FINAL Summarizing and Paraphrasing2

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 identify the steps in summarizing and paraphrasing

 differentiate between summarizing and paraphrasing
 recognize the importance of skills in synthesizing
 summarize and paraphrase information from various
Activity # 1 Restate the given text.
Original Text (45 words)

Traditionally, in oral and written discourses, the

masculine pronoun ‘he’ was used as a pronoun to
refer to a person whose gender was unknown or
irrelevant to the context. Recently, this usage has
come under criticism for supporting gender-based
stereotypes and is increasingly considered
(Smith, 2010, p.24)
Answer the following
1. What information is presented in the text?

2. How did you restate the given text?

3. What steps did you employ to restate the

Original Text (45 words) Paraphrased Text (56 words)

If the gender of a person was

Traditionally, in oral and not known or was unimportant
written discourses, the to the meaning of oral or
masculine pronoun ‘he’ was written texts, it was customary
used as a pronoun to refer to to use the masculine form of
a person whose gender was ‘he’ when a pronoun was
unknown or irrelevant to the required; however, there has
context. Recently, this usage been growing concern about
has come under criticism for this practice in modern usage
supporting gender-based because it appears to
stereotypes and is increasingly privilege stereotypes based on
considered inappropriate. gender.
(Smith, 2010, p.24) (Smith, 2010, p.24)
It is reading over a text and interpreting it in one’s own
words without changing the meaning of the original text.

This excludes copying of text in any form .

It is like grabbing the idea about a topic from another’s
writer’s work then transforming it into your own method
of thoughts.

Paraphrased material is almost equal to or slightly shorter

or longer in comparison to the original material.
Paraphrasing is used:

When another writer’s work has to be

When quotes are not used in text
When the ideas have a greater
relevance than the style of writing
When you simplify the work of another
1. Readthe text carefully. Underline,
or note, any important subject-
specific words.

2. Look up any difficult words, and

try to find synonyms for them.
3. Try to find different ways of
expressing the information.

4. Rewrite each sentence. Try to

simplify the sentence structure and
the vocabulary without changing
the meaning.

5. Revise what you have written, comparing

it to the original. Your paraphrase should
clarify the original, but be written clearly in
your own words.

6. Do not forget to use an in-text reference

at the start or end of your paraphrase.
Paraphrasing techniques:
Change from quoted speech to indirect
speech (or vice versa)
Change from active voice to passive voice
(or vice versa)
Change to synonyms
Change word forms
Let’s Practice!
(Individual Activity)
Paraphrase the sentence.

Original sentence:
1. My mother gave me a tongue lashing when
she found out I lost the camera.

Sample Paraphrased sentence:

1. My mother scolded severely when
she learned that I lost the camera.
Paraphrase the sentence. (Individual)

Original Sentence:
2. Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay and
they can consume 75 pounds of food a day.

Sample Paraphrased Sentence:

2. A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of
Acacia leaves and hay everyday.
Paraphrase the sentence. (Individual)

Original Sentence:
3. David was the only child in the family and
he had lots of toys.

Sample Paraphrased Sentence:

3. As the only child in the family, David
had many toys.
Example of paraphrasing paragraphs

Original passage:
David was a good swimmer. He could swim
faster than any of us. His strokes were good.
He had learned them in a summer camp in
Laguna. He had a good teacher he said.
Imagine formal lesson in swimming! No
wonder David was good.
Example of paraphrasing paragraphs

Paraphrased passage:
David, with his skillful strokes, was a good
swimmer for he could swim than any of
them. He said that he learned the skills
from teacher when he had a summer
camp and had formal lessons in
swimming .
Example of paraphrasing paragraphs
Original passage:
David’s mother was very kind-very much like our own
mothers. We thought Pampango mothers must be
different. But she was not. She was very fond of David.
She said she was glad he had found new playmates.
She wanted David to be happy. She thanked us for
being nice to him. And we felt rather guilty of the way
we had treated David at the beginning of the school
Example of paraphrasing paragraphs
Original passage:

Then it turned that David had been to many place.

Because of his father’s job, the family had to move
about. David had lived in Bacolod, Zambonga, Aparri
and many other places. We had only read about in our
geography books. Goodness! We had thought that
those names only stood for little marks on the map.
Now we learned that they were towns with houses, and
people, and trees and schools and churches.
Paraphrasing a poem.

I was angry with a friend

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

William Blake,
from “A Poison Tree”
Paraphrased Stanza

The speaker in the poem was upset with a

friend. Telling the friend about the problem
made the anger go away. When the speaker
was angry with an enemy and kept his feeling
inside he became angrier.
Paraphrase a stanza from the poem “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe


My friends are my best buddies,

They never desert me nor despise me
They help me through difficulties
And shape my personality
To be the best I can be
Paraphrase a stanza from the poem “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe

Paraphrased Stanza:
The speaker in the poem considers his or her
friends as his/her best companions. His/her
friends neither leave him or her nor hate
They help him/her to solve his/her problems
and influence him/her to develop his/her
character to be the best.
 The MEANING is the same.
 Most of the words have been changed.
 The sentences have been significantly restructured.
 This is about the same length as the original writing
 The information is correctly referenced.

Teaching and Learning Support (TaLS) – Fact Sheets

Insights Checkpoint
Original text (103 words) Acceptable Summary
“For most people, writing is an extremely (31 words)
difficult task if they are trying to grapple in
their language with new ideas and new Inexperienced and
ways of looking at them. Sitting down to even skilled writers can
write can be an agonizing experience, feel a great deal of
which doesn't necessarily get easier with the
passage of time and the accumulation of anguish when faced
experience. For this reason you need to with writing tasks;
reflect upon and analyze your own however, this response
reactions to the task of writing. That is to say,
the task will become more manageable if can be managed by
you learn how to cope with your own recognizing and
particular ways avoiding putting off the coping with personal
moment when you must put pen to paper”
(Taylor 1989, p. 3). avoidance strategies
(Taylor, 1989, p. 3).
It is a tool in writing which is used when you
need the main idea of the text
It is a condensed form of written text in your
own words with only the highlights of the text
A summary is much shorter than the original
Only the main idea of the basic information
is included
Summarizing is used:
When only the main ideas of the writer
are to be identified
When only an overview of the whole
work is required
When simplification is required
When only the highlights of the work
have to be mentioned
Techniques in summarizing:

 Selection – it is essential to select major idea, key words

and phrases, special terms and interpretations presented
in the original source
 Rejection – it is a process of removing unnecessary data,
try to reject repetitions; examples, illustrations,
anecdotes, redundant expressions, tables and statistical
 Substitution – basically it includes synthesis. It is mode of
combining several sentences into one sentence. It is
recommended to use sentence substitutions, short
sentence to replace lengthy ones.
Tips – How to summarize any given
 Be careful to select the theme of passage or reading material
 Do not reproduce sentences from original text
 Do not provide scope for ambiguity
 Include all major ideas
 Be objective with summary in third person
 Do not include any redundant data
 Never introduce your own idea
 Do not criticize or change the original source
Limityour summary, it must
not be more than 1/3 the
length of the original passage
Prefer short, simple and self
dependent sentence
Avoid needless repetitions
Logical link each section
When should you paraphrase
when should you summarize?
Paraphrase when:
You want to use another writer’s words
without plagiarizing
You want to use another writer’s words
without the use of quotes
The ideas of the other writer are more
important than his/her style
You think that the words of the other
writer are too difficult for your readers
Summarize when:
You want to identify only the main ideas of the
You want to give an overview of the topic
(from several sources)
You want to simplify a complex argument
You want to condense the matter to suit your
Whether paraphrasing or summarizing, it is very
important to always cite the original work in order
to give credit to the source.
Difference Between Paraphrasing and

Paraphrasing and summarizing are essential

techniques for an effective and efficient essay.

Both paraphrasing and summarizing are allowed

and accepted till due credit is given to the original
source and only till the work is not copied and is
free from any kind of plagiarism.

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