic Training and
Development Process (cont.)
 Balance scorecard – means of performance
measurement that provides managers with a chance
to look at the overall company performance or the
performance of departments or functions
 It considers four perspectives: customer, internal,
innovation and learning, and financial.
The Roles and Duties of Managers in Companies That Use High-
Performance Work Practices
Organizational Characteristics That
Influence Training
 Top management support
 TheCEO is responsible for vision, and being a sponsor
governor, faculty, learner, and marketing agent.
 The degree to which a company's units or businesses
are integrated affects the kind of training that
takes place.
 Global presence.
 Business conditions.
Organizational Characteristics That
Influence Training (cont.)
 Human resource management (HRM) practices –
the management activities related to investments,
staffing performance management, training, and
compensation and benefits.
Organizational Characteristics That
Influence Training (cont.)
 Staffing strategy – the company's decisions
regarding where to find employees, how to select
them, and the desired mix of employee skills and
 Human resource planning – identification, analysis,
forecasting, and planning of changes needed in the
human resource area to help the company meet
changing business conditions.
Organizational Characteristics That
Influence Training (cont.)
 Extent of unionization
 Unions'
interest in training has resulted in joint union-
management programs designed to help employees
prepare for new jobs.
 Staff involvement in training and development
 Ifmanagers are not involved in the training process,
training may be unrelated to business needs.
Organizational Characteristics That
Influence Training (cont.)
 Staff involvement in training and development
 Ifline managers are aware of what development
activity can achieve, they will be more willing to
become involved in it.
 They will also become more involved in the training process
if they are rewarded for participating.
 An emerging trend is that companies expect employees
to initiate the training process.
Training Plans
 The training plan is a practical document
which brings together all the training needs
derived from the business and manpower
plans, the performance review system and
any other reorganized sources.
Management Development
 A management development scheme
ensures that there is continuous supply of
trained managers to meet future needs,
managerial talent inventory, succession
plans and prediction of career paths,
preparing prospective managers for their
Manpower Plan
 Provides an analysis of the workforce
currently available and the movements of
workforce that can be expected due to
retirements, resignations, deaths,
redundancies, transfers, new entries,
Reasons for failure of Training in
 Not implementing as a system
 Lack of a vision, mission, values.
 Lack of people support
 Strategic Plan not developed from top leaders
 Lack of experienced trainers
 Lack of confidence that training will have significant
New Technology-Influence on training
Makes training more realistic
Allows flexibility of time and any place
Reduces travel costs
Provides greater accessibility and consistency
Increased ability to access experts and share
learning with others
Creates a learning environment that provides
feedback, self-pacing, and practice exercises
Allows greater use of alternative work
Some latest Training trends
15 Story-Based Design Models.”
Gaming Stories”
wisdom-based eLearning”
SRIA Model” (Set up, Relate, Interpret and Apply) in building Story-Based micro
Story-Based Instructional Design Process and Project Plan”
Story Mapping Grid” to discover stories to match your technical and compliance
Responsive Design
Robust Reports And Analytics
Blended Learning
Agile Design in Training
Role of Artificial Intelligence in T & D
► The necessity for a system that imparts the knowledge and skills required by
an adult for his life as well as the work.
► Change in orientation from academic to work place led programmes and
► Parity for academic and vocational qualifications.
► Accreditation of prior learning both academic and vocational.
► Transfer of credit for training undergone.
► Assessment based on targets and outcomes.
► Usage of more technology in delivering training programmes.
► More skills based programmes than knowledge based programmes.
► Training is not a panacea for all organizational ills.
► Mismatch between objectives and needs may make the training programme
► If the intervention methodology is chosen properly the training will be
ineffective and incomplete.
► While initiating training efforts the difference between results based training
and activity based training is to be recognized.
► Sometimes training is conducted on what’s “nice to know”.
► Sometimes programmes that no longer meet work related needs are
conducted for the sake of numbers.
► Trainer’s competencies are not properly assessed while mounting a training
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)
 Customer service and quality emphasis
 Total Quality Management (TQM) - a companywide
effort to continuously improve the ways people,
machines, and systems accomplish work.
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)

 Core values of TQM

 Methods and processes are designed to meet the needs
of internal and external customers.
 Every employee in the company receives training in
quality, which is designed into a product or service to
prevent errors from occurring rather than being
detected and corrected.
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)

 Core values of TQM

 The company promotes cooperation with vendors,
suppliers, and customers to improve quality and hold
down costs.
 Managers measure progress with feedback based on
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)

 Customer service and quality emphasis

 The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award ,
created by public law, is the highest level of national
recognition for quality that a U.S. company can receive.
 The ISO 9000 is a family of standards that include
requirements for dealing with how to establish quality
standards and how to document work processes to help
companies understand quality system requirements.
Table 1.5 - Categories and Point Value for the
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)
 Customer service and quality emphasis
 Six Sigma process - a process of measuring, analyzing,
improving, and then controlling processes once they
have been brought within the narrow six sigma quality
tolerances or standards.
 Training can help companies meet the quality challenge
by teaching employees statistical process control and
engaging in “lean” processes.
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)
 Customer service and quality emphasis
 Lean thinking - involves doing more with less effort,
equipment, space, and time, but providing customers
with what they need and want.
 ISO 10015 - a quality management tool designed to
ensure that training is linked to company needs and
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)
 New technology
 Ischanging the delivery of training and makes training
more realistic.
 Allows training to occur at any time and any place.

 Reduces travel costs.

 Provides greater accessibility to training and consistent

Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)

 Provides the ability to access experts and share

learning with others.
 Provides the possibility of creating a learning
environment with many positive features such as
feedback, self-pacing, and practice exercises.
 Allows companies greater use of alternative work
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)
 High performance models of work systems
 Work teams - involve employees with various skills who
interact to assemble a product or provide a service.
 Cross training - training employees in a wide range of
skills so they can fill any of the roles needed to be
performed on the team.
Forces Influencing Working and
Learning (cont.)
 High performance models of work systems
 Virtual teams - teams that are separated by time,
geographic distance, culture, and/or organizational
boundaries and that rely almost exclusively on
technology to interact and complete their projects.
 Use of new technology and work designs are
supported by human resource management
Learning Organizations
 A learning organization is a firm that recognizes the
critical importance of continuous performance-
related training and development and takes
appropriate action. It provides a system wide
learning in whichemployees expand their learning
through experience.
components of Learning
 System thinking
 􀂉 Mental models
 􀂉 Shared vision
 􀂉 Personal mastery
 􀂉 Team building
Why Organizations Must Focus on
Continual Learning?
 􀂉 Rapid advances/changes in technology.
 􀂉 Need to develop core competencies.
 􀂉 Steering downsizing and re-engineering.
 􀂉 Covering gaps in formal education.
 􀂉 Global competition as new business
 challenge.
 􀂉 The aging workforce generating an
 imbalance.
 􀂉 Developing Employees in adopting career
 paths
What are Strategic Learning
 􀂉 Diversify the learning portfolio.
 􀂉 Expand the view of whom to train.
 􀂉 Accelerate the pace of employee learning.
 􀂉 Prepare employees to deal better with
 customers.
 􀂉 Ensure that employees believe there are
 opportunities to learn and grow.
 􀂉 Effectively capture and share knowledge.
 􀂉 Diagnose and modify the work environment to
 support transfer and learning.
What are HR s’ Strategic
Imperatives ?
 􀂉 Expansion of human capital knowledge and
 business performance
 􀂉 Identifying intellectual capital to gain
 competitive advantage.
 􀂉 Developing partnerships for knowledge
 sharing.
 􀂉 Adopting a focused approach towards
 global mindset.
 􀂉 Developing specialized programs under
 corporate university settings.
Corporate Universities
Community Colleges
 Corporate University
 􀂉 "A function or department that is strategically
 toward integrating the development of people as
 individuals with their performance as teams and
 as an entire organization by linking with suppliers,
 conducting wide-ranging research, by facilitating the
 delivery of content, and by leading the effort to build a
 superior leadership team."
What will be the Impact of Corporate
University on the Organization?

 􀂉 The way the employees work?

 􀂉 The way the managers lead and coach?
 􀂉 The way the employees take the ownership of
 their responsibilities?
 􀂉 The way the employees think about learning?
 􀂉 The way the new learning culture be fostered
 in the organization as continuation?
Community Colleges

 􀂉 Community Colleges are publicly funded

 education establishments that provide vocational
 training and associate degree programs.
 E-Learning
 􀂉 E-learning through on-line instructions has
 important implications for T&D as the
 demand for an educated and empowered
 workforce has become critical in the new
 economy. This web-based training is
 available anytime, anywhere in the world
 and in different languages. Individuals
 involved in e-learning are no longer
 constrained by the need to be in a classroom
 at a specific location and time.
 E-learning readiness assessment should consider:-
 􀂉 What will be the degree of management support?
 􀂉 Whether there are enough potential users to justify the cost?
 􀂉 Whether the target audience can use or learn to use
 computers?
 􀂉 Whether the learners will accept online learning?
 􀂉 Whether the proposed e-learning solutions will provide a
 method of instruction that is easier, faster, cheaper, safer or
 more efficient than the alternative?
 􀂉 How the e-learning technology strategy fits into the overall
 technology strategy for the organization?
A Good T&D Plan Has its
Contributions to:-

 􀂉 Increase productivity and quality of

 work
 􀂉 Increase profits
 􀂉 Reduce staff turnover and
 absenteeism
 􀂉 Improve customer satisfaction
 􀂉 Improve motivation
Five Principles of Learning

 Participation: involve trainees, learn by doing

 Repetition: repeat ideas & concepts to help
people learn
 Relevance: learn better when material is
meaningful and related
 Transference: to real world using simulations
 Feedback: ask for it and adjust training
methods to audience.

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