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Entrepreneurs’ Personality

Characteristics and Traits

 Passion for business
This trait refers to the
eagerness to be involved in
commercial activities.
 Tenacity despite failure
It is a trait exhibited by
entrepreneurs because they are
bound to meet with failures
along the way.
 Confidence
It is a must-have trait for
entrepreneurs who should possess
that belief in themselves and their
capabilities to see this through and
get things done.
 Self-determination
It is the belief that one’s fate or
destiny lies really on one’s self-
his beliefs, efforts and actions.
 Management of risk
Entrepreneurs know how to take
risks but these risks are
calculated risks that are well
thought out and considered.
 Seeing changes as an
The attitude most of the entrepreneurs
is that they welcome change because
it may contain opportunity to open up
a market niche, improve the product
or better way of doing the business.
 Tolerance for ambiguity
When starting a business, many things are still
undefined and evolving. There are no hard and fast
rules and definitions, since these are still being
created and articulated. Entrepreneurs thrive in this
relative vagueness and looseness and enjoy the
challenge of creating the parameters, guidelines and
standards as they move along.
 Initiative and need for
Entrepreneurs usually have a great
need to achieve things and to have
accomplishments. They are highly
motivated to create goals and reach
 Eye for detail
It is knowing the importance of the
little things that can determine the
quality of a product or service,
commitment in a personal business
relationship and other matters.
 Creativity
Entrepreneurs are often been creative
because they are not satisfied with
just copying or doing the same
routine or churning out the same
 Seeing the big picture
Entrepreneurs have an eye
for details but they do not get
lost in the details.
 Having several motivating
Need for achievement
Desire for independence
To gain control over one’s fate
 Build something for the challenge
 Like the challenge
 To live how and where one chooses
 Goal setting
Entrepreneurs usually make
clear goals that are realistic
and achievable.
 Flexibility
Entrepreneurs are usually
flexible in their decision making
and actions, especially in the
early stages of the business.

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