14 Oozie

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Diploma in Big Data

and Analytics

In this session, you will learn about:

• Overview
• What is Oozie?
• Features of Oozie
• Oozie architecture
• Workflows
• Coordinators
• Submitting Monitoring and Managing
Oozie Jobs.

Private and Confidential 2


• Collection of Actions arranged in a DAG

• Control dependency from one action to the other

• Definitions are written in hPDL

• Written to workflow.xml file

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What is Oozie ?

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Features of Oozie (1/2)

• Oozie is a server based Workflow Engine specialized in running workflow jobs

with actions that run Hadoop Map/Reduce and Pig jobs.

• Oozie is a Java Web-Application that runs in a Java servlet-container.

• For the purposes of Oozie, a workflow is a collection of actions (i.e. Hadoop

Map/Reduce jobs, Pig jobs) arranged in a control dependency DAG (Direct Acyclic
Graph). "control dependency" from one action to another means that the second
action can't run until the first action has completed.

• Oozie allows a user to create Directed Acyclic Graphs of workflows and these can
be ran in parallel and sequen)al in Hadoop

• Oozie can also run plain java classes, Pig workflows, and interact with the HDFS –
Nice if you need to delete or move files before a job runs

Private and Confidential 5

Features of Oozie (2/2)

• Oozie can run job’s sequentially (one after the other) and in parallel
(multiple at a time)

• Java Client API / Command Line Interface – Launch, control, and monitor
jobs from your Java Apps

• Web Service API – You can control jobs from anywhere

• Run Periodic jobs – Have jobs that you need to run every hour, day, week?
Have Oozie run the jobs for you

• Receive an email when a job is complete

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Why use Oozie ?

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Oozie Architecture

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Oozie Architecture

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Oozie Workflow

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Workflow Engine

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How do you make a Workflow

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How do you make a Workflow

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Oozie Start, End and Error Nodes

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Oozie Action Node

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Oozie Map Reduce Node

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Oozie Java Job Tag

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Oozie File System Tag

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Oozie Sub Workflow Tag

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Oozie Fork/Join Nodes

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Oozie Decision Nodes

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Oozie Parameterization

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Oozie Parameterization Example

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Re-Running a Failed Job

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Example - Workflow

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Oozie Coordinator – Coordinator Job

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Oozie Coordintor – coordinator. properties

• Contains control flow nodes & action nodes

• Control Flow Nodes:

• Defines beginning and ending of a workflow
• Control the execution path

• Action Nodes:
• A variety of actions are supported

• Workflow can be parameterized

• You can use the variables ${variable_name}

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Oozie Coordintor – coordinator. properties

• Directs Oozie to the location of the coordinator job.

• Assigns values to variables referenced in both coordinator.xml as well


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Submitting an Oozie Job – Step by Step


Create a directory in the Goto OozieWFonLocal Double click on
hduser’s home directory directory à Right Click à workflow.xml & select
(means you are creating a Create a document à
“Display” à write the
directory on your local Select “Empty File” à
machine), name it as Rename it as below code into
OozieWFonLocal “workflow.xml” workflow.xml

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Submitting an Oozie Job – Step by Step

<workflow-app name="oozieWF" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">

<start to="wordcount"/>
<action name="wordcount">
<delete path="${PREFIX}/${wf:user()}/myoutput"/>

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Submitting an Oozie Job – Step by Step

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Submitting an Oozie Job – Step by Step
<value>/user/${wf:user()}/OozieWFonHDFS/GutenbergDocs </value>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="fail"/>

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Submitting an Oozie Job – Step by Step

<kill name="fail">
<message>Bummer, error message[${wf:errorMessage()}]
<end name="end"/>

Step 4: Create a directory at /home/hduser/OozieWFonLocal & name it as

lib à Copy the “WordCount.jar” file into lib directory

Step 5: Copy the “GutenbergDocs” directory to


Private and Confidential 34

Submitting an Oozie Job – Step by Step

Step 6: Create one more Empty File in

/home/hduser/OozieWFonLocal & name it as job.properties

Step 7: Copy the below code into job.properties file #JobTracker and
#prefix of the HDFS path for input and output, adapt!
#HDFS path where you need to copy workflow.xml and lib/*.jar to
#one of the values from Hadoop mapred.queue.names

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Submitting an Oozie Job – Step by Step

Step 8: Now, create a directory on HDFS at /user/hduser as

OozieWFonHDFS à upload the OozieWFonLocal to OozieonHDFS hadoop
fs -mkdir /user/hduser/OozieonHDFS hadoop fs -put
/home/hduser/OozieonLocal/* /user/hduser/OozieonHDFS

Step 9: Next, invoke the Oozie workflow as follows:

cd $OOZIE_HOME/oozie/bin
export OOZIE_URL=http://localhost:11000/oozie
./oozie job -run -config /home/hduser/OozieWFonLocal/job.properties

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• Oozie is a WorkFlow scheduler for Hadoop

• Oozie manages and integrates multiple Hadoop Jobs

• It has two main components, WorkFlow and Coordinator

• Oozie Workflow jobs are Directed Acyclical Graphs (DAGs) of actions

• Oozie Coordinator jobs are recurrent Oozie Workflow jobs triggered

by time (frequency) and data availabilty.

Private and Confidential 37

Thank you
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