Use of articles-LECT-3

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Use of Articles

Chapter: 1
A, an & the
• The words ‘a’ or ‘an’ and ‘the’ are called articles.
• Placement: before nouns.
• A or An are called the Indefinite Article: a doctor, an engineer,
(means any doctor or any engineer)
A, an & the
• ‘The’ is called the Definite Article, because it normally points
out some particular person or thing; as,
• He saw the doctor; meaning some particular doctor. The
indefinite article is used before singular countable nouns, e.g.
• A book, an orange, a girl
• The definite article is used before singular countable nouns,
plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns, e.g., The
book, the books, the milk

Use of A/An
• The form a is used before a word beginning with a
consonant, or a vowel with a consonant sound:
• a man, a hat, a university, a European, a one-way street, a history
• The form an is used before words beginning with a vowel
(a, e, i, o, u) or words beginning with a mute ‘h’:
• an apple, an island, an uncle, an egg, an onion, an hour
Use of A/An
• or individual letters spoken with a vowel sound:
• an L-plate , an MP, an SOS signal , an 'x‘ file,
• a/an is the same for all genders:
• a man,a woman, an actor, an actress , a table
• In exclamations (Singular): What a pretty day!; such a long queue!
Use of A/An (Cont.)
• Before a singular noun which is countable (i.e. of which there is
more than one) when it is mentioned for the first time and
represents no particular person or thing:
• I need a visa. They live in a flat. He bought an ice-cream.
• Before a singular countable noun which is used as an example
of a class of things:
• A car must be insured = All cars/Any car must be insured.
• A child needs love = All children need/Any child needs love.
Use of A/An (Cont.)
• With a noun complement. This includes names of professions:
• It was an earthquake. She'll be a dancer. He is an actor.
• In certain expressions of quantity: a lot of a couple
• a great many, a dozen (one dozen is also possible), a great deal of
• ‘A’ can be placed before Mr/Mrs/Miss + surname e.g.
• A Mrs. Smith (Means she is a stranger)
Omission of A/An
• Before plural nouns: plural of ‘an egg’ is eggs.
• Before uncountable nouns: a milk (a jug of milk)
• Before names of meals: e.g. we have breakfast at eight (But he gave
us a good breakfast)
• Article is used when it is special meal. e.g. I was invited to dinner
(the normal/ordinary way) I was invited to a dinner to welcome the new
A/An/One (Adjective)
• When counting or measuring time, distance, weight etc. we can
use either a/an or one for the singular: e.g. $ 1 = a/one dollar;
Rs1,000,000 = a/one million rupees
• Please note: 50 meter a second; rent is $100 a week (Ratios)
• A/an and one are not normally interchangeable. Because
one means ‘one only’ while ‘a/an’ may apply to many.
• One shotgun (means only one); a shotgun is not good.
Use of A/An/One (Adjective)
• One boy wanted to read, another/others wanted to watch TV.
• One day he wanted his lunch early, another day he wanted it late
• One can be used before day/week/month/summer/winter etc.
• One night there was a terrible storm.
• One winter the snow fell early.
• One day a telegram arrived.
Use of A/An/One (Pronoun)
• One is the pronoun equivalent of a/an
• Did you get a ticket? ~ Yes, I managed to get one
• The plural of one used in this way is some
• Did you get tickets? ~ Yes, I managed to get some
Use of ‘the’
• The is the same for singular and plural and for all genders: the
boy, the girl, the day, the boys, the girls, the days
• The definite article is used when:
• When the object or group of objects is unique or considered to
be unique: the earth the sea the sky the equator the stars
• Before a noun which has become definite as a result of being
mentioned a second time: His car struck a tree; you can still see the
mark on the tree.
Use of ‘the’
• Before a noun made definite by the addition of a phrase or
clause: the girl in blue; the man with the banner; the boy that I met; the
place where I met him
• Before a noun which by reason of locality can represent only
one particular thing: Ann is in the garden (the garden of this
house); Please pass the juice, (the juice on the table)
• Similarly, the postman (the one who comes to us), the car (our car),
the newspaper (the one we read).
Use of ‘the’
• Before superlatives and first, second etc. used as adjectives or
pronouns, and only: the first (week) the best day the only way
• the + singular noun can represent a class of animals or things.
The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.
• The deep-freeze has made life easier for housewives
• But man, used to represent the human race, has no article
Use of ‘the’

the can be used before a member of a certain group of people:

The small shopkeeper is finding life increasingly difficult
the + singular noun as used above takes a singular verb. The
pronoun is he, she or it
The first-class traveller pays more so he expects some comfort.
Use of ‘the’

•the + adjective represents a class of persons: the old = old

people in general
•the is used before certain proper names of seas, rivers, groups
of islands, chains of mountains, plural names of countries,
deserts, regions:
•Before astrological figures/names
Use of ‘the’
• the Atlantic; the Netherlands; the Philippines; the Indus; the Kabul; the
Sahara; the Crimea, the Alps, the Kirthar Range, the Himalayas.
• Before certain other names: The Sudan, the Hague,
• Before names consisting of noun+ of +noun : the Bay of Bengal;
the Gulf of Mexico; the Cape of Good Hope
• Before names consisting of adjective+ noun : the Arabian Sea; the
New Forest; the High Street
Use of ‘the’
• Before the adjectives east/west etc. +noun: the East/West Indies;
the North/South Pole
• Not used before: South Africa; North America
• Used before east/west: the East (geographical); the East (political);
Similarly the West; the West; the Middle East; the north of Spain.
• Used before adjective + noun or noun + of + noun: the Tower of
London; the National Gallery;
Use of ‘the’
• Use before the names of the choirs, orchestra, pop groups etc.
• The Bach Choir; the Vienna Orchestra; the Beatles.
• Before the newspapers and periodicals:
• Before proper noun used as plural surname: to reflect a the
family: The smiths.
• Before ranks and titles: the president; the duke of York etc.
• Before superlatives: the longest, the bravest of all
Omission of ‘the’
• Before names of places except explained above.
• Before abstract noun: men are afraid of death.
• The death of the prime Minister was a great loss for the country.
• After the possessive case: The boy’s uncle = the uncle of the boy
• Before names of games: he plays golf
Omission of ‘the’
• Omission of the before home, before church, hospital,
prison, school etc. and before work, sea and town
• Omission of the before bed, church, court, hospital, prison,
school /college /university
• work and office
Complete the following sentences by filling in a or
an or the as may be suitable:-
• Copper is --- useful metal.
• He is not --- honorable man.
• --- able man has not always a distinguished look.
• --- reindeer is a native of Norway.
• Honest men speak --- truth.
• Rustum is ---.
• Do you see --- blue sky.
Complete the following sentences by filling in a or
an or the as may be suitable:-
• Makkah is --- holy city.
• Aladdin had --- wonderful lamp.
• The world is --- happy place.
• He returned after --- hour.
• --- school will shortly close for the Eid holidays.
• --- sun shines brightly.
• I first met him --- year ago.
Complete the following sentences by filling in a or
an or the as may be suitable:-
• Yesterday --- European called at my office.
• Sanskrit is --- difficult language.
• --- Ganga is --- sacred river for --- Hindus.
• --- lion is --- king of beasts.
• You are --- fool to say that.
• French is --- easy language.
• Who is --- girl sitting there?
Complete the following sentences by filling in a or
an or the as may be suitable:-
• Which is --- longest river in Pakistan?
• Ram has come without --- umbrella.
• Mumbai is --- very dear place to live in.
• She is --- untidy girl.
• The children found --- egg in the nest.
• I bought horse, ox, and --- buffalo.
• If you see him, give him --- message.
Complete the following sentences by filling in a or
an or the as may be suitable:-
• English is language of --- people of England.
• The guide knows --- way.
• Sri Lanka is --- island.
• Let us discuss --- matter seriously.
• John got --- best present.
• Man, thou art --- animal.
• He looks as stupid as --- owl.
• He is --- honour to this profession.
Insert Articles where necessary:-
• While there is life there is hope.
• Her knowledge of medicine had been acquired under aged Jewess.
• Sun rises in east.
• The brave soldier lost arm in battle.
• The doctor says it is hopeless case. .
• I like to live in open air.
• Get pound of sugar from nearest grocer.
Insert Articles where necessary:-
• Set back clock; it is hour too fast.
• The poor woman has no rupee.
• You must take care.
• Eskimos make houses of snow.
• Where did you buy umbrella?
• Have you never seen elephant?
• Draw map of Pakistan.
• Do not look gift horse in mouth.
Insert Articles where necessary:-
• Have you told him about accident?
• Tagore was great poet.
• How blue sky looks!
• Who wishes to take walk with me?
• What beautiful scene this is!
• The musician was old Mussalman.
• The river was spanned by iron bridge.
• Moon did not rise till after ten.
Insert Articles where necessary:-
• They never fail who die in great cause.
• There is nothing like staying at home for comfort.
• He likes to picture himself as original thinker.
• It is never thankful office to offer advice.
• Umbrella is of no avail against thunderstorm.
• I have not seen him since he was child.
• For Brutus is honourable man.
• Neil Armstrong was first man to walk on moon.
Insert Articles where necessary:-
• It is a strange thing how little, in general, people know about sky.
• Scheme failed for want of support.
• Tiger, animal equal to lion in size, is native of Asia.
• Time makes worst enemies friends.
• My favourite flower is rose.
• Time we live ought not to be computed by number of years, but by use that has
been made of them.
• Faisalabad is largest cotton textile centre in country.
• Only best quality is sold by us.
Insert Articles where necessary:-
• What kind of bird is that ?
• Wild animals suffer when kept in captivity.
• May we have pleasure of your company?
• It was proudest moment of my life.
• Andamans are group of islands in Bay of Bengal.
• He started school when he was six years old.
• He neglects attending church, though church is only few yards from his house.
• March is third month of year.
• Dr. Arnold was headmaster of Rugby.
• Man cannot live by bread alone.
• When will father be back?
• Appenines are in Italy.

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